Status: Slowly Active

Suburban Thrills


As I let my eyes wander towards my ex-boyfriend and his current situation, being attached at the hip of my "somewhat" best friend. Of course I couldn't trust her fully, but I wasn't going to abandon her like the rest of her family did. I do have a heart.. somewhere. Clutching my jacket tighter around my body, I felt the stares of many on me. One in particular. Looking around I noticed that Coty didn't just bring her long term boyfriend along tonight, but a new friend as well. Adjusting my eyes to his facial features I realized that he was the same man from the bar. Smirking towards Coty, I knew what she was planning and I was totally okay with it. For all I know, it could just be a one night stand. Which, at this point in my life, I'm down with.

"Coty, my lady, how are you tonight?" I asked as I drew her in for a hug, slipping my hand into her back pocket. Her hand made it's way into my jacket and without anyone knowing, I had a good supply to last me the night.
"My dear, I'm doing quite well thank you." She laughed as she pulled away. The next thing I know I'm in a death grip, a death grip known as Alec.
"ALEC!" I yelped as he lifted me completely off of my feet, "do you mind?! I'm in a skirt you mad man." I laughed as he put me down.
"I haven't seen you in a week! You and Coty need to stop having girl time, it makes me upset and lonely." He whined as he gave me a beer. "I've been left to hang out with this boner fart." He laughed as he waved his hand in his friend's direction. "Lish, this is my best friend Mark. Mark, this is my good friend Alisha."

Staring at the gorgeous man before me, I let my eyes roam over him. He was significantly taller than me, even with heels on!, his hair was in a messy style and his brown eyes gleamed as they roamed my body as well. I looked down at his extended hand and grabbed it quite firmly.

"Hello." I smirked, shaking his hand and getting a glance at his fantastic smile.
"Hello." He smirked back and went back to looking me up and down. His eyes staying glued to my chest. Laughing, I let go of his hand and turned to Alec.

"I'm going to stay outside to smoke, I'll be back in twenty." I told him, basically letting him know that I have to speak to with him in private.
"I'll go stay here with you, seeing as we have to deal with she-devil all night." He laughed, keeping his voice quiet so she wouldn't hear.

As soon as everyone went inside, I pulled my jacket tighter around my body and lit up my cigarette. Watching as Alec did the same, I couldn't help but smile. I know what he was doing, the same thing he's been trying to do since we met years back. He was trying to get me to find a boyfriend, he's gone through a majority of his friends. Me finding a perfect solid reason as to why I shouldn't date them. You'd think he'd listen to me, or even acknowledge the fact that I am quite determined to stay single.

"So, Alec. I see you've brought me another guy to shamelessly flirt with." I smirked, as I took a drag of my cancer.
"Well, you could put it that way. But I really have a feeling that you'll like this one. Or at least enough to go ahead and date him. All the other ones you simply batted around like a cat toy." He laughed, mimicking my actions with his cigarette.
"We'll just have to see now won't we." I said as I put out my cigarette and walked inside. "Coty, you're boyfriend is one crazy motherfucker." I laughed as I took my seat next to her, and opening my menu.
"Oh, I know. He told me all about his plan." She giggled as she was still skimming through her menu. "I have a really strange feeling that you're too drunk to even care." Her eyes shifted towards me as I fumbled with the pages.
"Well.. yes. I can hardly read any of this menu." I winked as I looked at her. "What are you getting?"
"I'm thinking about the Manicotti or maybe the Angel Hair pasta with alfredo and chicken."
"Mmmmm, I'll have whatever you get you genius you."
"How are your words not even slurring right now?" She asked me as I played around with my phone.
"Lots and lots of practice."

Our waitress came and decided to take our drinks while the rest of our group looked through the menu's and my first mistake was ordering bottomless Long Island Iced Tea's.
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