Paint Yourself a Picture, Something Perfectly Obscure


“What the hell happened to you?” I asked and he looked at me “He happened to me, I’m sorry I made you go in the car. Was Alex careful, I told him to be” he said but his newly split lip covered half his words and I smiled “You sound funny” I stated and he smiled “You’re a charmer” he replied making me smile again.

“I’m fine and yes Alex was careful, it wasn’t that scary actually. Your talking must’ve worked somehow” I said sitting down and he nodded, “Sorry I just know he’d seen me with someone and I didn’t want him doing anything to you because he obviously knows where you live now” he said looking worried and I smiled.

“I’ll be fine, I’m a Mayberry kid I’m pretty tough,” I said as the door opened “Mayberry, you’re a Mayberry kid?” Alex asked and Jack started to laugh. “You’ve been in the car with a Mayberry kid! Your going to get headlice again and have to shave you hair off!” teased Rian and Alex glared at Jack.

“You jackass, you never mentioned she’s from Mayberry. No offence” Alex said turning to me “You know what happened last time I got close to one of them” he said and Jack rolled his eyes “Hey guys lets made a great first impression on Dillon and all be really mean about the fact she grew up in a kids home why don’t we?” Jack snapped trying to sound angry and I started to laugh.

“You sound like such a dick” I teased and he smiled “Oh sod it, be mean to her all you want she’s a mean girl” Jack said smiling at me winking and they all laughed. “So Dillon” Alex said sitting next to me and Jack glared at him “Your really from Mayberry?” he asked and I nodded “And for the record never in my life have I had headlice and I lived at Mayberry practically my whole life” I said and Jack smiled.

“Well I caught them and I had to have a shaved head and this face does not look pretty with no hair” Alex defended “Or even with hair for that matter” Rian cut in and Alex flipped him off “Dillon Rian was wondering if you’d give him some drumming lessons” Alex said and Rian shook his head.

“You guys know ho to scare someone off don’t you? Ignore them they’re idiots” Zack said and I smiled “So Dillon what do you do for a living?” Alex asked “Oh I just got a job in a bank as an assistant” I admitted and Jack looked at me “Really, you got your job back?” he asked and I nodded.

“You never said anything” he said looking upset I’d never told him “Jeez Jack you sound like Alex” Rian teased “It was after you went home, I have a feeling Arthur sorted it out for me” I said and he smiled. “She knows Arthur from the music shop,” Jack stated and Alex smiled.

“Same sweater and coughing fit Arthur?” Alex asked and I nodded “I’ve known him years, he’s great bless him” I said and Jack looked over at Alex “Is my sister okay?” he asked and Alex rolled his eyes “Dude your sister would take a punch better than you but yes she’s perfectly fine now will you stop worrying about everyone” Alex said and Jack went quiet.

“Oh I forgot, I swung by yours on the way to getting Dillon and I picked something up. Will you guys go get it?” Alex asked looking at the others “Erm sure” Rian said standing up and then Alex looked at me “Rian why don’t you go get coffee and Zack and Dillon can go fetch what I brought” Alex said throwing Zack his keys and before anyone had a chance to object he’d got us all out the room.

“I get the distinct feeling he wants us all out the way and I’m not one to argue with Alex” Rian said to which Zack laughed “Your always one to argue with anyone but I got that feeling a little bit, we’ll see you back there in a bit. Give them 5 minutes to do whatever it is Alex so obviously wants us out the way for” Zack said.

“Come on Dillon I’m about the only normal one, you have any clue what we’re looking for?” he asked and I shook my head “That makes two of us. Ignore the others they’re just winding Jack up; I think it’s their way of taking his mind from things. They don’t mean anything they say to you they’re just messing around although Alex has always had a thing about kids from Mayberry. You should’ve seen Alex’s face when you turned out to be a girl; I thought he was going to drive Jack crazy with questions. He’s kind of protective but I guess if you know Jack you know about him” he said and I nodded.

“I’ve never had to be this talkative before” he said and I smiled “Sorry it’s just a bit weird” I admitted and he smiled “Don’t worry I guess it’s pretty weird seeing as you don’t know us but don’t worry. Once your one of our friends your all of our friends and Jack obviously likes you otherwise he wouldn’t be lying to Alex, well I guess he’s not lying but he’s just not told him the full story and he does that sometimes if he just wants to catch a break from Alex” Zack rambled as we got to Alex’s car.

“Okay so I’m wondering if this is just a story or the truth” Zack said as he unlocked the car and looked inside, he pulled out his phone to ring Alex “Dude is this the truth or are you just getting rid of us?” Zack asked and he smiled “Alright, the backseat?” Zack asked and I looked and saw what he’d got. “Nala?” I asked and Zack looked and rolled his eyes “Found it, can we come back now?” he asked and then laughed hanging up.

“That bloody lion, I hate Lion King the amount of times Jack frikkin watches it” he complained and I smiled ”It’s a great film” I stated and he smiled “You best get used to seeing it then because he’ll make you watch it constantly” he said as we walked back in the hospital. “Zachary!” a voice shouted and he smiled “Rian!” he shouted back as Rian walked over.

“I made a rookie mistake and walked back in too early, there was some heated debate going on in there” Rian said as he handed us both a cup “Idiot, how did you get this you have no money on you?” Zack asked and Rian smiled. “It’s easy when you know how” Rian stated, “You chatted the coffee shop girl up didn’t you?” I asked and he smiled.

“Guilty as charged! How did you know?” he asked and I smiled “I’m a girl I know what guys try and do” I stated “You said you worked in a bank, if I come in and chat you up…” “No you won’t get a loan, she’s not blind or stupid Rian” Zack cut in and he smiled. “Shut up I’m a looker” “My bra collections bigger” Zack stated and Rian smiled.

“And you sound like a pervert when you say that in front of other people, plus I, like Alex, have a girlfriend” Rian replied “His is bigger” Zack cut back “That’s what she said” I stated and they both laughed as we walked back in “I could’ve guess it’d be this shitty thing” Zack stated as we walked in and he handed Jack the teddy.

“Your not the one who’s been beaten up so keep quiet” Jack replied and Zack smiled “How long are we playing this card for?” he joked. “It’s not the same without a Simba, Nala would so get lonely without Simba. They’re meant to be together,” Jack complained.

“Jack seriously! It was no then and it’s a no now, I am not buying you a Simba to go with that! They look the same anyway” Alex cut in “No they don’t! They’re so different now for that you owe me a Simba” Jack stated and I rolled my eyes “I’d give you Simba but it’s kind of difficult” I stated and they all looked at me as Jack smiled.

“See now that’s a true friend” he stated “What?” Alex asked and I showed him my tattoo and he smiled “You are in no shape or form getting one of them Jack so don’t be getting any funny ideas!” Alex snapped and Jack just looked at him “Now I think it’s time we all left you alone” Alex said and Jack shook his head “Yes” Alex said and Zack looked at me motioning towards the door.

“I think there’s trouble in paradise,” he whispered to me “Come on lets go out the way before this turns into a big argument” Zack said and Rian moved towards the door “Don’t move” Jack stated and Alex turned to face us “No come on let’s go” Alex said and Jack looked at me.

“Come on guys” Alex said standing by the door “Alex stop being a dick! Just because I never said anything to you about Dillon, don’t go off on one at me!” Jack snapped and Zack rolled his eyes “Too late” he whispered and I looked at him and he smiled “Don’t worry it’s nothing major they’ll kiss and make up in a minute” he reassured and Rian nodded.

“Shut up and get some rest” Alex snapped back “No stop being a diva! So I never told you Dillon was a girl and I never really talked about her. I don’t have to tell you everything, I’m not your girlfriend!” Jack snapped and Zack tried not to laugh “Sometimes it is like they’re a married couple” Rian whispered and I smiled.