Paint Yourself a Picture, Something Perfectly Obscure


The door slammed again and Helen sat in front of us “That guy is a jackass, who does he think he is checking girls out in front of me like that?” she asked and Talon shrugged “You can’t come in here arguing though, I mean they pay to use this place and your wasting everyone’s money by standing around arguing” Talon stated.

“Well we wouldn’t have to argue if my boyfriend was faithful” she snapped, “He’s hardly been unfaithful” Talon said “Oh what checking other girls out is faithful?” she asked and Talon nodded “Yeah he’s only looking, yeah he shouldn’t but as long as it’s only looking there’s no harm. I’ve caught Rian doing it a load of times but it’s natural. If a guy walks past you check him out I’ve seen you and Alex never goes off on one at you” Talon snapped at her.

“I don’t check guys out” Helen growled back “Yes you do! You used to try and flirt with Jack and the poor guy was terrified. Your lucky it was Jack and not Rian because I’d have slapped you one” she said and Helen shook her head “I never flirted with Jack” she argued. “Yes you did, you had your hands on his waist and kept flicking your hair. You were doing it to make Alex jealous and it didn’t work did it?” Talon asked.

“No only because Alex knows Jack would never do that, Alex is a prick. If Jack did that to you would you fall out with him?” she asked and I was aware the question was aimed at me. “He can look at whoever he wants, it’s not my business” I replied “Yeah you say that now because your not really dating, if you were you’d think different” Helen snapped at me.

“Helen shut up and leave the girl alone. If your going to bitch about Alex go and find Kayla and you can bitch together, I’m not in the mood for it” Talon snapped at her and she sighed standing up and walking off. An hour later and the guys all came walking over, Talon was really nice and we got on really well. “Have you been nice?” Rian asked and Talon smiled “I always am” she replied.

“Hey you” Jack said leaning down and kissing my forehead “Where’s Kayla?” Zack asked, “Went outside to answer a call and then I sent Helen out to her so they could be bitches together” Talon stated and Zack smiled. “Don’t mention her name again, she’s doing my fucking head in today” Alex said and Jack smiled.

“Well we were going downtown but it’s raining so we should go home Talon” Rian said and she nodded “I invited Dillon and Jack” she admitted, “I invited the others as well” Rian admitted “I’m not having them whiny cows in my house” she snapped and Alex smiled.

“Fuck it let’s go” he said and Rian looked at him “I said lets go, Jack and Rian go get your cars and drive around back and we’ll wait around there for you. Be careful this is operation ditch the bitch,” he said and everyone laughed. “Dillon come with me” Jack said grabbing my hand, the others walked out the back and Jack and I walked out first to see the girls weren’t there and Rian ran to his car starting it and driving around the back.

Just as we got to the car Kayla appeared “Where are you going?” she asked and Jack looked around “Oh I have to drop Dillon off somewhere” he lied and she nodded as we got in “Liar” I said and he smiled as he pulled off around the back to see Alex stood waiting. “Come on dude get a shift on otherwise they’ll catch us,” Alex said and Jack shook his head.

“I’m not fucking around with Dillon in the car, they’re round in the parking lot bitching anyway so they’ll never notice” Jack said as Alex laughed “I feel so much like a teenager sneaking off but fuck her she’s been a dick” he said as he looked out the window.

We got to Rian’s walking in “I’ve just been in a car with Jack and had no near death experiences or feared for my life at all!” Alex shouted as we walked into the lounge “Dude shut the fuck up!” Jack snapped at him, “What? I’m merely pointing out that it’s shocking for you to drive safely! Normally I am ready to die in a crash at any second” Alex replied.

“As if you just said that, Dillon I am sorry my best friend lacks the ability to take a fucking hint! Are you okay?” he asked and I nodded smiling “What? Jack don’t make out your great, if someone said your going to die in a crash I’d say you’d be the fucking driver” Alex carried on oblivious.

“Alex shut the fuck up before you offend someone!” Jack snapped at him “Jack seriously it’s fine” I reassured “What? Oh shit Dillon you’ve not killed anyone in a crash have you?” he asked jokingly “No but she was fucking in one and nearly died so shut your mouth!” Jack shouted and Alex’s face dropped.

The others looked between them before looking at me “Shit I so just blurted that out, sorry Dillon” Jack apologized and I shook my head “Dick, it’s okay” I replied. “Seriously?” Alex asked and I nodded “Hence why when you picked her up that day I told you to drive properly and listen to her, that was the first time she’d been in a car since the accident” Jack stated as Alex shook his head.

“Okay so now I feel like such a dick, I’m sorry,” he said and I shook my head “It’s okay, honestly forget it” I replied as Jack motioned of me to sit with him. “What happened?” Rian asked “Guys can we not do this? I think Alex has said enough for now,” Jack said and they dropped it. They all started talking about something else when I felt Jack’s hand on my leg “I’m sorry I just told everyone and for what Alex said” he whispered and I nodded.
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Updating and uploading like I'm mad! I've got such a backlog of stories I'm putting everything expect more stories and lots of uploading going on and then I'll go back to the stories you all like :)