Status: I'll update weekly, I've got a lot typed and more written!



The bus pulled into the school parking lot after what seemed like several gut-wrenching hours. We got up, me grabbing my MCR bag and her grabbing her Black Veil Brides one. “Ooh, love the bag hun!” I told her. Immediately, we received a few glares from the assholes that were crowding off the bus.

“Ahh, fuck them. They’re just jealous.” She said, grinning at the new disgusted glares shot our way.

“You see, and that’s why I love you.” I gushed, glomping her. We made our way off the bus and towards the hell that was high school. Once standing in front of the doors, I grabbed her hand. “To the end?” I asked her, awaiting her reply

“I’d end my days with you in a hail of bullets!” She gave the reply we had come up with together. Well, almost came up with. We were using a song title and a line of lyrics. Both were MCR, but we had one where she asked the question and I answered that were BVB. Our favorite bands. We nodded at each other, before going into the school.

“What do you have first?” I asked, realising that I hadn’t yet.

“Ummm...Art” She said, pulling out her schedule.

“AWESOME ME TOO!” I yelled, earning stares from more than students this time. We headed down the hall to the art room, comparing sheets as we went. We had most of the same classes together. “Man, y’know Whensday’s gonna be there! We’ll have our group together almost immediately!” I bubbled, now excited for first period every day. I mean, how could I not be, I had my girlfriend, my best friend, and a great teacher!

“What better way to start the day?” She said, echoing my exact thoughts.

“Hey! That’s just what I was thinking! You’re not a mind reader are you?” I questioned. She rolled her eyes at me and patted my shoulder, pulling me into the classroom.

We looked around, and sure enough, there was Whensday, sitting in the back corner. She said it was the one place in the room that she could see and hear, but still not be bothered. We took the seats next to her, and when she didn’t look up, grabbed her. “EEEEEE!!!!!” She shrieked. We laughed so hard at that!
“Hey, calm down, it’s just us,” I said, wiping away the tears that were still escaping my eyes.

“You guys suck!” She was laughing as well now, and we were receiving-GUESS WHAT-even MORE stares! Why couldn’t the people in this school just keep their eyes to themselves? We didn’t stare at them all day! I rolled my eyes, smiled at Melon, and pulled her into a kiss. The art teacher called me up. Damn, she saw.

She smiled when she saw me standing by her desk. “Okay, Bridget, I know that the day hasn’t quite started yet, and you can’t get in trouble for pda, but I just want to know why you did it,” she said softly.

“Well, if they wanted to stare, I thought I would give them something to stare at,” I said, very carefully giving my voice an uncaring tone. She nodded.

“Okay. Just don’t do it while school is in. I don’t want you getting off to a bad start this year,” she paused. “Speaking of school starting, you’d better get back to your seat.” I walked back and sat down.

“You get in trouble?” Melon asked. I smiled, “Nope! She just wanted to know why.” Whensday decided to comment then.

“BECAUSE YOU LUUUUVVVVSSSSS HEEERRRRR!!!!!!!” She gushed. We both rolled our eyes, but other than that we ignored her. Melanie looked up.

“So what did you say?” I shrugged.

“I said that if they wanted to stare I thought I would give them something to stare at,” I said simply.

The bell rang and the teacher got up. “Okay, I guess it’s time to get started, so I’m Ms. Wolf, and this is art. I have some pretty fun stuff planned for the year if you’re taking the class that long. For today, I just want you to draw what comes to mind, so I can see your style. Draw more than one thing please!” With that, she went back to her desk and we took paper off the table, starting the assignment. I drew Melon, a Starbucks coffee cup with steam coming out of it, and then I added myself to the picture of Melon. We were walking down a path, holding hands, and smiling. The rest of the day went pretty fast, with no major stuff happening, and before I knew it, we were packing our stuff up.

On the bus home, one of those stupid paper ninja stars was thrown at us. I picked it up. It said unfold me on one side. I did and it was a picture of Melon and me, and we were kissing and holding knives to each other's arms. The words were the oh-so over used “Fags should die”. Melon looked at it, her eyes showing pain. “It’s okay, hun. They’re just being stupid homophobes. Half of them will turn out gay anyways.” She nodded. I didn’t think she trusted her voice. “Here, babe, I’ll fix it.” I took a red Sharpie out of my bag. I wrote HOMOPHOBIA IS GAY in big letters on top of the drawing, and then folded it back up, outlining unfold me in red. “There,” I said as I threw it back to the person who had thrown it at first. It hit them in the back of the head.

The guy grabbed it and looked back at me. I smiled a venom coated smile at him and watched as he opened it. He read it, and crumpled it up. I smiled at Melon. “See, this just proves how much stronger than them we are! We deal with their shit every day, but they can’t handle being told that homophobia is gay!” She smiled hugging me. The bus got to our stop, and we walked down the drive, holding hands and smiling.
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Okay, so the 'fags' thing, these people are stupid...I know it's dykes...Sorry it's late...