Status: I'll update weekly, I've got a lot typed and more written!



Chapter 3

I was up at 3am for the second night in a row, shaking. This time I decided to text Melon.

From: Bri<3
Hey, babe! Couldn’t fall back asleep, wanted to talk!
Love ya!

I was hoping she would reply, to distract me from that dream I kept having, but at the same time I hoped she wouldn’t so that she got her sleep. She did text back though, and only after a few seconds.

From: Melon<3
What do you wanna talk about? And why couldn’t you get back to sleep?
Love ya too! <3

I smiled, imagining her sleepy voice as she questioned me. God, she had a beautiful voice.
“Mel?” I said, getting ready to tell her what I’d been feeling lately. “Yeah?” she asked me, smiling that crooked smirk of hers. “U-umm,” I stammered, chickening out, “Do you wanna go to that MCR concert with me this weekend? My mom got me two tickets.” I felt so stupid and cowardly. My mom had gotten me two tickets, but I was supposed to have used the concert to ask her on a date. Oh well, I failed at that... “Of course!” She was bubbling again, and I felt my heart swell. “Cool!” I wanted to ask her out, but I wanted it to be natural, in the moment. My romanticism was going to kill my love life.
We were at the concert, dancing around, and singing along to Helena. The song ended and Gerard was saying something that I completely missed because I was staring at Melanie. The crowd erupted with screams. I heard the next thing he said perfectly. “Ooh, looks like we’ve got a couple in the making up here in the first row! Okay, this one’s for you!” He turned around, and a second later the rest of the band nodded. They started playing Demolition lovers. This was it. The perfect time. Gerard started singing, and I sang with him, but I turned Melanie towards me. I never missed a beat, and sang every word the best I had ever sang before. I even screamed with him. After the song ended, I looked her in the eyes and spoke, my voice shaky, “That’s what I was trying to say Thursday. I love you.” She smiled and pulled me into a kiss, the first of many. I looked up and smiled at Gerard, who was looking at us with a smug look. I mouthed ‘Thank you’ and he nodded, smiling. “What are your names?” He asked us softly. I answered, “Bridget and Melanie.” He nodded again, “Alright, everybody! Let’s hear it for Bridget and Melanie!” The crowd roared, most of them not even knowing why.
I blinked, and turned back to my phone. That had been three weeks ago, and Demolition Lovers had been my favorite song ever since.

From: Bri<3
Tell me what you were thinking when I confessed to you, starting with when the song started.

She never really told me, but I hadn’t really ever asked before then. It had been a few minutes and I was getting anxious for an answer, but I knew this one was going to take a little bit. I decided to take a bath before school because it was still only 3:30am and I had a tub in the bathroom attached to my room, but no shower. I had just gotten in the water, when the phone buzzed from the side of the tub. I grabbed it (it was in a Ziplock bag) and read her reply.

From: Melon<3
I was shocked when you turned me and started singing. I wasn’t expecting it at all. And when you told me you love me? My heart exploded in my chest and I was just trying not to scream. I didn’t know how to tell you I love you too, so I thought it would be better to show you. And then you kissed me back! It’s still the happiest moment of my life so far!

I smiled texting her had been a good choice as almost all thoughts of that dream were gone. Almost. There were two that kept bugging me. Whensday looked like Jay, and Melanie looked like Narcissa. I tried to ignore it and texted Melon back.

From: Bri<3
Thanks babe! That makes me feel all good inside! I love you so much! I gotta go, I’m gonna try and sleep some more. I’ll see you in a little bit!

I got all the goop out of my hair, got out of the tub, and lay back down in the bed, thinking about Melon. I got one more text.

From: Melon<3
Kk! Love you too! Sleep well!
I smiled, drifting to sleep.


Ugh. It was my alarm clock. 6:30am was too damn early to be waking up. I groaned as I got up, not needing to shower, and headed to my dresser. I thought of Melon as I decided which gauges to put in, what to wear, and how to do my makeup. I ended up with my glow in the dark skull plugs, a BVB tee, black skinnies, glow in the dark skeleton gloves, and my converse. I put charcoal looking eyeliner and some dark red lipstick. I heard a knock on the door as I was throwing my MCR hoodie on. I ran to the door and saw Melanie standing there, cherry red lips, pale as usual, eyeliner, and hair done amazing. I realized that’s what I had forgotten to do. “Shit! My hair!” I pulled her upstairs and did my hair. “Bri, let’s do something different today,” she said, almost pleading. I smiled. “Okay,” I started, “but we have to go to school first,” I leaned closer to her. “At least for first period. I like art.” Melon rolled her eyes. “Okaaayyyy....” she whined, smiling. We ate and got on the bus to go to school. Y’know how I said highschool was hell? Well it was only gonna get worse for us.
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I need to post more! But it's not really been read much so I haven't bothered...