Paint Yourself a Picture, Something Perfectly Obscure


Well this was awkward! “No but you are my best friend! You’re supposed to tell me things!” Alex shouted at him and he shook his head “Not everything and not constantly! I’d have told you about her when I got around to it, I just didn’t want all this,” he said holding his hands out signalling at the argument that was currently occurring.

“What’s that meant to mean?” Alex asked, “That you are over exaggerating!” Jack snapped back. “Really am I? So I was over exaggerating when I brought you to hospital earlier, I was over exaggerating then was I?” Alex shouted. “No you know I don’t mean that!” Jack said still sounding funny due to his lip.

“Well someone knows how to be an ungrateful bastard! I’m only ever looking out for you and you know that,” Alex snapped and Jack shook his head “I’m not a baby Alex, I do have the ability at 22 to look after myself” Jack snapped and Alex shook his head “Come on lets go and get some fresh air” Rian said grabbing Alex and dragging him outside and Zack looked at me “Stay with Jack” he said before going outside.

I looked over at Jack and he smiled “Sorry but he’s being a dick, he made you guys go so he could shout at me” he stated as I sat next to him. “He only cares” I reasoned and he shook his head “He’s being a dick, like all that about you being from Mayberry” he said and I laughed “Jack you joke about that all the time” I replied.

“Yeah but you know I never mean it, you do know that right?” he asked and I nodded “Alex wasn’t a dick” I stated and he smiled “I just wish instead of getting on at me for it he’d be happy for me, why couldn’t he just say ‘I’m glad you’ve found a someone you like Jack and someone you can spend time with’ not ‘Why are you hanging around with a girl and not telling me we all know what you can be like’” he grumbled and I smiled.

“You really are like a married couple,” I stated and he glared at me “We are not!” he snapped and then realised “Sorry it just drives me mad, I hate him sometimes. He can’t just leave things well alone and just let me do my own thing; this is why I hadn’t mentioned you much to him. Rian has his girlfriend and Zack has his other friend and Alex has his girlfriend and sometimes I feel like I’m kind of on the outside. I don’t have any friends apart from them and when they do things away from the band I feel strange, not bad strange just, I guess weird,” he explained.

I nodded and he smiled “It’s like sometimes I wish I had someone to just hang out with that wasn’t them, I’m not going to go out looking for it but if it comes my way I’m not going to pass it up. If that makes any sense?” he asked and I nodded “Yeah it does” I admitted and he smiled. “I just want Alex to see that, he thinks all my problems can be solved by him and they can’t, I talk about things with you I’d never say to him and I like that” he said moving.

“Do you really think that’s a good idea?” I asked as he tried to stand up and he shook his head “Not really but if I don’t it’ll only be worse, it’s not my first time” he said and then started to laugh. “I’m tired of sitting here,” he stated “Well where do you plan on going?” I asked and he smiled “Oh nowhere I’m not really up for walking at the minute it hurts too much” he said holding his side as he sat next to me “Alex did say you’re a drama queen” I joked and he smiled.

“Why’d he hit you?” I asked and he smiled “I kind of deserved this one, I didn’t tell Alex the full story. He knocked on my door and said he’d followed me but that he wasn’t going to hurt me, he asked me how I was and whether things were better for me now. He said he was sorry and I just couldn’t let it slide without him knowing how he made me feel so I told him he was a dick and a coward to hit a kid. And I hit him first and then he started to hit me back, luckily I have Alex on speed dial so I called him because I knew I’d end up like this” he admitted and I shook my head.

“You’re an idiot you don’t hit someone like that,” I stated and he smiled “It felt good though, I think I’m finally over all that now. I just had to face up to it and tell him how I felt and well hitting him felt good” he admitted and I smiled “Well if it helped” I said and he nodded.

We both looked over as the door opened and the others walked in “What are you doing out of bed?” Alex stated and Jack shrugged “I don’t like sitting in them things, I know what’s good for me after all I’m the one who’s used to this sort of thing” Jack snapped back and I kept quiet as Alex opened his mouth again “Mommy, Daddy please don’t fight” Rian said and Zack and I tried not to laugh.

Alex glared at him before smiling “We don’t mean it, okay maybe I meant it a bit then but we still love you even if we do fight” Alex said and Rian nodded like a lost child “I don’t like it when you fight” he said and Zack started to laugh quietly. “Sorry babe, daddy got a new friend and hid it from mommy and she got a bit jealous and worried for daddy that’s all. I know Daddy still loves me I was just being a bit of an idiot,” Alex said looking at Jack who smiled.

“I love how I’m the man in this situation but Daddy’s sorry too, he loves mommy and you guys a lot but he just wishes mommy would see he’s a big boy now and he can look after himself. Just because I’ve got a new friend doesn’t mean I don’t love mommy anymore” Jack said and Alex smiled as he walked over.

“Sorry dude and I’m sorry Dillon if I was a dick” Alex said and I smiled “It’s okay and I’m sorry I probably gave you headlice” I joked and he glared at Jack before smiling “I’m going to let that joke slide but if your not joking mommy really will break daddy’s nose” he said and I smiled.

We all sat talking until the doctor came in “Right Mr Barakat you can go home now, everything’s fine and all you tests have come back fine so you can go home but we suggest no energetic activities for a few days” he said and Jack signed all the papers he needed too before we left.

“Do you guys want a lift home?” Alex asked and Jack shook his head “I’m walking home, it’ll do me good and I’ll walk Dillon home too. I’ll see you guys tomorrow or something,” Jack said and they waved, “Bye Dillon,” they all shouted and I waved back.