Status: Active

Where Have You Been?

Growing up I never thought I’d be in the position I’m in today. I never pictured sex, drugs and alcohol to play such a heavy part in my life. It’s who I am and who I’ll always be. Growing up every child thinks they’re not going to fall in the traps of peer pressure; they’re never going to smoke, drink or do drugs. It’s to a point where I’m the only person to blame. I’ve been four years past peer pressure that I’m to the point of just wanting to escape this twisted life I’ve created. My mind never seems to stop; a million thoughts pass me by every second. A million blurry memories seep through and make me ashamed of how foolish I’ve been. How much I’ve fucked up already in these past (almost) seventeen years. I pass by mirrors and barely see the old me, all I see is tired eyes and a frown etched across my pale face. I constantly seem to be changing more and more every day.

This is the story of how my life started to fall apart.
  1. All my life
    Chapter One.