Please Tell Me What We Have Is Real

.:Chapter 44:.

~Weeks Later~

Johnny's been sick lately and I have no clue what's wrong with him. He's been throwing up a lot and I'm getting pretty scared. Today I'm taking him to the hospital with Zacky to see what's wrong. I walked into our room and kissed his cheek.

"Johnny? It's time to get up, babe," I said.
"Okay.." A hoarse voice said.

He got out of bed and pulled on some clothes; not even bothering to fix his hair. I walked downstairs holding his hand, my mom sitting on the couch.

"Mom, can I borrow the car to take Johnny to the hospital?" I asked her.
"Of course you can! They're on the counter, call me when you're on your way back," She said.
"Okay," I went into the kitchen and grabbed the keys before walking out the door with Johnny.

I drove to Zacky's, the window down slightly so Johnny can have some air. I beeped when I was in front of Zacky's and he walked out. Zacky climbed in the backseat, saying hello to the both of us. I drove to the hospital and parked in the spot closest to the entrance. I made Johnny sit with Zacky while I told the receptionist what was wrong.

Ten minutes later we were called. The three of us went into the room. The doctor then came in.

"Hello Zachary, how's Scarlett doing?" Dr. Jones said.
"She's doing well," Zacky said, smiling.
"So what seems to see the problem, Mr. Seward?" She asked.

Johnny explained what the problem was and I was both Zacky and Dr. Jones smile. She excused herself and left the room. When she came back, she had a little machine with her.

"Okay, can you do me a favor and roll up your shirt?" She asked and Johnny did so.

She rubbed a gel over his tummy and took some contraction and moved it over the gel. She looked at a screen and there was a blurry image which ended up making a little sense to me and I started to smile.

"Congratulations, you are 3 months pregnant!" Dr. Jones, exclaimed; wiping the gel off Johnny's stomach and left the room.

I looked at Johnny and pulled him into a lip crushing kiss, happy tears falling down my cheeks.

"Oh my God, this is amazing. We're going to be parents!" I said.
"I can't believe it..You're going to make a great dad," Johnny said.

Dr. Jones came in and handed Johnny a bottle of pills to take care of the morning sickness. We thanked her and left the hospital. Holy shit, I am going to be a dad!
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Sorry, I haven't been updating lately, been really busy. But here's a happy chapter for you guys c: