The Sound.

Chapter Five

The next day I joined the work force at the Mystic Falls Hospital and it was very dull. I did learn a lot from the many people I talked to in the hospital. It seems quite a few people have been killed in animal attacks but they said they had caught the animal and that is was a mountain lion that had been attacking people. Also that they was going to be a Halloween party at the school.
In the middle of my shift I was asked if I could work at the blood donation room and I accepted since I was used to working there in the other hospitals. When I arrived there were only a few people there.
“Oh you must be Lily. I'm James. Listen could you take the cart and store the blood packs. Thanks”
“Of course it's on the second floor right?” I asked walking further into the room and grabbing the cart.
“Yes, that's right.”
I took the cart and started to push the cart out and into the hallway. As I was walking down the hall toward the elevators I kept starring at the blood packs and watching as the blood would move back and forth in the bags. To think that some people drink this. Disgusting.
As the day drew one and finally my shift was over and I was free to go home to my nice apartment and rest up for tonight’s party. I had heard about one girl who was in the hospital right before I came who had been a survivor of an animal attack and was let out and now she was reported missing. When the sun started to go down I started to get ready to go to the party. Since I'm not one to dress up I just threw on a white tank, a black hoodie, red shorts and regular black converse. I threw my hair in a pony tail and walked out and headed to the Grill.
When I got there I sat down and ordered a drink. Once I got it I noticed Damon walked into the Grill and sat in a booth in front of another where a woman dressed as a Flapper girl talking to, I'm guessing, her husband and looked to be in a quiet argument. Once the man had left Damon quickly took his place and began talking with the woman. When the bartender came closer I asked for another and I took my drink and moved closer to the booth holding Damon and the Flapper girl. The table I moved to allowed me to hear more of there conversation and it mainly consisted of talking about someone related to Damon named Zach. It was all very dull until Damon brought up verbena. The herb that hurts vampires and keeps them out of your mind and stops their compulsion powers. Then Damon ordered another round and their conversation continued which mainly consisted of Damon putting on the moves on this Flapper. By the time they seemed like they were ready to leave for the party I was on my fourth drink and I felt like I could fall asleep at any minute. Damon let the Flapper leave first because when he moved to get up I stood up and blocked his path.
“Hello Damon. Remember me? Though I doubt you remember all the people you've killed, or tried to.” I said smiling at him holding my drink.
I noticed the look in Damon’s eyes change but then smiled and looked over toward the Flapper and kindly told her to go on with out him. The look of disappointment was visible but she agreed and left the grill. He motioned for me to sit across from him and I obliged.
“So, who are you.” Damon asks not looking amused.
I laughed and leaned forward toward him and said “Oh you don't remember how sad. I figured you would remember me since I was the blind girl that you gave vision to.”
I could see the wheels turning in his mind and then his face dropped and I knew he recalled the night he tried to kill me.
“Yeah I know, I bet you thought you killed me that night. Too bad for you and tons of other people that I've killed because of you. You see I have this special talent..” I trailed off as I placed my hand onto his hands that were clasped together on the table.
I started to pull his energy out of him. Fast. I enough to wear it would effect him and then stopped. I saw his shoulders drop and he tried hard to show it didn't effect him but I knew it did.
He looked up at me and grabbed onto my wrist very tightly and pulled me closer to him and spoke “Nothing is stopping me from killing you right here and now. What are you.”
“Just some not-so-blind-girl that you helped one time five years ago at a party.” I stated but quickly added, “And the reason why you are not going to kill me is because I am not here to kill you. I'm here to help you.”