Sequel: In Oceans Deep

Our Secret Place


It is hot today. The sun’s rays bear down forcing sweat to drip and coats to fall. It is nearing the end of summer, when the cooling winds start whistling their tune.

She feels his hands weaving into hers and smiles; his grip is gentle, but safe. She is heavily blindfolded, seeing only darkness, but feels him pulling her faster and faster until she is running alongside him.

Then the cold hard pavement turns to sand, the grains flicking upwards as she sprints next to him. The smell of salt water hits her like a wave and she breathes in deep.

“Can I look yet?” she calls out.

“No, not yet.”

She can’t hear anything else around them, only their breaths and their feet in the sand.

He slows down until they are walking, the hot sand spreading between her toes. They go further and the sand cools and dampens. And then she feels it, the cool swash of foam as it rises to her ankles and then swirls back away.

He peels the blindfold off her, gently sweeping a ribbon of hair from her face. She trembles at his touch, but her eyes widen at what lies before her.

Her body is tilted diagonally to the sea. For miles it stretches, just open water, waves of green and blue rolling and tussling over each other. But she also sees the beach. The sand is a soft gold, the shore line curving round, the cliffs following. But it is empty. The beach is empty.

She swivels round once, twice, three times, her eyes widening with every turn. There is nobody else there.

He catches her on the fourth turn and leans in close so his face is only millimetres from hers. His lips are so close, and she can see a deep longing in his eyes, but he pulls away.

“Welcome to our secret place.” He smiles, her mouth mirrors his and he takes her hand pulling her into an embrace.