Status: In progress

Stolen Kisses

Old faces

The next morning, I woke up early to change my tear stained pillow case with a new one. I realized that I had a dorm mate, but I’d been such a wreck that we hadn’t really had time to chit chat. I’d just cried all night last night, thinking about my fight with Draco. I’d noticed that she walked in and saw me crying, and then decided that it was best not to pry seeing as we didn’t even know each other’s names yet. So she’d given me a sympathetic look before getting into her bed and going to sleep. I washed my face and wiped away the streaks of mascara that formed the pattern of tears that had run down my face, before having a shower and changing into fresh clothes.
I walked out just as my dorm mate was about to walk in, and I smiled at her
“Sorry” I murmured, moving out of the way. She smiled back
“Are you ok now?” she asked softly, and I nodded.
“Listen I’m sorry about last night” I started
“It’s ok, drama comes with being a teenager” she comforted. “I’m Aria” the girl introduced herself.
“I’m Kara” I replied, smiling at her.
“So, Kara… what’s the drama about? If you don’t mind me asking” she asked. I looked down in a disheartened mood.
“Boyfriend troubles” I admitted, looking back up to her. She smiled and came over to hug me
“It’s ok. We’ve all been through it before” she soothed. Aria pulled away from me to look at my face “Hey, how old are you?” she asked. “You look younger than the rest of the girls here”
“Oh, I got accepted early. I’m 16” I answered. Aria looked impressed
“Wow, you must be super smart huh?” she asked, and I chuckled
“No, I just studied my butt off” I admitted, and Aria smiled
“Well now that you’ve gotten in, you don’t work so hard. Now you just party each night and live your life while you can. 6 years is a long time” she informed me, and I nodded. “Come on, I’m going to take you to a great club tonight. We can go shopping for an outfit after I get ready” she told me, before going into the toilet.

I walked out of the room in hopes of getting a little fresh air, when I bumped into Ryan. Quite literally, I walked into his hard chest. Ryan instinctively caught me and held me steady, grinning as his eyes connected with mine.
“Hey, you ok?” he asked, and I nodded.
“Yeah, just looking for the field” I explained.
“Sure, follow me” Ryan offered, leading me outside. “I don’t mean to pry, but I saw your friend storming out of your dorm room yesterday. Everything ok?” he asked. I smiled lightly
“Oh that… that wasn’t my friend. He’s my boyfriend” I explained. There was a look of something I couldn’t quite place in Ryan’s eyes. Like the spark fizzed out. “His name is Draco” I continued, after a few minutes of awkward silence. “We had an argument and he stormed off” I explained. Ryan nodded
“Was it serious?” he asked, seeming genuinely worried. I shrugged
“It was about you, actually” I told him, chuckling slightly. Ryan looked taken aback
“What about me?” he asked, seeming confused
“Well… Draco seems to think that because I have your number, it means that we had some sort of one night stand or something” I admitted. Ryan whistled a long note.
“Wow. No offence but that’s the most psycho version of ‘over protective boyfriend’ I’ve ever heard. How do you put up with it?” he asked. I smiled, looking at him.
“I don’t know why, but I actually like his protective side. It’s sweet. It shows how much he cares about me, and how worried he is of loosing me” I explained. Ryan nodded, before his phone vibrated. He pulled it out to read a text message
“Damn, I have to go to a lecture. You’re in the field now anyway, so if you need direction again just give me a ring. Gotta go” he told me, before hugging me and running in the opposite direction.

I looked around the field, smiling as I breathed in the fresh air. I continued to search the field before my eyes locked with someone familiar. My eyes widened as I took in the familiar figure that was heading straight towards me. It was Blaise.