Status: Enjoy!

A Necessary Evil


When I had gotten home I didn't think about washing the smell off of me and my clothes. When I closed the front door I right away grabbed my note pad, my pencil and my computer and sat down at the table. I googled Bane. The only thing that popped up was Wolf's Bane. “I highly doubt that's what they were talking about.” I roll my eyes then start going through criminal databases. Page after page I find nothing until I come across one page that talks about Africa and mentions the name. I go to click on it but it won't let me. “What the hell?” Access denied. “Shit!”

I pack all my stuff into my bag; computer included. I lock the door and head to my car. I was going to go talk to the mayor again. He had to know something about the sewers. I parked in front of the court house. He was there for a hearing for an inmate. I walked into the court house. I knew right when I walked in through the doors where the mayor was; there was tons of reports to the left of me. I ran past them and down the hall. I've been here many times so I knew there was another way into that court room. I found the vent that I used quite a lot it was next to the restroom.

I slid it open and climbed in. I crawled two feet then made a right turn then a left. I was now over the court room. I could see everything and everyone excluding the inmate. “Do you agree to these terms?!” The judge yelled loud enough for all of Gotham to hear. “I don't know do I?” The only thing I could see of the inmate was his green hair. “Joker answer the question.” Someone yelled out. I knew that name. He attacked Gotham eight years ago. “Quiet!” I searched the court room and found the mayor. He was in standing by the back door it looked like he was about to run.

“Well since the prisoner isn't willing to cooperate we will have to conclude court today. Be back here 10 am tomorrow.” Everyone stood up and then I saw the mayor leave through that back door. I turned around and went back out of the vent, I put the cover back and ran to the back doors where I came across ten body guards and the prisoner. “Well, well who might you be?” I gulped. He was creepy. “Aw why so serious?” He laughed as one of the guards pushed him on and passed me. I put my hand over my heart it was beating rapidly.

I shook it off and ran out the back doors. “What the hell? Where is...” I look to my left to see the mayor walking a little too fast for my liking. “Mayor! Mayor Garcia!” He stopped and turned around. “Miss....” I inhaled. “Stone. I have a few questions for you.” He turned back around and started walking. “I'm not answering questions about the prisoner.” I ran past him and stopped in front of him. “This isn't about the court hearing this is about the sewers.” He raised his eyebrow. “What? Why are the sewers important?” This was my time. “Do you know that there are men down there? There's a ton, an army worth.” He scoffed and rolled his eyes and started walking.

“Miss....” I was getting tired of him not remembering my name. “Stone.” And this guy was the mayor? “I think you need sleep, there is no army worth of men in the sewers.” I flipped through my notes as I kept up with his pace. “Have you ever heard of the name Bane?” He stopped and rubbed the bridge of his nose. “No I haven't now if you'll excuse me Miss.......” I rolled my eyes again. “Stone.” I let out a low growl after I said it. “I have more important things to do.” With that he got in his car and drove off. “Well shit.” I put my notepad back in my bag. I had to do something. There was something going on under Gotham that no one knew about.

I took my car and slowly drove back to the manhole by my apartment. I left my bag in the car and got out. I decided to take my coat off, it would just slow me down if I needed to fight or run fast. I put my keys in my pocket after I locked the doors. I walked over to the manhole and opened the steel cover. I climbed down the ladder and looked around. I could hear faint voices but none that were close. I crouched down and crept around corners. I followed the voices as they became louder not that there were many. I followed the wall until it made a 90 degree angle to the right and opened up to the next area. I crouched down and peeked into the room.

It was a bad idea. I knew it was a bad idea but I still let my curiosity get the better of me. “Who do you think you are?” A scruffy looking man met my gaze. He stood above me probably almost 6 feet tall. I stood up from the ground. “I lost my glasses.” I knew he wasn't falling it for it when he made a swing at me. I backed away as he took another swing at me. “You're not supposed to hit a lady.” He swings again but this time I grab his fist twist it and kick him in the stomach, he drops to his knees and I kick him in the side of the face. I let go of his hand as another guy runs at me.

He throws a punch but I dodge it by flipping over his shoulder and kicking him behind the knees then hitting him between the shoulder blades. Another one came. He caught me off guard and hit me in the side hard enough to knock me off my feet. I spun around on the ground right as he was heading towards me. I kicked him and he grabbed my leg so I jumped up with the other leg and kneed him in the face as we both fell to the ground.

I rolled away from the men who were knocked out. I didn't know what to do I couldn't run I was already pretty far from the hole. I could hear more men coming there was no way I could fight I was already tired from these men. I took a deep breath why did I come down here. I pushed myself up against the back wall that faced the opened area. I watched as a couple of men came in. “Take her out!” They ran for me. I moved to the one of the left I kicked him in his stomach then dodged his fist from hitting my face. I move behind him and elbow him in the back of the head.

A guy from behind and the other guy were heading towards me. “Enough.” They stopped in their tracks as I froze. This is was it. I felt the ground shake as the guy moved. I didn't look up. I couldn't. I survived fifteen years of hell yet I was going to die here in a sewer. “Stand.” I did quietly. “I know that fighting style.” I looked at his feet as he spoke. “Kid?” Who was this guy calling a kid?! “Emlyn?” I finally looked up. A black mask covered his mouth and nose but it was him. I knew his eyes they were still the same, cold, distant but no longer weak.
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I love you guys so much! So I posted another chapter. This was half written so I went through and finished it. I'm super happy that you guys like this. I'm trying to make it as realistic as I can while I give it a nice story line as it kind of follows through Dark Knight Rises. I'm trying to give my character a nice story through this not just being friends with Bane.

You guys keep commenting and subscribing it gives me great motivation!