Status: I'll try to update weekly, but if I can't, please don't chew my head off!

Into the Darkness

Into the Darkness-1

-G P.O.V.-
I stare up at the ceiling that night, lying in my bed. I think of how things can never go back to the way they were before. I heard the screams, and when they came up here, I curled into a pillow case under the bed. I'm really good at making myself small, and they didn't see me. I don't know what I'm going to do. I'd crawled out when they left, back onto my bed, and I'm just lying here, trying to wrap my head around things. How had my life gone so wrong with just a knock on the door? I don't want to go down there, not now, when the sun's still down and shadows dance everywhere. I'll face it in the morning. I close my eyes, surprised at how easily sleep takes me.

-F P.O.V.-
I'm lying in bed, almost drifting to sleep, when screams tear me away from unconsciousness. My eyes fly open, heart pounds, and I realize that the screams I hear erupt from my own throat. I shut my mouth, cutting the scream short. I really hope no one heard, but, as always, my wishes go unanswered and my family files into the room. I keep saying I'm fine, and they fuss for a few more minutes before they leave, my dad muttering something about me being a pain-in-the-ass. I know he really just wants me gone, but it's not like Mom'll let him kick me out, she's the only reason I'm staying at home anyway. I love my mom, and I hate my dad. It wasn't always like this. We used to be reasonably happy. I bet they blame me. I blame myself. Mikey always tells me it's not my fault, he says that I didn't chose to like who I do. I dunno, my thoughts always buzz when I wake suddenly. I close my eyes in another attempt at fitful sleep. I've been getting less of it lately, and when I do sleep, it's filled with terrors. A small grimace crosses my lips as I feel my thoughts slowing down and I drift off to a nightmare filled sleep.
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This is my first Frerard, so please comment and criticize and all that good stuff! <3 Also, I don't like flame. If you don't like it, don't read it. End of story.