Status: Slowly Active

Suburban Thrills


The waves lapped onto the coast as I sat on a rock inches from the ocean. The sun shining over the horizon, giving me a beautiful view of the vast body of water. I've been staring out at the ocean for what seems like hours, but in reality it was probably only a half hour that I've been here. Thrusting my hand into my jacket pocket, I grabbed my phone and checked the time. I sighed as I saw that it was only seven thirty. My best friend's birthday dinner was in an hour.

Standing up and brushing myself off, I pulled out my car keys and decided I'd go to a bar before her dinner. Which is something I know she won't enjoy whatsoever. As I arrived at my destination and got out of my car, I checked myself in my car window and fluffed my hair. As I made my way into the bar, I heard multiple catcalls and howls. Just hearing that made my night better. It was now time to get my flirt on with anybody and everybody.

I sat on a stool by the bar and looked directly at the bartender, Nathan, and nodded my head. He slowly made his way over to where I was sitting and chuckled as he got a look at my outfit.

"What happened to the shorts and tank-tops you usually wear? Don't get me wrong this Alisha is just as attractive, but she's too classy for this shit-hole." Nathan laughed as he made me my regular rum and coke.
"I have to go to dinner with some friends tonight, and they made it very clear that I dress like a lady." I laughed bitterly as I thought of my 'friends.' Taking a sip of my drink I glanced around the bar. "The only reason I'm going is because Jamie asked me, and because Coty promised me some pretty sweet deals if I went." My small grin went straight into the smile of the Cheshire Cat.
"I don't even want to know about those deals." He sighed as he made me another drink. "Looking for some fresh meat, eh?" He asked bringing me out of my trance as I stared at multiple new faces throughout the bar.
"Yeah, there are a lot of new people here tonight. What's going on?"
"Some school is having a reunion or something like that. I don't know the details of it."

I nodded and was about to ask for another drink but then my phone rang. As I looked at the caller ID I saw that it was none other than Carla herself.

"Hello?" I all but groaned into the phone as I mouthed to Nathan that I needed another.
"What are you doing?!" She screamed in my ear.
"I'm... sitting here and talking to you. Why?"
"Because I see that your car is parked at the bar."
"What are you doing, stalking me now Carla? God damn. I said I'd go to your party and in order to deal with your stupid fiance and your moody pregnant self, I need to maybe get plastered."
"YOU KNOW I DON'T LIKE IT WHEN YOU DRINK." She yelled, as I heard her stomp her foot.
"Yes, and you know I don't like it when you're a crazy psychotic neurotic bitch. So please, tell me where this conversation is going because I feel like we do this on a regular basis."
"Ugh, I don't see why you have to drink so much."
"I also don't see why you have to have so much sex. I'm surprised you're even engaged, seeing as you like to whore yourself around. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to do some shots in order to deal with you in.. fifteen minutes." Hanging up the phone, I shot a look at Nathan and said "If my shots aren't ready by the time I'm out of the bathroom, you're not getting a tip tonight."

Excusing myself from the bar and towards the women's restrooms, a pair of dark brown eyes caught my eye. He looked to be about 25 and he looked like he was a ladies man. Smirking, I walked by him and gave him a wink. I wasn't going to say or do anything because for now, he was just easy on the eyes. He shot me a wink back but went back to talking to his lady friend. Taking that as a denial, I made it to the restrooms and did my business. As I exited the bathroom, I decided to take my time and as I neared the bar I saw the ladies man had taken the spot next to mine.

"Why Nathan, you did excellent and even gave me a fifth shot." I laughed as I handed him a twenty dollar bill. "Well worth my time, now if you could excuse me I must take these and be on my way." I took each shot without a chaser and couldn't help but grin at the pain it caused in my throat. I began to walk away when Nathan yelled out after me.
"Doll! You better hand me them keys, I'm not letting you drive after a stunt like that."
"Then you better check my stool. I wouldn't let myself drive either." Laughing as he checked my stool to see my keys were placed very neatly on the top of it. "You have a good night Nathan! I'll see you tomorrow at the same time."
"Be careful, Lisha. We don't need anything happening to our main attraction."

Leaving the bar turned out to be my biggest mistake, as I looked across the street and saw the wonderful attendees of Carla's birthday dinner. I could only groan as I noticed plenty of people I didn't enjoy being around or people, for some ungodly reason, who didn't like me. But the one thing that disturbed me the most, was seeing my ex-boyfriend attached at the hip of the very pregnant birthday girl.
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hoping to keep this updated regularly xxx