Please Tell Me What We Have Is Real

.:Chapter 33:.

"Okay so what's the big news Johnny was telling me about?" Jimmy asked the next day.

The six (including Val) of us were sitting at the pier in a circle, smoking cigarettes (except Zacky, who sat a little farther away).

"You guys aren't going to believe it," I said, running a hand through my hand.
"I'm having a baby," Zacky told them, squeezing my hand.
"Are you serious?" Matt said, obviously thinking this is all a joke.
"Dead serious," I stated.
"Zack, this is incredible. Congrats," Val said happily.
"How the fuck does this happen though?" Jimmy asked, confused.
"Well I was born with a female reproductive system but I have a guy part. The whole theory is still confusing to me too," Zacky explained.
"Well fuck, I'm happy for you guys," Matt said, patting my shoulder.
"Happy?! I'm going to be a fucking uncle!!!" Jimmy jumped up, pulling Zack and I into tight hugs.
"Easy Jim, I don't want it popping out now," I joked.

This made all of us laugh. Val "stole" Zack from me and started whispering to him and I watched as he whispered back. I didn't get to watch for long, Val caught me and shooed me off.

I turned my attention back over to the rest, which Jimmy had Johnny dangling over the pier; holding Johnny by the waist. He kept joking, saying he would drop him if he squirmed.

"Jim, put me down!" Johnny cried, Jimmy laughed pulling Johnny into a kiss.
"Babe, you know I would never drop you."

There was a pull on the back of my shirt, making me turn around. Zack stood there and motioned for me to follow him. I nodded and we walked down the street.

"What's up?" I asked, lighting up a Marlboro. Zack didn't answer me, instead he gave me an angry glare and ripped the cigarette out of my hands.
"What the fuck?" I stated.
"You can't smoke around me Brian, it could harm our baby!" He screeched, throwing it on the ground.
"Babe, calm down. I didn't know," I said, trying to calm him down.
"You're right, sorry," He ran a hand through his hair.
"It's fine," I said.

We walked for a while until we reached a coffee shop.

"Do you want to stop here?" I asked, he nodded.

The two of us walked to the counter. A blonde haired girl with blue -green eyes stood behind it.

"Hello, what can I get for you boys?" She asked, licking over her lips.
"Can I have a hot chocolate with whipped cream," Zacky said and looked over at me.
"I'll take an iced caramel macchiato," I said.
"Anything else?" She asked, I said no.
"5.67," She said.

I handed her the cash and she handed me the receipt. In the corner her number was scribbled. I looked at her and she winked. I glared and kiss Zacky and when I looked up she was gone.

"Bitch," He muttered, I nodded.

We grabbed our drinks and headed back to the pier. When we arrived Johnny stood at the end, dripping wet and Jimmy was saying something to him. As we walked closer, I heard what he was saying.

"I told you I didn't mean it!" Jimmy pleaded. I wanted to walk closer, but Zacky grabbed my arm and put his finger to his lips.

"Bullshit, you lied to me!" Johnny said, arms crossed over his chest. I'm guessing Jimmy dropped him.
"I didn't lie to you, it was an accident, babe," Jimmy explained.
"Yeah keep telling me that," Tears trickled down Johnny's cheek.

Jimmy put his hand on Johnny's chin, lifting it up and placed a kiss on his lips.

"I'm really sorry, Johnny. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. I love you so much."
"I love you too. Sorry for overreacting," Johnny said and kissed him back.

Zacky and I decided it was best to leave when they started to do a little more than innocent kissing. So we headed back home.