Paint Yourself a Picture, Something Perfectly Obscure


“I knew you’d be out, you feeling better?” Alex asked as he walked towards us with a girl holding his hand “Jack” she said and he smiled “Helen” he replied “Hey Dillon” Alex said smiling “Hi”. “Helen babe this is Jacks…friend Dillon. Dillon this is my girlfriend Helen” Alex said and Jack glared at him “Dude come on you always make things awkward” Jack said as Helen said hi to me.

“So you’ve dragged the poor girl out with you in this weather?” Alex asked as Jack put his shirt back on “I could say the same” Jack said and Helen looked at him “Yeah well he’s getting me drunk in a hope he’ll get laid. I don’t have the heart to tell him it’s not that easy” Helen said and Alex rolled his eyes “See this is what you have to put up with when they’re your girlfriend, they think they can turn you down constantly and you won’t sleep with other people” Alex said with a cheeky smile in her direction.

“Alex dude” Jack said and Helen smiled ”Oh it’s fine, they all turn him down as well so he resorts to getting me wasted in a hope I’ll think he’s cute and agree to sleep with him” she teased back and Alex kissed her cheek “Babe you think I’m the hottest thing on this planet so we both know you don’t need any alcohol” Alex teased and she just smiled at him.

“See why I never introduce people to you?” Jack asked and Alex smiled “He’s just worried you’ll fall in love with me, everyone does” Alex said and I laughed. “We’re just going down the street you guys joining us? Rian and Zack are there as well I think. Well they should be but you know what Zack’s like when you get alcohol in him” Alex said and Jack laughed.

“Erm you want to go?” he asked and I shrugged “Okay we’ll come for a bit” Jack said and Alex started walking and Jack walked next to him still holding my hand. “Alex check this out!” Jack said turning towards me and I looked at him and he moved my hair and Alex smiled “That is the best thing I’ve ever seen! Dillon want to be my best friend?” Alex asked and I smiled “See I told you he’d love it” Jack said and Helen laughed.

“Alex its freezing can I have my hoody back?” Helen asked and he just looked at her “Thanks baby let everyone know I make you give me your clothes in the cold why don’t you” he said taking it off and she pulled it on “Well it’s the truth you dick” she said and he smiled as we walked in the bar.

“Zachary, Rian I come with gifts in the shape of a Barakat and Dillon” Alex proclaimed loudly and everyone looked over and he smiled. “Why do you feel the need to make an entrance constantly?” Helen asked walking off from him to Zack and Rian, “I warn you now, Helen’s a bit of a…bitch” Jack whispered to me and Alex looked around “I heard that” he said glaring at Jack and then his face softened “But it’s true she is” he said quietly.

“A loveable bitch, but a bitch none the less. Just tell her to piss off if she starts bothering you. It’s the only way she understands she’s being a twat” he said and I smiled at him nodding “No seriously just say to her ‘Helen your being a dick stop it’ and she will” he said before walking off and Jack smiled “No really don’t be scared to do it, I do it all the time. Zack hates her,” he said pulling me behind him.

“Dillon!” Rian shouted hugging me and Zack jumped up “I love this girl!” he said hugging me and Jack just rolled his eyes “Alright calm down guys” he said sitting down and pulling me next to him. “So I found this one walking topless down the road holding the young lady’s hand. You’d think he’d put some clothes on wouldn’t you” Alex said and Jack just glared at him “Dude shut up” he said under his breath and Alex smiled at him.

Alex shot up “Drinks everyone?” he asked and they all nodded “Good come on Dillon you can come help me” he said grabbing my hand and pulling me after him. He leant up the bar after ordering “Sorry if I’m being a dick I never thought, I just like teasing Jack” he said and I smiled “Its okay” I said and he smiled. “So holding hands hey, Jacks not the type to do that with anyone” he said and I stayed quiet.

“He likes you, that’s why I freaked out at him before. He never hides anything and I know he only did it because he likes you and doesn’t want us guys to fuck it all up. See I knew it, he’s making sure I’m not annoying you, sorry if I come across as a jerk. I’m just a tad…forward,” he said and I nodded.

He looked back over at them, and then me before beaming at me “You’ve kissed” he said and I looked at him “No point denying it I can read Jack like a book and he has so kissed you already. Mayberry you best be good to him otherwise I’ll have to send Helen around to talk to you and trust me that’s a punishment and a half” he said as the bartender said he’d bring the drinks over.

We walked over and he sat next to Jack and whispered in his ear and Jack glared at him then looked at me “Alex you’re a dick” he said and Alex smiled “A dick that knows you Jacky” he said winking and he rolled his eyes “Maybe you do know me doesn’t mean you need to go asking about it” he said as he linked his fingers through mine and someone put a tray of drinks on our table.

“I’d love to tell you he’s not always like this and that this is him when he’s been drinking but it’s not he’s always like this” Jack said to me and Rian laughed “Yeah he’s always an idiot” he said. “So how you doing? Your face looks a mess, more than usual” Zack said and Jack laughed.

“I’m fine but thanks for the compliment” Jack said as Zack beamed at him “So what are you all doing out without me?” Jack asked “Well I thought I’d take Helen out, Rian is escaping his girlfriend and Zack is on the look out for women” Alex stated and Jack nodded “The usual then” he joked and they nodded.

They all started talking and Jack put his arm around my waist “Ignore Alex he’s an idiot” he whispered and I looked at him “He’s nice, I like him” I said and he smiled “Good, he can be immature but he’s a good guy” he offered and I nodded as he kissed my cheek.

“Alex we should go before Cat wrecks the place” Helen said and he nodded standing up and downing his drink “Yeah that dog is never coming to my house again, it wrecked my furniture” Jack said and Alex beamed “Anyway guys I’m off to get laid so see you all tomorrow morning” he said and Helen rolled her eyes as she walked off with him. “That guy is such a pig” Rian said and Jack smiled “What like Zack is? He’s been staring at that girl over there for 20 minutes nearly” Jack pointed out and Rian nudged Zack.

“She’s with her boyfriend Zack, he’ll punch you if he sees you staring at her” Rian informed and Zack looked back at us “Well this place is crappy, fancy going home?” he asked and Rian just looked at him. “Have I thrown up yet? Have I got naked yet? Have I danced like I’m crazy? No Zachary I haven’t and the bars aren’t shutting yet so no we are not going home,” Rian said and Jack laughed.

“Well if that’s how you guys are playing it tonight we’re off home, I’ll see you both in the morning and don’t blame us if you turn up with a hangover and we’re being loud” Jack said. “Alright then see you, bye Dillon,” they both said as we stood up together “Oh Jack you want a lift tomorrow?” Rian asked and he shook his head “Nah I’ll meet you guys there, have fun” Jack shouted as he walked with me out the door.

“Rian’s girlfriend will hate him hen he rolls in at 5am wasted” he said as the cold air hit us and he pulled me against him “You know we’ve been out and you’ve not looked once for cars, I’m impressed” he said kissing the top of my head. “Thanks” I said looking up at him and he kissed me again “My bruises don’t hurt anymore, see I told you I knew best,” he teased and I laughed kissing him again.

He broke away smiling and wrapped his arm around me before starting to walk again, we got to my house “Right I best get home, I should man up and deal with it” he said putting his hands on my waist “Okay, don’t cry?” I asked jokingly and he smiled “I’ll try not to” he said smiling. “Hey what are you doing tomorrow?” he asked and I shrugged “Fancy coming with me to band practise?” he asked and I just looked at him.

“It’s okay everyone takes their girlfriends, not that your mine but you get my drift” he said and I smiled “Talons mega nice you’ll like her, her and Helen don’t really get on so she’ll be your friend for life if you come, Talon is Rian’s girlfriend” he explained and I smiled “Alright then” I said and he kissed me.

“Good, I’ll pick you up in the morning and I warn you now I’ll be driving. So I’ll see you like 11ish” he said and I nodded “Night” he said before kissing me again, he pulled away kissing my forehead before leaving and I smiled to myself as I walked in my house. The next morning I got up to see Jack had texted me ‘Get out of bed Dillon ;) xxx’ I smiled ‘I’m out of bed I bet your not xxx’ I replied and I got a reply confirming he was still in bed.