Sequel: Comes the Light
Status: Complete. Thank you all for commenting, recommending, and subscribing! ^_^

From the Darkness

Chapter Nine

I stood where I found that man. The building was old, dilapidated. Pieces were falling at the corners and the columns were barely holding the roof—what was left of it—up. Every breath that exited my lips brought another piece down.

Something was wrong. This building shouldn't be like this. Not this soon.

I remembered something more solid. Newer. This was not that. But I could feel the same power. It was the same place, just older. Someone destroyed this place. Someone powerful.

I stood there a bit longer before walking in to what would be the front entrance if it hadn't crumbled into debris. The power seeped off of the wood and stone in tendrils. It swirled and curled upwards before disappearing. I watched the tendrils for a moment before looking beyond. I didn't recognize the power, but the result was devastating. If one god or goddess had this power, I couldn't imagine would happen if it was unleashed upon the world. Especially when it destroyed this home into barely anything recognizable.

Sighing heavily, I walked on, picking my path carefully. I paused. I could sense the magic. The magic that held me. It was drawn on the floor. Ash, planks of wood, and pieces of stone were covering the mark. It was as if someone was trying to hide it. Moving the debris from the circle, I looked at the intricately drawn seal. It had magic marks at every point of the eight pointed star.


I could do something with that. Holding my hand out, I closed my eyes. Power. Magic. I could sense and feel it beneath my hand. Slowly curling my fingers in, I pulled. The magic came up as if through a funnel. It twisted in my grasp, trying to wiggle away, but I held firm. This magic would not escape me. I was in control.

Sluggishly, it relented. It spiraled up and into my hand. Soaking up the pure energy that was magic, I breathed. I opened my eyes, staring straight ahead. In my peripheral vision, I could see something. Something that wasn't suppose to be there. It was like black fire—darker than black—sprang up at the corner of my eyes. It was on either side. This shouldn't happen.

Closing my eyes, I took a breath, swallowing the magic down and into me. Painstakingly slow, the magic was absorbed into my own. It was now mine. Mine to use and wield as my own.

Opening my eyes, I stared at the fallen wall before me. It overlooked a valley that was heading towards spring. Persephone should be heading back up soon.

The blossoms were starting to grow and everything seemed to be entering their green stage of life. But I did not have time to admire the scenery any more. I had things to do and figure out. But I now had a very important clue. The house.

And one more; the magic.

The magic felt familiar. Like I had seen it before. Or had felt it being used. I just didn't know who used it. Not many people could use magic. Not powerful enough magic to nearly destroy this house. This was powerful. And that power would lead me to who was that man, if it was really him. He could have been just a messenger.

That night, I didn't remember him having magic himself. To release me, he just smudged the circle. And that doesn't take any magic to do. I had no proof he had magic nor did I have proof that he didn't have magic. At least not yet.

I walked from the house, having everything I could from it. Now I just needed to find the man. I needed to know who he was and who he worked for.

I knew there were others that had magic. Circe. And her niece, Medea. Circe was a low-level goddess. She rose to the rank rather than being granted it. Zeus has acknowledge her as a goddess, one of magic, but only with my blessing.

Medea was a woman. A human that practiced magic. She was a part of one of my cults. She offered me many things, for her magic. But as time wore on, the offerings became less and less. She didn't offer me things as often. She started to believe it was her own power that created the magic, not my grace, my blessing.

But those two couldn't be working alone. Circe had nothing against me. Medea was more egotistical and vengeful, not stupid.

“I need more,” I mumbled. I looked around, gazing up towards the sky. I wasn't all-knowing. Nor could I see everything. I needed someone that could see everything. Know a great many things.

I believe I needed Helios once again. He may be able to give me answers.

And just as that thought entered my mind, the sun god appeared before me. “You wish to ask me something.” It didn't even surprise me that he was there. He always knew when one asked for him.

“Yes.” He waited. I knew I had to continue on, for he would wait until I did. “I wish to know if you know what happened to this house. Whom that man was.” Helios closed his eyes. It was always a bit disconcerting to see a god close his eyes and go very still. It was almost like he would disappear.

He opened his eyes and gazed at me. “You already know the answers to your questions.” I really did not like that answer. I really didn't.
♠ ♠ ♠
EDIT: I added some more to this chapter, now finding something that could work there. ^_^ I hope it doesn't mess up too many things later on. I'm working on them as well.
I am so sorry about not updating this for a very long time. Life got in the way and I sort of lost my motivation to write this.

Anyway, I know this is short, but I couldn't drag this out just to fit my perfectionist need to be a certain length. It would just make this chapter very, very boring or dry.

But not to worry (too much at least), I am working on the next chapter and it will be longer. :)

I hope, even though this is such a short chapter, you have enjoyed it.

Please comment, recommend, subscribe, and/or suggest. I would appreciate just about anything you can give me. ^_^

Or if you don't want to do any of those, just read and enjoy. I don't mind.

So thank you for waiting. And thank you so much for reading.

Oh! If you see any mistakes, please point them out to me. It's hard to catch them all by myself. =)


Guide to the Greek Pantheon in this story.