Paint Yourself a Picture, Something Perfectly Obscure


I sat down at the restaurant with Jack opposite me and he smiled, "Dillon, you know Alex said to tell you that 'he wasn't joking and he meant what he'd told you'" he listed and I smiled. "Meaning?" "Nothing! We were just talking yesterday when we had coffee" I admitted and he smiled at me.

It was dark before we left and he pulled me closer as we walked home, his hand held mine tightly and I smiled to myself. "Jack?" "Dillon?" he mocked. "You ever think that maybe things aren't so bad?" "Yep! I used to see the bad but I see the good more now. Ever think you got fixed without really knowing it?" he quizzed and I smiled at him.

"You don't me staying over do you?" "Not at all, if I'm honest I wonder how I ever lived in it all the time on my own" I admitted and he smiled at me. "I forgot what silence was until I came to yours the other night! Alex is a poor housemate" he laughed as we stood waiting to cross a road and I smiled at him. He pushed his lips to mine and I kissed him back "You're a cute girl Dillon! Never forget that" he stated as he pulled me to walk again.

'Alex- he's got big plans for you two, but plans! ;) x' I read and I rolled my eyes "What's wrong?" "Nothing, just Alex texted me!" I admitted and he nodded. We were sat watching tv at my house later when he turned it off and I looked at him confused, "I want to chat, seriously with you" "Okay" I said feeling sick.

"Dillon you are fucking great! I adore you, you came at the right time and I just feel like you fixed me when I needed you too. This is where I need to say the best and worst bit" "Jack I..." he shook his head. "I love you Dillon and I never want to not be around you. It's been like nearly two years since we met and it's been awesome, it's at this point where most men would be thinking of marriage but I can't. I can't marry you Dillon and I hate that about me" "Jack! I know, I understand and I know. You're not cut out for marriage and neither am I! I don't want to be a Mrs or a wife, I like being this" I reasoned and he smiled kissing me.

"I love you and you're understanding brain!" Jack laughed and I smiled at him. This was what I wanted more than a name change! A person who loved me and I loved them!