Status: Brand-spanking-new. On this website at least



The first thing I did when Robin and I got back home was changing my clothes, after peeing of course. My sweater had been soaked through, and the shirt I borrowed was sticking uncomfortably to my abdomen.

Brady had won the frozen lemonade-drinking contest. Nick wasn’t expecting this so when he lost (with half his drink left to go), he simultaneously shot up out of his seat and slammed his hands down onto the table. Causing the table to wobble and tip over.

Drenching me in the pink beverage.

“Fantastic.” I had muttered shaking the ice pieces off the sweater. Most of them had already melted into the next layer.

Nick apologized profusely, because he was ultimately failing at his job as a guard. Brady, however, could only laugh. Once I finally convinced Nick that having a drink thrown on me wasn’t the worst thing that’s happened. He tried to cheer me up by laughingly stating that, “at least you smell tangy sweet!” which I withheld the urge to punch him in the stomach.

Robin understood me though, and promptly drove me home while the guys were still laughing.

After I had a fresh shirt on, and placed the wet clothes into the dirty hamper, I walked downstairs to find Robin in the kitchen.

“Mayra texted me to thaw the meat for hamburgers.” I could hear her digging around in the freezer. I sat down on the couch bringing my laptop with me. “You okay with hamburgers for tomorrow though?”

“Yeah.” I absentmindedly agreed as I booted up my laptop. I was wondering whether or not Zoltan had replied.

I was logging into my email when I heard Robin exclaim joyfully, “ohohoho”. It sounded like she had found gold, so I glanced over the couch to look at her. She was making a face while continuing to say, “ho-ho-ho!”

“What’s… wrong?”

She wiggled her eyebrows while holding up an empty glass bottle. It had a design on the front but I couldn’t make out what it was. “What is that?” I asked squinting my eyes.

“Tequila!” she answered, eyes going wide.

I nearly chocked on my own saliva, “You drank it all?”

“No! No- I don’t- well besides that one time,” she shrugged, “but this time it wasn’t me. It must’ve been Mayra.” She turned back around and threw it into the fridge. There was only a little bit left. I also didn’t understand the point of her putting liquor in a freeze. Does it make it taste better?

Robin went back to whatever she was doing and I turned my attention back to my laptop. I quickly logged into my email and saw that I had only one unread message.

It was Zoltan!

I clicked on his email, and quickly read what he had written. There was only one line but that was enough to send my heart into over-drive.

On our way, see you soon.

Then my heart nearly stopped. See you soon. See you soon? See you soon?! What? What. What?

I thought we were still working out all the details. He doesn’t know how to contact me once he arrives. How is he going to arrive?

Wait, how soon is soon?

“Vee, you okay?”

“Uh,” I looked up at Robin, “y-yeah. Just thinking about going back to school…”

Robin groaned. “Ugh. Yeah. Welcome to my hell” she said, plopping down onto the couch with a loud thup. I quickly closed my laptop.

Robin looked up from her phone to raise an eyebrow as if to ask if something was wrong. I gave her a toothless grin, “some of my friends from out of town are planning to come visit I think.”

“Oh dang that’s cool, is this from when you lived in the city?” She asked. I nodded and placed my laptop away from me.

“That’s nice, your old friends can come and visit you.” Robin said with a wistful look.

I’ve never really asked Robin about her past. She moved here around the beginning of High School. She was hard for others to approach but she had no qualms about approaching other people. She was the kind of person whose things had to be done on her terms.

I didn’t question her past, and she didn’t question mine.

It’s not like our past was under some unspoken rule that we couldn’t talk about it. The topic just never came up, unless one of us casually mentioned it. Even then, we didn’t comment on it and the conversation would be promptly dropped.

She made me feel comfortable.

She sighed, “let’s try and finish our art project then move onto doing fucking math work, yeah?”

I grimaced, but agreed anyways.

One thing we had in common was our hatred for math.


There was loud pounding on the door downstairs. Mayra, Robin and I all groaned simultaneously but no one made a move to answer the door. The pounding continued but I only burrowed my face further into the blankets.

“Mayra!” Robin shouted. She wanted her to get out of the warm cocoon of her bed and answer to the loud pounding.

“Robin.” Mayra groaned.

Robin grunted and said, “Venus.”

“No.” my voice was muffled through the multiple layers of blankets.

I was not going to leave this warm cavern.


“No.” I said again, louder this time.

I heard Robin move around in the bed, “that wasn’t me.”

I peered out of my blankets to look up at her; she was looking down at me. We then both looked at Mayra who was also cuddled up to her blankets, “wasn’t me either,” she said with big round eyes.

We heard the pounding again and then a loud shout of “Venus!”

“The hell.” Robin said getting out of bed and tripping over me. She caught herself before she tumbled onto the cold floor. She carefully peeped her head out of the curtain. I rolled my eyes, she was totally being obvious—whoever was outside would see her.

“You’re doing a shit job at being inconspicuous.” Mayra muttered.

Robin whipped around to look at her, “shut up” she hissed and she kicked out at her. Mayra hissed right back and kicked out at her too. Robin retaliated and the sisters launched into a kicking fight, hissing obscene profanities under their breath with each extension of their foot.


I recognized that voice. I got out of bed and pulled aside the curtain allowing light to fill the small messy room. “Oh, it’s Brady!”

I groaned and trudged my way downstairs. Brady was at the door with a big paper bag, it was full of clothes, he was also impeccably dressed in slouchy skinny jeans, white t-shirt under an army green jacket, and he had his pants tucked into combat boots. He fixed the beanie on his head, before smiling at me and holding up his bag.

He claimed that the beanie kept his hair in check.

“Morning!” He said as I let him in. He brought over some clothes because today was my first day back to school and he wanted me to have a proper outfit.

I locked the door again and lead him upstairs. Robin and Mayra had stopped kicking each other, Mayra was in the shower while Robin had already changed and was going to the kitchen.

“Hey, how did you find my home?” Robin asked, furrowing her eyebrows, confused. We were passing her in the hallway.

Brady gave her a bright smile, “Google maps.” I almost slapped my face with his blatant lie.

She made a confused face but then shrugged, “okay—”

“I-I actually told him! Yep, sorry I didn’t think you’d mind.” I stopped myself from rambling.

“Nah its cool, next time just call so we don’t think you’re a killer.” She chuckled before jogging down the stairs.

He was shaking his head at me as he walked into the bedroom. It was too early in the morning for this. The clock read that it was barely six thirty.

“Oh God, its like an episode of hoarders in here.”

“It’s not that bad.” I said clearing some room on the spot on the floor that was meant to be my makeshift bed even though Robin and me share her bed. Mayra’s side of the room was more or less tidy. He awkwardly stood in front of the door looking around as I plopped onto Robins unmade bed.

“How did you—”

“A big pack, means big talkers.” He said, still distracted by the mess in the room. He then snapped out of it, “here put it on before it gets late!” he tossed his bag at me. He turned around I changed into the light blue skinny jeans, and a dark grey long sleeve.


“Hmm?” I was tossing around clothes looking for my other shoe.

“Have you called again?” Brady whispered, whipping around a neatly creased post-it note. I thought that was in my pocket!

My mouth dropped open, “oh no. I haven’t. I totally forgot.” He handed me the paper and I proceeded to fold it up again. I would have to call again soon. Maybe this time, my Grandfather will actually bother to answer. I shoved it into my pants pocket.

Imagine if I had lost it.

“Here.” Brady shoved boots right in front of my face. I made a face at him.

“Really? Boots?”

“It pulls the outfit together.” He shrugged, “besides, I hid your other shoe. So you can either wear those or hop around on one foot.”

They were brown and made of leather. Every girl at school owns a pair just like these… wait—every girl owns a pair and if I dress like them, then it would be a way of blending in. Like a chameleon! Or if it backfires, I’ll be sticking out like a neon traffic cone.

I slipped them on and we went back downstairs.

“Your room looks like a hobo lives in it.” Brady said as we entered the kitchen.

Robin threw her head back and laughed, “thanks”. She was standing by the stove with a spatula in her hand. Brady plopped down onto one of the chairs at the kitchen table.

I wanted to check my e-mail again but with Brady here, it wasn’t really the brightest idea. I haven’t told him yet, and even though I’ve told the Doc, telling him and convincing him that it’s a good idea won’t be as easy.

The Doc had to listen to me… Brady doesn’t.

“Robin,” Mayra called as she sped walk into the kitchen, her sweet fragrance of berries wafted over to me. I should ask where she buys her body wash or shampoo at. “Robin, go give her food. I’ll handle this.” Mayra tried to take the spatula out of her hand but Robin wasn’t having it.

“I’m almost done!”

“Robin! They aren’t done! They’re all runny and not cooked fully.” Mayra snatched the spatula out of her hand and Robin moved over to the side to prep a sandwich. She was grumbling under her breath.

“Oh, Mayra. This is Brady, he’s starting school with us today.” I said quietly.

She whipped around, wet hair smacking her cheek, a bright smile already on her face, “Great name! It’s nice to meet ya’ Here for breakfast too?” even though she wasn’t looking at the pan she was still whisking.

Brady sat up straighter, “Thanks and no thanks. I already ate.”

Robin silently picked up the sandwich and sped walked to her mom’s room. I knew she was quiet so as to not attract the curious eyes of Brady. She didn’t like speaking about her mom so much.

I breathed in deeply before saying, “nowhere.”

He was about to ask more when the toaster popped and Mayra shouted, “Breakfast’s ready!”


“You have one sweet- ass ride.” Robin said as we all got out of Brady’s car.

He threw his head back and laughed before saying “thanks” just as Robin had earlier in the kitchen. Robin quickly caught on and punched him swiftly in the arm.

Brady flinched and clutched his arm.

He was good at keeping up the charades, I knew for a fact that it did not hurt him. He probably didn’t even feel it.

A wind blew right through my long sleeve as we walked up the steps.

“Here.” A sweater was plopped onto my head; “I forgot to give this to you earlier.” A voice with a British accent told me. I didn’t even think twice as I shrugged on the big brown knit sweater Nick had handed me.

It nearly fell down to my knees.

“You’ll be nice, warm and toasty.” He said placing a hand on my lower back and leading me up the stairs. My spine went rigid and I could feel wandering eyes settle on his simple gesture.

How hands on are bodyguards supposed to be?

I watched as Robin and Brady laughed their way into the schools main building. Nick leaned in close to me and softly whispered in my ear, “does this bring back memories Vee?”

“Yeah” I felt the queasiness settled into my stomach. “It does.”

I just hope it doesn’t end the same.

Unfortunately, because Nick was more advanced... he was placed in advanced classes like AP

“What in bloody”

“That’s what AP stands for… advanced placement. What did you think?” Brady explained to him as he opened his bag of chips.

We were sitting at our usual table eating our lunch. It made me happy to think that I went from sitting by myself during lunch to sitting with a group of people I could call my friends. Of course, this didn’t settle the nerves in my stomach—the ones that told me something bad was bound to happen.

“I don’t know, I got so used to the UK way of things, these are A-levels. I have four A-Levels. Who do they think I am? I’m going to die.”

“You can drop one you know?” Brady said munching on his chips.

Robin shrugged, “hey maybe you can pass?”

He shook his head before biting into his egg salad sandwich, “No, I’m such a git.”

I laughed and everyone within a foot radius of us turned to look at me. My laughter immediately died and I looked down at my lunch. “What in hell” Nick whispered as he looked around, analyzing everyone to see if they were a potential threat.

“That was weird.” Robin said with a mouthful of chewed pizza.

Brady made a disgusted face at her before tossing his napkin at Robin, “dude that’s rank. “

Criss quietly chuckled and I swear I saw Brady sit up straighter, more proudly. I internally grinned. Criss has affected Brady in ways he won’t ever notice.

We spent the rest of the lunch period in peace, well as peaceful as receive looks can be. The weird thing wasn’t that we were receiving looks; it was that there had been no confrontations from the Pavone pack.

Not even from a certain next-in-line alpha.


At all.

The bell rang, and we all went to our respective classrooms. I had English with Criss so we walked together to Mrs. Moore’s class. We weren’t in the media room anymore. I had to finish the project at home and email it to her, so I was a bit ahead of the rest of the class.

I was sitting in class, silently touching the party invite Criss had handed out during lunch. I slipped it between my fingers; it seemed kinda girly for Criss’ likes.

“You’re coming right?” Criss whispered.

Although I had no idea weather Alpha Henny would let me gallivant off to a human party, I gave him a small smile and said, “yeah.”

“Venus!” Mrs. Moore called my name. My head snapped up and she was at the front of the class looking around for me. I slowly raised my hand.

“Oh! There you are.” She walked over to me and leaned down close to my ear, “the counselor wants to see you.” She said placing the counselors summons request on my desk.

I stared at the pale yellow slip of paper and whispered, “okay.”

“Don’t worry.” Her reassurance wasn’t that convincing, “you can ahead and go now.” She then walked back to the front of the class.

I gathered my things and stood up, but as I turned to look back at Criss I locked eyes with

I forgot the class had been conjoined with his. He would be in my class until the end of the year. I would be around him.

He was watching me. I froze as he gave me fleeting smile before his friend smacked him on the shoulder to show him something on his phone. I took the distraction as an opportunity to quickly walk out the classroom. Though, I could still feel his eyes return to me as I left.

My heart was pounding with every step I took. He’s in my class until the end of the year. We’re going to be sharing the same space.

He had been watching me.

I felt like my heart was pounding its way up. My breathing quickened. It was going too fast. I stopped walking, I was panting like I had been running

I placed a hand over my throat.

He’s going to keep watching me.

I began to lean on the locker that was right next to me. I couldn’t do it anymore. Breathing was becoming difficult. Fear was flooding my nerves.

Cut off your emotions.

I imagined the faucet; I saw the water gushing out. My hand was already twisting it closed but I put too much force and it was like I slammed it closed. I gasped loudly at the pain, but it was worth it because I could breathe again after a few minutes.

I stood upright again, and rolling back my shoulders I walked to the counselors office.

I walked right up to her door and knocked. The door opened but instead of showing Ms. Wallace, out came Andromeda. Her eyes were red, like she had been crying moments before. Ms. Wallace was right behind her, “I’ll see you next week” she said softly to Andromeda who sped past me.

“Ah-um.” I didn’t know what to say.

“Ah, Venus. Come in.” she opened the door further to signal me to enter. I did and she closed the door behind me. “Please take a seat, I was talking to your sister moments before.”

I sat down in one of those awkward chairs in front of her desk.

She sat down in the big chair and simply smiled at me.

“How are you, Venus?” She asked with the same smile.



“Only okay?” she said as she wrote something down on her notepad.

“Yeah.” I whispered. I looked around her office. It looked like every other professional office I had ever been in. There were a lot.

“You’re so quiet.” She said with a fake chuckle at the end.

I nodded, I wasn’t sure what she wanted me to say.

“Anything you want to talk about? Any problems at home?” She asked softly.

“No?” I stated quietly but it came out more like a question. It sounded like she wanted me to admit to something. But I had nothing to confess.

She sighed, “some people. Have shown concern for you. And I must admit after what happened in the computer lab I am also concerned for you.”

I looked at her as if she just told me I was pregnant.

“Outbursts like that usually signify a cry for attention, for help.” She leaned over the desk to grasp my hands, “and I am here to help.”

I stayed gawking at her. Was she serious? Does she realize I wasn’t the victim that time?

“I’m fine.” I said as she let go of my hands and sat back. She began writing things down again.

Wait a second. She was here to help? To help? What the hell!

“Where were you when I was being bullied?”

She froze and looked at me, “What?”

I pressed my lips together. I should not have said that. I was slipping.

“Venus, if you are being harmed please, tell me.”

I stayed quiet and focused my attention on the painting she had hung on her wall. It was a drawing of a fishing boat. It seemed like a kid drew it.

She kept trying to talk to me, but I stayed quiet answering with the shortest responses possible. Once she realized I wasn’t going to be participating in this chat anymore she gave me a slip back to class.

I walked to my next class, fully aware that someone was trying to get me in trouble. I just didn’t know why or what for, but I knew Andromeda had something to do with it.

I walked into Mr. Macross’ economics class to see that the class had split up into their respective groups. I quickly found Jason sitting alone at with two other desks connected to his. I gave the slip of paper to Mr. Macross and went on to Jason.

I sat down and sighed, “hey.” I greeted him quietly.

Jason looked up from work, a very surprised look on his face, “Venus! Hey, how are you?”

“I shrugged, “good. Really behind on work though.”

“Yeah,” he gave a smile, “Tristan really has been a lot of help. He’s really good at all of this. I’m not really…”

I nodded. “How far have you gotten?”

“Not far. We have a lot of catching up to do if we want to finish on time.” He began shuffling through all his papers as I got mine out. I worked on it while I was out but a project can’t really be done through text messages. No matter how helpful Jason was.

“So… where you really suspended because you punched a girl in the face? Kelsey?”

I looked at him shocked, “No! What no, I’m not a violent person. Where did you hear that?”

“I overheard some girls in the hallway saying it.”

I wanted to yell but instead I calmly told him, “No. They were lying.” I shuffled my papers around again although I didn’t need to.

I saw Jason’s hand leaning closer to my desk, I had no idea what he wanted to do with it but I pretended not to notice.

“You know if you ever need, like help, you can call me I wil--”

A backpack was slammed down onto the center of all three desks. “You will help us put together the project.”

My heart was beating in my throat again. I leaned back on my seat and casted my eyes downward. I didn’t want to look at him.

“Tristan. Hey man, where were you? Class started a while ago.”

“A friend needed me. She was a wreck, you know girls.”

“Oh, did you finish?”

I heard him opening his backpack. “Almost. How did you do on yours?“ There was the sound of paper as Tristan handed Jason his work.

Jason awkwardly chuckled, “I think I got the hang of but I’m not sure. I think I got the formula wrong again.”

“Oh. You should have Mr. Macross check our work, to see if it right. I want to double check mine.” Tristan said.

"That’s a good idea.” I heard Jason standing up from his seat, “I’ll take yours too. And Venus’” I handed him my work with a soft thanks and watched as Jason walked over to Mr. Macross’ desk. I moved my eyes to the floor next to me.


I stayed staring at the floor.

“Venus. Look at me.”

It was a command and I was forced to turn and look at him. I glared at him, “stop that.” I said through gritted teeth. He only stayed watching me, like he was looking to see if I was alright.

“You have to respect me now, I am--”

“You’re a Luna? You’re his Luna?” His jaw tightened and his eyes narrowed, “you still don’t know about him.”

I felt the flames begin in the pit of my stomach and flick their way up to my heart.

“No!” I hissed at him, “I’m not his. I’m not a Luna. People deserve respect in return when they show it.” I saw his eyes dilate, Showing his wolf.


I could feel the faucet opening and letting the anger spread into my body. How many damn times was I going to have to cut them off?

I closed my eyes and did what I always did. I stopped my emotions from entering. It felt like someone punched my stomach, and I clutched it quietly hissing in pain.

I felt Tristan’s hand on my shoulder, “Stop it.” He said shaking me. Tingles shot out from his hand and into my skin.

I looked at him shocked before I shrugged my shoulder away from him at the same time he pulled away to look at his hand.

Jason sat back down just then, “okay so Mr.Macross said it was right. We’re going in the right direction we just have to pull it all together.”

I let my hair fall to act as a curtain between Tristan and me.

We didn’t speak for the rest of the period.

But the tension was still there.