Status: In progress

Stolen Kisses

I miss you

“Blaise… hey…” I breathed, looking at him slowly. He smiled at me, almost reaching out to place his hand on my cheek before stopping himself.
“Hi” he whispered eventually. I smiled, searching his face.
“I… didn’t realize when you said your parents wanted you to go to University, you meant here” I explained, and Blaise smiled.
“Yeah, I uh… didn’t realize you’d be here either” he admitted. I smiled at him, and we started walking slowly, side by side.
We spent the morning catching up with each other. It was nice to have him near me again. In some way, it brought me a piece of Draco. It would make the separation more bearable. And it was nice to have a different version of Draco who wasn’t angry at me. Draco still hadn’t called me, clearly still annoyed at me.

I walked back to my dorm room after Blaise left for his lesson, and walked in to see my phone lit up on the table. I ignored it as I pressed my back against the door, breathing out. Aria walked out of the toilet, dressed up and ready
“Oh, I was wondering where you were” she told me, before pausing as she took in my expression. “Who have you just had a rendez-vous with?” she asked, smiling at me as she took the curlers out of her hair. I smiled
“Ex-boyfriend” I admitted. Aria looked surprised
“That’s a good thing?” she asked, touching up her lipgloss. I nodded
“He reminds me of my boyfriend” I confessed, and Aria smiled.
“Your phone rang by the way” she told me. I walked over to it and picked it up, to see 3 missed calls and a text message from Draco. I felt a rush of warmth flood me. It was like I’d just spent the morning with Draco, being with Blaise, and I forgot all about my fight with Draco.
I’m sorry about everything. I was being stupid. Call me back when you forgive me.
I smiled as I read the message. Simple and to the point, without pouring out his entire soul into one message.
“Hey, I’m just gonna make a phone call, then we can go ok?” I asked Aria. She nodded, realizing that this was private
“I’ll wait near my car. It’s a blue Mustang” she told me, before walking out of the room.

I rang Draco’s phone and he answered immediately
“Hey I’m so sorry Kara I didn’t mean what I said” he told me quickly, in case I hung up on him. I chuckled
“It’s ok you silly fool. I’m sorry too. I saw Ryan this morning and told him you were my boyfriend. He asked why I wasn’t annoyed by your protectiveness and I told him that it was something that I loved about you. That just made me realize how much I cared about you” I explained, smiling. Draco was silent for a while, afraid to say his next sentence.
“I miss you” he whispered, and I smiled sadly.
“I miss you too” I admitted, feeling tears pool up.
“You know this morning” Draco started, sniffing lightly as he chuckled. I wondered whether he’d gotten emotional for a minute too, or if he was sniffing because he had a cold or something. “I was cleaning my room, and found your perfume” he told me, and I could almost feel the smile on his face. “I sprayed it a little. I’m not really sure why I did, but it’s like my subconscious was telling me to. And that smell reminded me of every good memory with you” he admitted, his voice becoming quieter at the end in case it broke. I felt the tears splash onto the floorboards. We were silent for a while. It’s like even over the phone; we could still read each other’s thoughts. We had so much to say and yet neither of us needed to express it out loud.
“You know I’ll see you soon” I whispered, wiping away the tears. “I’ve counted down the days. 107 until winter holidays. 107 until I see you again” I told him, looking up and blinking away the tears. Draco was silent on the other side.
“I’ll wait for you” he told me, his voice no louder than a whisper. I sniffed as I nodded
“I’m going shopping with my dorm mate soon” I told him. I couldn’t bear to say goodbye. Draco realized it was my way of saying goodbye, and we stayed silent for a while before I ended the call.