Paint Yourself a Picture, Something Perfectly Obscure


I felt his hand run through my hair and rest on my neck “A real gentlemen would give me their jacket” I said and he laughed “But then the gentlemen would be cold and unable to protect the lady should the situation arise plus I have no jacket to give” he replied and I smiled to myself “Like you could protect anyone in your condition” I said and he smiled at me.

“You my dear would be surprised at exactly what I can do” he said and I smiled “Well that sounded like I was hinting at something I wasn’t” he said and I nodded “Sure Jack, you didn’t mean it to sound like that at all” I teased and he smiled “I didn’t actually, I meant you’d be surprised at how well I could protect you even when I’m beat up” he said.

“So you’ve brought me out when you think I might need protecting, you know how to be a charmer don’t you” I said and he smiled “You just like to make my life that little bit more difficult don’t you, I try to do a nice thing and you find a problem in it. Nothings ever good enough is it” he said jokingly and I shook my head ”No not really!” I joked back.

“Come on standing still won’t make you warmer” he said turning me around and pushing me to walk with him, we carried on down the street, I’d always loved going out into town at night. The lights against the dark sky, the empty streets and noises from the bars and clubs just made everything seem different and better.

I felt his hand brush against mine as we rounded a corner and past 2 bars as some people were kicked out and started arguing. Drunken arguments ended in one of 2 ways, a fight or best friends and this one was going towards the first of the outcomes. One guy stumbled back and Jack put his hand out steadying him to stop him falling “Thanks dude” the guy said and Jack smiled.

“No problems” he replied and the other guy looked at him “What so your on his side now?” the other guy asked and Jack looked at him “No he was falling I saved him” Jack said calmly “Still such a great idea?” I asked and he smiled at me. “What you think you’ve got all the answers?” the guy asked and the guy Jack saved cut in “Dude leave him” he said.

”Why is he your new best friend?” the guy asked as Jack shook his head “I don’t even know the guy, he was going to fall so I stopped him. Come on everyone’s fallen over drunk and everyone knows the pain in the morning, why don’t you guys just settle this somewhere else” Jack suggested.

“There’s nothing to settle, the guy was doing me a favour Marshall. Don’t fancy a night in the ER do you? So you should be thanking him not picking a fight with him” the guy he’d saved said and the other guy shrugged. “Sorry dude, I think we’ve had a few too many” he said and Jack laughed ”Isn’t that what it’s all about, have fun guys,” he said pulling my wrist to walk with him.

“See told you, I can talk my way out of most things, your safe with me Dillon” he said and I smiled. I felt his hand near mine again and this time he didn’t pull it away but linked his fingers though mine. We walked a bit further and he stopped as I noticed him undo his shirt “What are you doing?” I asked and he smiled “The cold stops them hurting” he said as if it was obvious “So your just going to walk around topless in this weather?” I asked and he shrugged “Probably will” he said pulling it off his shoulders and I shook my head.

“You’ll die” I said and he nodded “Maybe I will but at least these won’t hurt so much” he replied “Surely there’s a law against walking around half naked?” I asked and he smiled ”Maybe there is but hey its worth the risk” he said and I just looked at him. He was covered in bruises and there was a scar that ran across his body, it started above his right hip and went up to the middle of his chest with smaller scars surrounding it.

“Where’s that from?” I asked and he smiled “The scar? I got attacked by a crocodile on tour” he said and I laughed “And the real story?” I asked and he laughed “Glass, one got thrown at me and the smaller ones are from where the pieces went the big one is from where someone cut with it” he explained.

“Seriously?” I asked and he nodded “Seriously, I got it when I was 18. It’s not always punches that I got” he said quietly and I shook my head, how could someone do that to another person? Let alone a kid. “Looks worse than it was, I mark pretty easily. If I have stitches it’s guaranteed to leave a scar” he stated as we walked down the dark alleyway through to the park.

“I hate walking down here,” I admitted and he linked his fingers back through mine “You’ll be alright” he reassured. “Didn’t your mom notice when that happened?” I asked and he shook his head “I lied, I said I was messing around and I got into a fight and someone glassed me, I was too scared to say what really happened. He always threatened to hurt my sister if I told” he said quietly.

“You’re a nice guy really aren’t you” I said and he laughed, “Well what have I ever done to make you think I’m a bad guy? I’m the most laidback, caring person there is. Sure I’ve got my problems that I fight with a lot, if you don’t understand them then I don’t think you understand me properly. Once you get why I’m like I am I’d like to think people could see that I’m never going to hurt anyone. I know what it’s like to be pushed around so I’d never do it to anyone. People who meet me with the guys tend to think I’m a jerk because I’m really forward but that’s only because I know they’ll save my ass and that nothing’s going to happen. Like when you lot came backstage, if I’d been on my own you’d have not got a word out of me I’d have sat and just watched you guys or I’d have gone to find one of the others” he admitted.

“You’re a big baby really aren’t you?” I asked and he grabbed my waist stopping walking “No I’m not” he said gripping it tightly before tickling me and I laughed “Yes you are, I’m stronger than you” I said and he nodded “Maybe but lets not try and find out” he said as I smiled and I felt his cold body “Your cold” I said and he nodded. “Put your clothes back on?” I suggested and he smiled shaking his head.

“Dillon don’t act like you don’t love my body” he said and I laughed “Your using my scars as an excuse but I know your looking at me really” he said winking and I pushed at his chest gently and he grabbed my hand keeping it there “Okay you have to keep that there, your hands are freezing” he stated. “And your using your bruises as an excuse to make me touch you” I teased and he smiled.

He moved my hand to his hip “Yeah you can’t move your hand from there” he stated and I took it away, he just stared at me giving me puppy dog eyes and I caved putting it back on his bruise “Thanks babe” he said and I smiled, “How do we walk anywhere like this?” I asked and he shrugged “Looks like we’re staying down here” he said and I sighed “But it’s dodgy” I said looking around.

“I’ll look after you, promise” he said pulling me a bit closer to him “Your colder now aren’t you?” he asked and I nodded slowly and he smiled hugging me, his hand rested on my neck and as he pulled away I looked up at him and he leant down kissing me softly. I moved my hand to his neck and he gently moved it back to his bruises and smiled against my lips, his fingers moved in circles on my neck as he deepened the kiss before pulling away.

“Sorry I’m demanding” he joked placing his hand on my own that was still on his side “Yeah I noticed” I joked and he winked kissing me again “You have no idea how good your hand feels on that bruise” he said and I rolled my yes “Cold hands on bruises are better than any form of medication” he said quietly kissing my nose.

“Come on lets go home your freezing” he said taking my hand from his side and linking his fingers through mine, we walked back down past the bars when someone shouted “Put some clothes on dude your mental!” the voice shouted “Take yours off your hot!” he shouted back smiling as he turned around.