Games Psychos Play

Chapter 1 First Attempt

The cold brisk air did nothing to cool my body, I felt as if my skin was melting under a constant breath of fire. I prayed for the drugs to wear off, I couldn’t even move, my joints my muscles, everything was under constant pain. I wandered around searching for stevie, wondering if he had been going through the same pain I was in. I touched wall after wall of the house and still no stevie. Finally I found the beer keg and scrambled to find a cup and fill it up. The cold beer soothed my aching throat and I carried on with my mission. I slithered around the house and found my way outside to a chair next to the pool. I, unstable, plopped on it and layed my head back, squeezing my eyes shut. I so desperately wanted this high to go away. My whole body was afloat but yet it felt like I was falling down into the bottomless pit of hell. Until I heard it, the softness of Stevie’s laugh, the warmth of his touch, but along with his laugh I heard another. I popped my eyes open to find him, searching amongst hundreds of drunk teens, and there he was. Innocence washed away by the wrath of Kelly Michelle’s kiss. Lips locked and tongues intertwined, Stevie had totally forgotten about me, me and my overwhelming despair…
“…And what happened after that?” Asked Dr. Brown
“I don’t remember, like I said I blacked out.” I said
“You blacked out? How convenient.”
“I thought sarcasm was a cowardly way of expressing your emotions Dr. Brown?”
” You’re good at that.” Said Dr. Brown
“At what?” I asked.
“Avoiding the main problem at hand.” Said Dr. Brown. I sat there in silence for a moment. Searching through the many thoughts running through my mind.
“You want to know what I think?” Asked Dr. Brown
“Do I have a choice?” I scowled, reverting my attention back to him. He laughed a loud one and replied,
“No. I think you were jealous. I think you just couldn’t stand to see Stevie with Kelly.” Dr. Brown said. I laughed for a minute appauled at the statement as if it was so unbelievably true.
“Jealous?” Dr. Brown nodded. “I’m not jealous, I mean Kelly Michelle is the prettiest girl in school, but she’s a bitch, and that overshadows her looks.”
“Was.” Said Dr. Brown
“Excuse me?”
“Was. You said she is the prettiest girl in school… She was.” Repeated Dr. Brown. I peered out one of the only windows I had been able to look through for the last 3 months and had personally decided the session was over. I hummed a bit of the Beatles for a few minutes until Dr. Brown had realized that was all he would get out of me. He scribbled something in his yellow lined notebook, picked up his phone, and pressed a button. In walked three men, two in white nurse like scrubs, and one in all black, gun into an holster, baton in the other. The two men snapped the handcuffs off the chair and back upon my legs and arms. I stood continuing to look at the window and hummed the tune of “Here Comes the Sun” by the Beatles. We walked through a locked gate, made a left, walked down a long hall, made a left, walked through another locked gate and down another hall and finally we reached a white sign in big blue letters that read, “Psychiatric Ward”. I was home.