Stay With Me Forever

Chapter Six- Back To December

Taylor had to get ready that morning because he had to do some training at Camp Pendleton; it was an almost six hour’s drive thank God, Taylor did not need to be there in morning. He had until 2pm to get there, and his teachers understood, and let him go. Anna’s on the other hand, couldn’t care less, so she couldn’t go with him. After their small night’s sleep, [only 4 hours] they went to only their morning weight training class together, then went back home.
“I gotta get going here soon,” Taylor, said packing his duffel bag.
Anna sat on the bed watching Taylor pack; she grabbed his hand and pulled his in front of her.
“I really don’t want you to go.”
“Trust me Anna I don’t either, but this is mandatory I have to. But look I’ll only be gone for four days; I’ll be back before the game.”
“Four days?!” Anna shrieked, “That—that”

Taylor sat next to Anna, “hey look, I promise you, I will call you every night even if I'm so tired I can’t keep my eyes open. I promise to call you any chance I get. I have to get this training to get promoted”
“I know its just four days seems like such a long time. I mean it’s probably going to be the longest time we’ve been part since we met”
“I know.”
“Look the worst that can happen is they station me there, which actually they might”
“You're not helping Taylor; I will not drive for six hours to see you every night.”
“Shh, shh, no, I will do everything I can to make sure I don’t, and if I do, then you’re coming with me. I’ll take care of you, don’t worry about school, all it does is just stress you out anyways”
“I can’t just up and leave because I want to Tay. You don’t understand that”
“What is it you can’t leave? This place that you can even afford? The stupid job you EVEN CALL a job?! Or the college that makes you cry every night because for stupid it is?! Which is it!”
Anna was taken back at Taylor’s words, her eyes showed it. “I’m sorry Taylor. I'm sorry that I ever was with you!” Anna grabbed her jacket, Esme, and left.
Taylor hit the wall in his fiery anger, he knew what he said hurt Anna, but goddamn it he couldn’t help it. Taylor sat on the back, covered his face with hands, tried to calm himself down. He ran his fingers through his hair, thinking “Why I did have to such an ass?”
Anna sat in her truck crying, he was right though. What was keeping Anna from leaving this shitty town? It wasn’t the college, which was always causing her stress and tears. It wasn't the oh-so-wonderful apartment that she was struggling to pay rent for. It wasn’t the early morning late night job at Starbucks. She never considered the place that she was born home, then why can’t she just up and leave it?
Anna didn’t want to see him, but she knew she had to. Anna got out her truck, let Esme go to run around in the fenced in area. Taylor started to come down the outside stairs looking at Anna still in tears with her arms crossed her chest, trying to avoid make any eye contact with him.
Taylor walked up to Anna, “I'm sorry, I'm sorry that I was an ass, I'm so sorry Anna” he wrapped his arms Anna around, as her arms fell to her sides. Anna was still very mad at Taylor, she started to hit Taylor, through her anger and tears, she couldn’t even say anything. Taylor didn’t let go not once, he just held her tight until she stopped and broke into nothing but tears.
“You’re okay. I’m sorry Anna” Taylor held on to her, and she kept on crying in Taylor’s arm.
“You’re okay,” Taylor kept repeating until Anna calmed down, her make-up and streaming down, Taylor smiled small, and wiped it all away.
“I didn’t mean to go off like that. I love you and I know I haven’t known you that long but when I first saw you that day when you were webcamming with Zack, I couldn’t look away but I had to.”
“You knew my cousin?”
“Yeah, we were stationed at twenty-nine together. I’m sorry that I never told you this after all we’ve been through since I figure that I tell you”
“You’ve lied to me this whole time Taylor”
“I didn’t lie, I just never told you”
“You know my cousin! And you never said anything!”
“I didn’t know him first hand though, we hung out a few times but I don’t really know him. Anna please”
“I can’t believe Taylor”
“I love you okay, really I do. I’d do anything for you” Taylor looked at Anna sincerely, Anna wanted to hate him but she knew he wasn’t lying.
Every relationship has to have fights, every relationship even friendship needs to have some of challenge to overcome. Or else it wouldn’t be real.
“I love you too Taylor. I'm going to give another chance, please no more lies, no more secrets; I can’t handle something like that, not now. I can’t just leave here. So college stresses me I need to finish first, then I will go with you wherever. Yeah, I can’t pay for this place, but that’s what I get for moving out when I wasn’t ready. Starbucks isn’t the greatest but it was the only place that hired me. Taylor there are so many reason why I can’t just leave I’d tell you all of them but I’d keep you all night long and I can’t do that. Because you need to go to Camp Pendleton right now, I might not be who you want me to be all the time. Because I can’t change for everyone”
Taylor kissed Anna’s forehead, “I get that, I just don’t wanna leave you.” Taylor embraced Anna tightly, “You don’t have to change for me. I love you the way you are”
Anna couldn’t help but smile, “You know that smile kills me every time”
“Shut up Taylor” Anna kissed Taylor passionately. They could go on kissing but Taylor really needed to leave, their lips parted, and smiles sprung on their face.
“I can’t say it enough, I love you”
“Taylor you need to stop being so cheesy”
“Cheesy makes you blush though”
Anna playfully hit Taylor, “shut up. You need to go.”
“Alright, alright, I love you”
“I love you too. Now go!”
Taylor and Anna went back inside the apartment, with Esme. Taylor got his hat, and bag and left. As for Anna and Esme sat on the couch like they did before they ever knew Taylor.
Anna thought about all that had happened, how could Taylor have known Anna’s cousin and not tell her? How could he have said all that he did, even though Anna knew it was the truth, she couldn’t get over the fact that he just said it. Was their relationship met to be, or was it something else that was keeping them together? Does Taylor really love Anna the way he said he did? Or was Anna going to have to go through another bad heartbreak because the guy said he loved her but really didn’t?
Taylor felt bad about saying all that he did but he knew that Anna needed to know the truth, whether it hurt or not. Taylor also didn’t tell Anna that it wasn’t going to be for only 4 days it was really 4 months, but he knew that he had to at least come back for the basketball game, which was in six days. But then after the game he was going to have to leave again! He didn’t wanna know how Anna was going to take it really, even though Anna was going to be done with finals that week.