Games Psychos Play

Chapter 15: Shall We Dance?

James looked warm in his nice grey sweater and blue jeans; it brightened his eyes. I couldn't help but light up a little when I saw him sitting there outside of his usual black work clothes, and stern exterior. I missed him, that warm fuzzy spot inside of me was telling me that; a feeling I hadn't felt in a long time. James looked up at me, smiled, rose from his seat and took me in an embracing hug, in which I reciprocated none of the actions back. James and Mike exchanged smiles and nods, Mike sat me down and to my surprise removed the cuffs from both my hands and ankles. I looked back and forth between James and Mike with a confused look spread across my face.
“Minimum threat, minimum security.” Said Mike shaking the handcuffs a little, “You think you can handle that?” He asked. I nodded and smiled sure that I wouldn't be doing anything chaotic this time. “I’m taking a coffee break,” Mike said this time talking to James, “You got this.” Mike said dragging the cuffs along the clean white tile and exiting visitation.
“You look good,” said James who was looking me up and down, “Gained a little weight, that’s good.”
“Doc’s going to put me back into group activities. No more personal dinner dates for you to look forward too.” James had let out a loud laugh turning the attention of the room to us.
“Yea I’m going to miss that.” I couldn't tell if he was being serious or sarcastic.
“Don’t worry knowing me I’ll be back in there soon.” I said rolling my eyes and running my hands through my frizz of a mess I called hair. Truth was I was nervous about the whole integrating me back in to the group, back into society, what if they didn't like me, better yet what if I didn't like them?
“Don’t say that.” James’ strong voice interrupted my thoughts. “I’m serious Gwen, I want you to try this time, for yourself. You deserve more than being stuck in this place.” James’ tone was serious, his eyes piercing into mine.
“When I get out do you think we’ll still be friends?” I asked.
“Definitely.” He said, “We’ll go on our first official date.” He smiled big.
“Oh yea? Where would we go?” I asked truly interested.
“Hmm, We’d go out to dinner, to a nice restaurant, then we’d dance to really soft music, and we would go out get ice cream.”
“I don’t know how to dance, and ice cream? What am I 12?” I said annoyed at James’ lack of imagination in our whole imaginary date.
“You don’t?” James asked. “Well allow me to teach you.” He said rising from his seat and holding out his hand to me.
“What are you doing?” I said looking around at the guards standing outside the window not paying attention to what we were doing.
“You should be prepared, come on.” James waved his hand back and forth, gesturing me to get up. I glanced around a bit more and took James’ hand, he then pulled me in, placed his hand on my lower back and held mine tightly in his other. The low playing classical music playing in visitation slowly became more and more apparent to me; I had never noticed it. James and I sway from side to side in the middle of the room and for a moment everything and everyone disappears. I close my eyes and all I hear is the low playing music, the tapping of James’ and I’s feet when lifting on and off the ground, and the sound of James’ calm breathing. I could stay here in his arms forever, when suddenly I was holding myself.
“Gwen put your hands up.” I opened my eyes abruptly to Mike, Dennis, Elijah, and a few other guards standing in front of me hands in up in defense, Mike had his hand on his gun. In my hand I was squeezing a bloody letter opener, but I looked down at my body and there was no blood. “Gwen. Hands up, and drop it.” I kept asking myself ‘whose blood is it?’ scanning my brain trying to remember when it happened, who it happened too. “Gwen! I’m not going to tell you again.” I slowly put my hands up, letting the letter opener fall onto the floor and the blood drip down my hand. Where was James? What was happening to me?

So many questions and no answers.