Status: Slowly Active

Suburban Thrills


"I'm just saying, male or female, confidence is the sexiest thing in the world."
"Not a lot of people think like you, and not everyone sees it that way. A lot of people take it as arrogance, cockiness, conceited, etc., you know what I mean?" Coty said as she swirled around her Jack and coke.
"I see fully, but if confidence is pulled off a certain way it won't come off like arrogance and whatever else you said." I laughed as I went to grab my drink, before it was rudely taken away from me. "Uh, Alec.. I was drinking that. Clearly. Come on."
"You've had five long island iced tea's and I'm surprised you're not flat on your face. Either you're tolerance went up, or you've gotten really good at acting sober. Both of which are very terrifying to me." He said as he handed my drink to some random waitress.

He was right, my drinking had spiked up the moment I hit twenty-five. I've been single and lonely for three years now. I feel like my life is going in a downward spiral, I mean sure. I've got a great job, amazing friends, a roof over my head, and shoes on my feet but.. what's worth living if you don't have anyone to share it with? That's how I see it anyhow. So I drink and smoke my sorrows away. I want to feel empty because it's better than feeling lonely. That's how I felt now, empty. Like I could say or do whatever I wanted with no cares in the world if it ruined friendships or not. Which isn't a good way to think about things at all, but I've had so much alcohol tonight that my thought process isn't exactly on the right track.

"Whatever Alec, can we just get the check and dip out now? I want to go home and sleep." I groaned as I looked over and saw that the only people who were left were myself, Mark, Coty, and Alec. "Where'd everyone else go, I asked as I stood up and nearly fell over. Catching myself, I straightened my skirt and looked at my friends. “Whatever, I didn't care much for them anyhow. So, Coty would you be a doll and give me a ride to my place? Clearly,” I hiccuped and began to laugh “I’m unable to drive myself anywhere.” She gave me a look of amusement and then quickly glanced at Alec.
“Actually.. how about Mark takes you home? I can drive your car to your place, since I’m the only person you [barely] trust driving it.” She smiled devilishly and gave me a gentle nudge in his direction. “I’ll take care of your part of the meal, and you can repay me with breakfast in the morning. Though I highly doubt you’re going to remember all of this so I’ll be sure to call you in the morning.”

Begrudgingly I walked away with this male I've only known for a few hours and got into a car with him, for all I know he could've been a serial killer. I’m sure Alec would've mentioned it though.. unless he was in on it. Rolling my eyes, I laughed to myself as we got to his Trail Blazer. He gave me a strange look but shrugged it off, I mean who wouldn't? Drunk girl laughing at nothing, seems normal. Climbing into the vehicle, I stretched my legs and vaguely looked around before I could feel my eyelids getting heavy.

“Where do you live, doll?” He laughed as he buckled me in.
“507 East Gardner, down by --” I was cut off with him groaning.
“You live in the fancy pants part of town? I hate it down there.. they all judge me.”
“We’re not all like that! We all worked hard to live in those houses. It’s not like we were handed them like the other part of town.” grumbling, I sunk into the seat.

Letting my eyelids droop, all I could hear was the soft sounds of the talk radio he was listening to. Was this guy fifty years old? I let myself just bask in my drunken stupor, and just let the car ride be quiet. I didn't bother making any small talk with someone I wasn't going to see again. Finally, after about fifteen minutes of nothingness I opened my eyes and saw that we were nearing my street. For being drunk, I was still pretty coherent and able to process things well. Something I learned whilst in high school. Soon enough, we were pulling into my driveway and I saw that my baby was sitting there.

“Thanks... Mark. It was nice meeting you.” I smiled as I held my hand out for a handshake.
“It was nice meeting you too Alisha, maybe we can do it again. When you’re not so impaired.” He laughed as he grabbed my hand but pulled me into a hug. “I’m a hugging kind of person.” he winked, as he handed me my clutch. “Do you need any help getting to your door?”
“I’ll manage. Thanks though.”

Stumbling down the walkway to my front door, I couldn't help but wonder what would happen had I let him take me to my door. Shrugging that feeling aside, I unlocked my front door and kicked off my heels. I didn't feel like falling asleep just yet, so I went upstairs and changed into my pajamas and grabbed a pillow and blanket from my bed. Snatching up my remote, I clicked on my 90inch television and channel surfed until I could find something suitable for me to fall asleep too. Just as I was about to give up, I found Little Shop of Horrors. Right in the middle of ‘Feed me Seymour,” smiling I snuggled into my blankets and sang along slightly to the movie, and just like that I was out cold.


I was awakened by a very loud, extremely loud, banging noise and the moment I opened my eyes I regretted it. The sun was barely shining in through the blinds in my living room but that was enough to make my head explode. The amount of alcohol I had drank last night caught up with me and I was greeted with a hangover from hell. Sitting up, I wrapped my blanket around me and got up to answer the door. As soon as I unlocked the door, Coty burst through without hesitation. Looking around for something, but when she couldn't find what she was looking for she looked at me in confusion.

"Where's Mark?" she asked hopeful.
"Who?" I asked as I closed the door and made my way into the kitchen.
"Alec's friend who drove you home last night..."
"Oh, I'm assuming he's at home. I didn't have him stay and I didn't sleep with him if that's what you're going to ask next." I explained as I began to make a pot of coffee and grabbed some aspirin from my cupboard and a bottle of water from my fridge. "I had no intentions of sleeping with him, lady." I tsk'ed her as she looked disappointed.
"Come on Alisha, I'm vicariously living through your promiscuous life." She whined as she hopped onto my counter, despite knowing how much it upset me when she did so.
"I'm not promiscuous.." I said as I slowly looked in my fridge for something to eat for breakfast. "Ugh, I literally have nothing edible in here." Coty hopped off the counter and stood behind me and peered into my fridge with me.
"What are you talking about? You can probably make something out of all of this." She said. "Oh my god, you have all the ingredients for your amazing omelettes. Please, please, pleeease make them! I haven't eaten anything yet!"
"Pour me a cup of coffee, I'm going to go shower and get dressed for today and then I'll make us some breakfast."

Grabbing my clothes I hopped into the shower and washed up quickly. I always felt weird when people were in my house when I showered. Even if I knew them for years, it was still something that made my skin crawl for some reason. One of my [many] weird social anxieties. As I jumped out of the shower, I took a look at myself in the mirror. I was nothing special really, or at least I thought so. Dismissing all negative thoughts, I went to positive and continued to get ready.

Hopping down the stairs I noticed Coty not only made me a coffee, but waited until I was close to being done because it was still hot. I walked over to my kitchen stereo system and plugged in my phone and opened up some music. My sign to her that I was going to get started on breakfast. Pulling open the fridge I grabbed eggs, onions, bell peppers, tomatoes, feta cheese, spinach, and some hot sauce. As I began preparing all of the vegetables Coty walked in.

"Breakfast tiiime, oh breakfast tiiime. So after we eat we should go shopping or something."
"There is this new little shop on the strip that I've been meaning to check out.. hey while you're in here grab a knife and help me cut up some vegetables." I laughed as I hip checked her.
"Hey, when do you think you're going to get your sleeve finished? I've finally decided on what I'm gonna get." She said as she cut a bell pepper in half.
"I was thinking about a week or so actually. Is this the tattoo you won't tell me about?"
"Yeah, I don't want you to know what it is until it's done."
"Well, I can probably get you an appointment with Christopher. He's the guy that does all of my stuff and he's phenomenal."
"That would be great! I don't want this one done badly, like my wrist tattoo. Speaking of, I need to get that one covered up one of these days. I'm sick of wearing bracelets to cover it."

Laughing, we went to cooking and dancing in the kitchen. I could already tell that today was going to be [my kind of] crazy.