Status: finished!

Along the Horizon.


This is the first time being in the new house alone. I never noticed how quiet it got. There wasn't the the sound of my mom walking up and down the hallways or taking a business call. Brady's toys weren't going. It was just still, taciturn, eerie almost.

I wandered mindlessly through the vacant house. Going from room to room and ending up in Brady's. Everything is perfectly labeled and in it's rightful place. His closet was organized much like Rachel's. I wonder if she had a form of OCD. Probably, everything had to be just perfect for her.

I sat on his bed, something that I normally wasn't able to do. Brady would have a cow if he walked in at this moment and saw me toying with his stuff. The thought made me laugh. Oh Brady, I wouldn't have you any other way.

I can't even remember the time before knowing that Brady is Autistic. I know that my mom was in denial for almost a year, but my dad knew right away. I think he sensed it, that Brady was special. That he had needs. Brady being Autistic is something that my dad and himself almost bonded over. They developed their own little language, that only they understood. Mostly consisting of facial expressions, or eye twitches. My dad just knew, everything that Brady was saying without Brady saying a word. My dad forgot to leave the key to the world that they created, leaving my mom and I lost, but Brady completely out of him element and no one to talk to.

"Knock knock," I looked up to Logan smiling sadly leaning against the door frame. "I knocked on the front door, it was unlocked. I hope it's okay."

"It fine. Your back early," I scoot over on the bed making room for him to sit.

Logan takes a seat next to me, grabbing my hand with his. "Yeah, my mom was asleep. The officer just had a few questions and I for him."

"What's going to happen?"

"She's is going to jail if she doesn't agree to go to rehab. But she'll pick jail over rehab any day. It's way easier to get drugs."

"And Tom?"

"I hope to god that fucker doesn't get out anytime soon, or I will kill him."

I don't look at Logan. Instead I look down at our interlocked fingers sitting on my lap. Logan senses that I am uncomfortable.

"So why are you in here?" He changes the conversation.

"I don't know. The house is really quiet when no one is home, I just ended up in here."

"What were you thinking about?"


"You were so deep in thought in I came in, you didn't even hear me call for you. Were you thinking about your dad?"

"That obvious?"

"Did him and Brady get along?"

"If you told him that the world revolved around the Sun he would have told you differently. It revolved around Brady. Sometimes me, but always Brady. It was all Batman and Robin with them two. When my dad died, Brady didn't just loose a father. He lost his connection to people."

"What would him and your dad do together?"

"They'd go to the beach late at night and watch the sun set. Then stay out all night looking up at the stars with the telescope my dad got him for his birthday. It was my dad that got him to be a solar system enthusiast."

Logan smiled, "Want to start making dinner?"

"Are you going to help?"

"By help do you mean watching my beautiful wench make her famished boyfriend something fulfilling to eat? Then yes."


"Yes wench, now get off your ass and make me some food," Logan grinned pulling me off the bed through the hallway and down the stairs.

Dropping my hand he heads to the fridge and opens both doors, bending slightly to get a better look at the lower racks.

"I thought you weren't helping."

"Are you kidding? I love cooking, and I have wet dreams about this kitchen. I'm in control," he says, not bothering to look at me but instead he pulls out random ingredients.

"What do you want me to do?"

"You can be my beautiful sous chef, that distracts the master chef with many kisses," Logan walks in a amble stroll towards me after placing a few more items on the counter. I knew what he was doing. Logan was trying to distract me from depressing thoughts of my father, it was working.

I push my body against his and kiss him slowly. Loosing myself in the moment, forgetting about time and all things bad. My dad, his mom, Tom, death, drugs and jail. Everything melted the moment our lips touched.

"Little kid in the room, PDA not welcome," my mom says behind us, covering Brady's eyes. My face flushes bright red. Logan seems calm.

"Hey Brady. How did the doctor's go?" Logan asked but his question went unanswered. "Want to help me with dinner? You can be the very important sous chef."

"Hey that's my job," I pretend to pout.

"Sorry babe, you're been fired. Brady is much more qualified and you were only hired for good looks. What do you say B-man?" A hush came over the room. Brady looked up, studying Logan's face.

"What?" Logan asked confused.

"Dad used to call him that. How are you so good at guessing nicknames?" I tell him.

"Oh sorry Brady. Do you mind if I call you that?"

"No," Brady's voice was small but it took over the whole room.

"Well then B-man. Let's start cooking. Want to push this chair up to the sink so we can wash our hands?"

My mom and I watched for a moment while Brady and Logan lost themselves in the kitchen. My mom excused herself to go shower, but I knew that she was going to cry. I decided to stay, drinking in the sight of my brother being happy along side with my boyfriend.
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh dang, another chapter. I want to include Brady in the story more. I love this little fictional kid.

anyways, I love when everyone comments. It makes me keep writing. So thank you everyone who likes my story. <333
