I am Happy Now


After a while of walking, I finally came to a stop outside of my next venue: a small coffee shop. I sat my guitar case on top of the table and opened it, carefully removing my precious guitar from its home. Pulling the strap over my shoulder, I situated the guitar in my arms and strummed it gently. After tuning it the way I wanted it I placed a capo on the second fret and began strumming a sweet, gentle melody. A few passerbys gave me a curious look which I returned with a smile. Soon, I added vocals to the melody that emitted from my guitar. People began to stop and stare.

I didn't pay much attention as people began dropping money into my open guitar case; I was too absorbed in the music. My fingers moved gracefully along the neck of the guitar as I strummed, my eyes closed as I let the music take control. Once the song was nearing the end I opened my eyes to see a small crowd gathered around. A small smile spread across my lips as I continued singing and strumming. I let my fingers slide across the strings one last time before ending the song. The crowd that was gathered around applaude and I thanked them. I played a couple more songs before calling it a day. I thanked the crowd again before gathering the money and placing my guitar back in the case. Picking up the case, I went into the small coffee shop and ordered a cinnamon dulce latté. I sat my guitar case down and stared out of the window.

I watch the cars speed by, the mothers and their small children walking down the sidewalk-the mothers trying to keep their excited or exhausted kids under control, young and old couples walk by hand in hand. I watch the joggers run by with ear phones in their ears, and a group of friends laughing and joking about. I take a sip of my latté and look down at my guitar case. My guitar was my best friend. It was pretty much the only thing I had. I didn't play for small crowds of strangers for the money. I liked seeing the smiles on their faces as I played my guitar and sung. I loved the fact that I put the smiles on their faces. But I needed the money. Just like everyone else I needed money to survive.

Finishing up my latté, I grabbed my guitar case, left a tip in the tip jar, and exited the coffee shop. I made my way down the sidewalk blending in with the rest of the people occupying the sidewalk. I walked with one hand in my pocket and the other clutching onto the handle of my guitar case, flashing a smile to whomever I passed that looked my way. Some of who would genuinely return it, some awkwardly returned it, and some would grimace and look away, but my smile never faultered. I even greeted some with a simple hello, and some would reply, some looked at me like I was speaking some foreign language, and some would just ignore me. I never let those negative responses get to me though. I just keep on smiling and going on my way.

When I made it back to the motel I'd be staying the night in, I sat my guitar case down and put the money that I made today in my backpack. I made my way into the bathroom, turned the shower on, and stripped out of my clothes. I stepped under the water and allowed the hot water to consume me. After standing under the water for a while, lost in my thoughts, I washed off and stepped out of the shower. After drying off I put on some boxers and basketball shorts before stepping back into the room. I grabbed my guitar case and pulled my guitar out and sat on the bed cross-legged. I softly strummed the guitar producing a quiet melody as I did so. I thought about tomorrow and how I'd check out of this room, and go to a new city playing music for a different group of strangers and placing a smile on their faces, well, most of their faces. A small smile formed on my lips as I thought about it. After a few minutes of playing my guitar I put it back in its case, so I could get rest for tomorrow's journey.

This was the life I lived.
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Gah! Sorry it took me forever to post this...and its short.

Anyways, I am really excited to co-write with one of my favorite mibba authors! And thank you to the readers/subscribers/commenters and thanks for the recomendations. Hopefully I don't screw this up...