
I could hear the sound of your voice still ringing in my ear

I unpacked my suitcase into the closet in the bedroom before deciding to do some nearby wandering seeing as it was still light out. I could also look for someplace to eat… I was getting hungry.

When I exited the hotel, I looked at the surrounding buildings and shops, trying to decide which direction to go. Finally I turned and followed the sidewalk to the right. I inspected the buildings closely, looking at the window displays of the stores, mentally deciding which one’s I’d have to come back to and check out.

It didn’t take me long to find a small restaurant that looked like someplace I wouldn’t mind sitting by myself to eat. I didn’t mind eating by myself. I was used to it back home. But this was in public and in a foreign country. The thought of eating by yourself where people could stare at you and wonder why was nerve wracking, but I quickly pushed those feelings to the back of my head as I entered the restaurant. A bell tinkled as I opened the door and waitress appeared before me, smiling brightly.

“Sit wherever you’d like, and I’ll be right over with a menu,” she said. I nodded and smiled back before looking around. There weren’t many people here and I found a booth towards the back that offered some privacy. The waitress found me, placing a menu on the table in front of me. “Can I get you something to drink?”

“Water would be fine,” I said, glancing down at the menu. The waitress walked away and a few minutes later she returned with my drink, placing it in front of me. I ordered a cheeseburger and fries, keeping it simple for tonight.

I was kind of surprised that I wasn’t more tired than I thought I’d be. It had been a long day after all, especially with the flight. But I guess I was just used to running on odd sleep schedules and lack of sleep as well.

When I finished at the restaurant, I decided to go down the street a bit more to see what other shops there were. I surprised to see it was already getting dark when I left the restaurant. I hadn’t realized it was so late already.
I was about to turn to return to the hotel when I noticed a small bar, well, I guess I should say pub (I’m not in America anymore!), across the street. Suddenly I was thirsty. I didn’t get to drink very often, and now seemed a good time as ever to indulge in that want. I was on vacation, it was okay to let loose.

I crossed the street quickly and entered the pub, the air smelling of beer and liquor and slightly of sweat. The pub was surprisingly busy but I managed to find a free stool at the bar between a man and an older woman. The bartender came over to me quickly and I ordered a screwdriver. I figured I’d keep it simple with some vodka and orange juice. I hadn’t had much vodka in my life and I was almost longing for it, ready to unwind. I really didn’t drink much. I had the occasional beer or glass of wine, but my schedule just never seemed to allow me much time to actually go out and just drink till I couldn’t stand on my own anymore… Not that I actually wanted to get that drunk. Especially here where there would be no one to help me walk.

I gave the bartender my money as he set my drink in front of me. I picked it up immediately, drinking a mouthful, enjoying the way the drink felt and tasted in my mouth and finally how the vodka burned slightly in my throat before pooling into a comfortable warmth in my belly. I smiled (I was doing that a lot lately), and drank half of my drink in a few large gulps. I know, not the greatest idea, but at this point I didn’t care.

When I finished, I sat forward, trying to get the bartender’s attention so that I could get another drink.

“Let me buy this one,” said the man who was sitting next to me. I glanced at him, noticing his thinning hair and the glazed look in his eyes. I could smell the beer on his breath from where I was sitting.

“No, thank you,” I said, forcing a small smile in his direction.

“Come on, miss,” he said, putting his hand over mine. I tried to pull it away, but his fingers wrapped around mine quickly, holding tightly. “A nice American girl as yourself looks like she could use some company. Let me buy you a drink.”

“Really, its fine,” I said, still trying to free my hand from his. “I can buy my own drink.”

“I insist,” the man said, just as I heard another man behind me say, “Ah, there you are, love.”

I tensed as I felt an arm slide around my waist and a warm body close to mine. What was wrong with these people?

The balding man released my hand.

“My apologies,” he said, attempting to get up from his stool. “Didn’t realize she was taken.”

He hurried away and I felt some relief, though now I had a new nutcase to deal with. The bartender finally came over to me and took my glass, making me a fresh drink as I felt the unfamiliar arm go away. This new man sat on the vacated stool.

“I apologize for that,” he said. “He didn’t seem to want to take no for an answer, and I couldn’t just sit there and leave you helpless.”

I glanced at him quickly as my new drink was placed in front of me. I gave the bartender some more money before taking a sip of my drink.

“I’m Tom,” he said after a moment. “I swear I’m not here to force my company on you. If you’d like I can order my beer and move on to a different location in the pub.”

I took another looking at him, eyes moving first from his surprisingly blue eyes, moving over the pale skin of his face, light stubble the only visible ‘blemish’, to the almost ginger curls pushed back on his head. He was quite handsome. Definitely better looking and less creepy looking than the balding man.

“Thank you for saving me from that guy,” I finally said, smiling at him. He smiled back, his eyes crinkling and eyes brightening—wow.

“You said your name is Tom?” I said. He nodded. “I’m Sarah.”

“It’s lovely to meet you, Sarah,” he said, picking up the beer that had been placed in front of him and drinking some of it. I took the opportunity to swallow a few mouthfuls of my own drink. “So what brings you to London?”

“Vacation,” I said. “I very badly needed vacation.”

“And what made you decide on London?”

“It’s one place I’ve always wanted to visit,” I answered. “I actually didn’t even plan this vacation at all… I just kind of came here on a whim.”

“Ah,” Tom said. “But those types of vacations can sometimes end up being the best. When did you get here?”

“Today actually,” I said. “I think I’m just going to stay two weeks. At least, that’s what I told the hotel I’m staying at.”

“And what hotel is that?” he asked. I told him and he nodded. “That’s a nice place. I’ve been there a few times.”

“Yeah, I think I’m in love with my room,” I said, smiling.

“Do you have any plans on what you’re going to do and see while you’re here?”

“No, actually,” I said, finishing my drink. “On a whim vacation, remember?”

“Well, I apologize if I’m being too forward, but I would like to offer you my services as your own personal tour guide,” Tom said, smiling at me.

“Really?” I asked. “You’d do that for someone you just met?”

“Yes,” he said. “There’s something about you. So far, I’ve enjoyed talking to you and I would very much like to talk to you more.”

“Then I must accept, because I have been enjoying talking to you as well,” I said.

“Wonderful,” he said, standing. “Then I must get you back to your hotel. We’re going to get an early start.”

I laughed, standing up too. Tom offered me his arm, and I took it.

“You’re really going to walk me back to my hotel?”

“Yes,” he said. “You shouldn’t walk by yourself at night, especially since you’re in an unfamiliar country.”

“Good point,” I said. We walked in silence back to my hotel and I was glad that it wasn’t awkward. I felt that so far my trip had been pretty successful. I may even end up with a friend already!

When we reached my hotel, we stood in front and I unhooked my arm from Tom’s. I looked up into his face, just now realizing how tall he was. I knew I was taller than average, but Tom still managed to tower over me by several inches.

“Now, I apologize in advance if this seems too forward, but I’m glad you’re not creepy,” I said after a moment. Tom laughed and I couldn’t help but grin at him. He had such a great laugh.

“Well, I’m glad you didn’t think I was creepy,” he said. “Now, how about I meet you in the lobby at 9:00 a.m.?”

“Sounds good, tour guide,” I said.

“Goodnight, Sarah,” he said, smiling at me. I smiled back before turning and heading into the hotel.

When I was in bed, all I could think about were blue eyes and gingery curls until my eyes finally shut.
♠ ♠ ♠
As promised, second chapter up about an hour later. I don't have internet at home, so don't expect an update until at least next Friday!

But comments are appreciated! I can read those on my phone. :)

I'm really excited about this story.


[Chapter title credit: The Resolution - Jack's Mannequin]