Status: I'll update weekly, I've got a lot typed and more written!



We were finished fighting so why did everyone look so scared? And what had we been fighting for anyway? Questions spread through my mind like wildfire, but I didn’t get to voice them. Someone had burst through the door and did NOT look happy. More questions. Who was he? Why was he here? I stopped thinking and listened. “RUN!” That was Jay.

My eyes flew open, and I barely stifled a scream. Something had been mounting within me since that person had burst through the door. It was pure, raw, fear. I looked at the clock. it was 3am. God, what was that about? I was shaking, and I didn’t even know why. Also, I was pretty sure I wouldn’t get to sleep anymore tonight, so I got up and turned my mp3 player on.

Demolition Lovers
My Chemical Romance
I Brought You My Bullets You Brought Me Your Love

I smiled. It was my favorite song at the time. Turning the volume up so that it was blasting, I looked around and started picking random items of clothing off the floor and throwing them into the laundry basket. That’s what I did for the next half hour. Cleaned. It was what I always did when I was feeling scared, nervous, or pissed off. I didn’t know why, it just calmed me down.

Once I was done cleaning, I paced my room a couple times. I then turned to my computer and logged on to my youtube account. Damn not having half the music I listen to on my mp3. I went to history and selected play all. “That’s better,” I said, now having Blood On the Dance Floor roaring just quiet enough to not disturb anyone else in the house. Shiiiit. I was still shaking. This dream was not gonna leave me alone was it? I’ll have to talk to Ja- Wednesday tomorrow. Why did I just almost call her Jay? This dream is getting to me way more than it should. I tried to stop thinking about it by getting on Facebook. It didn’t work. Writing a story. Nope. Writing poetry. Fuck! It was turning out like that dream! I looked at the clock. 6am. Might as well get ready.
I went downstairs to take a shower and heard movement from my mom’s room. “Bridget, what are you doing?” I turned to see her standing in the doorway. “I woke up and couldn’t get back to sleep, so I’m taking a shower,” I said, turning back to the hall and continuing to the bathroom. Once there, I shut and locked the door, stripping and stepping into the stream of hot water. I washed up and stepped out, wrapping a towel around myself and climbing the stairs to my room. I pulled on underwear, a pair of black skinnies, a My Chemical Romance tee, and some jailbird socks. vvvvvrrrrrrrrr! Who was calling me this early? I turned to grab my phone off the nightstand. “Hello?” I still sounded asleep. “Bri? Babe, are you still sleeping?” It was Melanie. “No, I actually just got out of the shower. You sound pretty excited. Wazzup?” I said, only sounding a little better. “Nothing,” she squeaked, “just happy I’m gonna be able to see you in a little bit!” She was WAY too happy for this early in the morning. “Oh, well is it okay if I put you on speaker while I go to put my gauges in and fix my hair?” I sounded much more awake now. “Sure babe, you know I don’t care!” God, she was practically yelling. I pressed the speaker button and went over to my dresser, putting my gauges in, straightening and geling my hair, and putting eyeliner on. Melanie was going on about something to do with me and her date Friday. “Hun?” I didn’t like saying I had to go, but it was okay because she would get to mine in a few seconds. “Yeah?” she asked, cutting off from what she was saying before. “We should probably get off the phone since you’ll be knocking on my door in about three seconds,” I said, looking out my window, “but I’ll see you then. I’ll make sure I’m the one to answer the door. Love ya!” I saw her smile through the window. “Kay! Love you too!”

I ran to the landing and slid down the railing, catching myself at the bottom and running to get the door before she was done knocking. “Melon! I missed you over break!” I was bubbling almost as much as she was on the phone. It was funny how she did that to people. One second you would be crying inside and hating the world, and the next you were jumping for joy and hugging everyone. “Bri! You look beautiful today! But then again, you always do!” We laughed. “I know!” I joked, and we laughed again. “And you look...perfect.” I smiled, and we kissed. No tongue, just lips as my mom had just walked into the room. “Alright you two, get in the house and close the door. And take that upstairs! You think Soph and I want to see that?” She was okay with Melanie and I dating, which was cool because most moms would make a big deal out of their daughter being lesbian. “Yeah, yeah. C’mon Melon!”

I smiled as I pulled her upstairs and into my room, closing the door behind us. “How many times do I have to tell you not to call me that?” She whined.

I turned around and smiled, brushing our noses together. “It’s that or Melly. Your choice.” I smiled. I liked Melon, so I had to make it okay for me to call her that.

“Ugh. Fine, Melon.” She smiled too, and then we were kissing. I pulled away after a little bit, and she looked at me, about to ask why. “We’re gonna smudge my makeup! I already have to fix my hair!” I grinned. “That and if we don’t get downstairs soon, my mom’s gonna come up with a camera or her phone.” She nodded.

“Yeah, fix your hair and let’s get down there.” For the second time that day, I was pulling the straightener through my short, black hair and putting gel in it.

“OKAY! IF YOU’RE NOT DOWN HERE IN A MINUTE I’M COMING UP!” Mom was yelling up the stairs.

“Better get down there.” I said, fear creeping into my voice. I was dreading school. We were in 10th grade and the kids in our school were NOT friendly towards humosexuals, or goths, or anyone different for that matter. To them, we were just stupid, emo, dykes, and for all they cared we could be the coolest, funniest, most fun people ever and they would still shun us.
“Hey, it’ll be okay.” Melanie said, sympathy shining in her eyes. I nodded, and we rushed downstairs. We ate, then ran out to catch the bus. Taking the furthest seats back as possible, we ignored the stares of our soon to be classmates and took our seats. We sat in silence for the rest of the ride, fearing the first day of school more the closer we got to it.