Summer Days, Winter Nights

Gerard and Mikey, two children who live in a small house, placed behind a few not-so-magnificent boarded up apartment buildings. In front of it lay a crowded street, which was narrow, but quite busy nonetheless, with tourists swarming through the streets, shopping for the finest of things they could get their greedy hands on. From silver spoons to golden medallions, the treasures Venice had to offer attracted them like magnets.

The great canals of Venice and the hidden alleys with crumbling rooftops came alive as the sun set on Venice. Then, and only then, did thieves and runaWays creep through the night, with as much a longing and desire as the tourists did.

Gerard and Mikey, were not normal children, because it was on one of these cold, dark nights they decided to make a decision they might later regret. But even if they did, the moment they set out, there was no turning back, no second chances were allowed in the game these 2 decided to play.

And so they played, but soon they realized it wasn't just a game, it was a struggle for survival.