Sequel: In Oceans Deep

Our Secret Place


I don’t understand it, she’s been acting so strange recently. Sometimes we’ll be talking and she’ll just get up and leave the room and go to bed or the bathroom locking the door behind her. Sometimes, she’ll start to cry and run away, but always putting a door between us. And then maybe an hour or two later, she’d be fine and come back to me.

She’s thinner now than before. I wondered if it was an eating disorder, like anorexia, because she barely eats any food now. But I always tell her how beautiful she is. Is that not enough?

And her family are being strange too. They have this happy family charade that they always put on when I’m around but I can see that they are falling apart; they all avoid her gaze, even her siblings, always the glimmer of a tear forming when they catch it.

I took her to the beach to try and free her, to get rid of whatever stress she’s feeling. I just want to know what it is so that I can be there for her. I don’t care what it is, I just want to be there for her, with her, always.