Paint Yourself a Picture, Something Perfectly Obscure


“So you like my friends?” he asked and I nodded “I like Zack he’s funny” I said and he smiled, “Your like Zack, you can be quiet like him but when you get to know you your quiet outgoing, Rian and Alex?” he asked and I smiled “Are nice” I replied and he smiled “Good, they like you” he said and I nodded.

“Want to know a secret?” he asked as we walked through town and I nodded “I wasn’t worried you’d get hurt enough to make you go in the car. He has no interest in you and I know that it’s me he hates but I think after hitting him he won’t bother me anymore. I just thought it was a good time to face your fear, Alex is the safest driver I know and also if you were a little bit worried about me, which I hope you were, then it wouldn’t play on your mind so much” he said and I stopped and stared at him.

“Don’t hit me I’m injured,” he said and I smiled “I cannot believe you did that to me! I was worried the whole time I was in the car even if it was easier than I thought I was still scared. Yes I was worried about you,” I admitted and he smiled. “You went in a car though, next time it won’t be a bad, face your fear Dillon, “ he said and I rolled my eyes.

“I like how I have to carry your teddy so nobody will think you’re a girl” I said and he smiled as he put his arm around my shoulder “I’m just sharing” he said and I laughed. “So are you and Alex back in love again?” I asked and he smiled “Yeah we are, he just annoyed me with his stupid lecture as if he knows what’s best for me” he said as we walked down my road.

“Hey come to mine,” he stated “Why?” I asked and he looked awkward “We can watch films, hang out, we can have a sleepover. Come on I don’t want to be on my own,” he said and I looked at my house and saw Tiger at the window “I can’t Tiger will hate me if I leave her overnight, she already thinks I’m abandoning her because I don’t spend all day with her anymore” I said and he smiled as he saw her sat watching us.

“Bring her,” he said and I shook my head “I am not bringing my cat to your house” I stated and he nodded “Okay then” he said and I smiled “You can stay here if you want” I offered “You sure?” he asked and I nodded “Yeah why not, if your not here your only going to annoy me texting me all night” I said and he glared at me “I so would not text you all night, okay so I would but that’s irrelevant” he said as I opened the door.

I shut it behind him and we walked into the lounge to see Tiger sat on the couch “That is so the ’And where have you been’ look” Jack stated as he sat down and I picked her up as I sat down, he rang his sister and mom to tell them he was okay. Jack complained and wanted to watch Lion King so I caved after almost no persuasion and put it on.

“Are you okay?” I asked and he nodded “Yeah this is nothing, I’ve taken worse. I’ll hurt in the morning but that’s about it” he said and I nodded as Tiger jumped off my knee and sat on the floor “That is so the cold shoulder” Jack whispered and I laughed “I think it is, my cat doesn’t love me anymore” I joked and he smile “Aww Dillon” he said putting his arm around my shoulder and pulling me against his side.

I felt his hand rest on my shoulder and his fingers began to play with my hair “Hey Tiger your mom hates you I think” he said and I smacked his side without thinking and he grabbed it in pain “Ouch!” he said grabbing his side and I put my hand to my mouth in shock “Sorry I forgot! Tiger don’t listen he’s a jackass” I said and he smiled “I love how we’re talking to your cat right now” he said and I smiled.

“Are you okay?” I asked and he nodded “Yeah but that hurt quite a bit so lets refrain from doing that again you bully” he said pushing my shoulder and I smiled “I’m not a bully you are dragging me into a car with a stranger” I replied and he smiled “A stranger who’d never hurt you and I hardly dragged you, you chose to agree with me” he teased as he pulled up his top to reveal bruises.

“You did that, you know that right?” he asked and I shook my head “No I didn’t” “Yeah you did, that was never there before. You owe me,” he said and I laughed, “That was there before so don’t play that game and I owe you nothing” I replied. “Okay you don’t owe me but that did hurt” he admitted as he pulled his top back down.

“I’m sorry you big baby” I teased and he put his arm around my neck pulling me against him and messing my hair up “I’m not a big baby at all, I’m just a tad delicate” he replied and I laughed “Delicate? What like a flower?” I asked, “No like a…okay so the only think I can think of is a flower too but I’m not a flower” he said and I laughed.

“Hey remember when we were talking before and you said you had scars? Where are they?” he asked and I rolled my eyes, “My head and some on my body why?” I asked and he smiled “Can I see?” he asked and I shrugged moving my hair so he could see the one along the back of my head.

“That is epic” he stated and then I moved to show him the ones on my back and my side “Whoa they’re great” he said and I laughed “Really?” I asked and he nodded “You could tell people you fought off a shark or something” he said and I laughed. “I’ll stick to the real story for now” I replied.

“Well I’m just saying the chance is there if you want to take it” he said and I smiled as he put his arm back around me “Dammit I never showed Alex your tattoo” he stated “Which one?” I asked and he smiled “You showed him you lion king one I meant the lost in stereo one. He’d love it,” he said and I nodded.

“No he’d think I was mental,” I said and he shook his head “I know Alex and I know that tattoo would make you his new best friend” he reassured and I nodded “Want to go out for a bit?” he asked and I looked at him like he was crazy. “It’s like gone midnight and it’s freezing out” I said and he smiled “Yeah but that means that it’ll be quiet out and you’ll be fine it’s not that cold, come on” he said standing up slowly.

I noticed him hold his side “Are you sure walking is the best thing for you?” I asked and he smiled “Ever been beaten up?” I shook my head “Then keep your medical advice quiet and walk with me” he said and I stood up “If you end up in more pain don’t blame me” I said as I grabbed my jacket.

“Like I would” he said as we walked outside and it was freezing, “Jack seriously it’s freezing” I said as we got to the end of the road “Come here” he said putting arm around me “Oh yeah that made all the difference” I teased and he laughed “You know next time I won’t even bother trying to be a gentlemen to you and I’ll let you freeze on your own” he cut back smiling.

“No next time you can go out on your own” I said “You’d let a poor innocent guy who’s been beaten up go out on his own at night? Charming nice to know you care” he joked and I smiled “Oh be quiet” I said and he laughed tightening his grip on me and however much I played out like it was not helping it was, his body kept mine warmer than I thought it would.

“Where are we going?” I asked as we wandered aimlessly “Wherever feels right” he said quietly and I shook my head slowly “So we’re aimlessly walking around getting cold, nice plan” I said and he laughed “Thanks” he beamed. There was a cold breeze and it made me shiver and he laughed quietly “Come here you big baby” he said hugging me against him.