Don't Give Up On Us.

Trust in us, We're All That You've Got These Days.

I rolled over my stomach and tried to open up my eyes. It was quite hard to do, actually, because the sun was shining right in my eyes. I yawned and stretched, reaching for my phone on my nightstand.
Of course, it was 1:26 PM. Unlocking my phone, I noticed I had 3 new messages.
I slumped downstairs to the kitchen and grabbed a water from the refrigerator. Leaning against the kitchen island, I tried to process and take in everything that happened last night. I kissed Kennedy then slept with John. John and I both know we didn't have sex, just literally SLEPT in the same bed, but Kennedy wouldn't believe me when I say that. Julia then entered the kitchen and took a glance at me as she got herself a cookie from the pantry.
"Everything alright?" She asked, munching on Chips Ahoy.
"Umm... It's nothing, just..."
"Guy trouble?" She leaned her head in, assuring that she was right.
"Pretty much," I looked down at my feet to avoid awkward eye contact with her.
"I honestly don't know too much about these little boys you hang out with, but, I know you're a smart girl Kaitlyn. Don't screw things up, kay?" Julia lifted her eyebrows at me.
"Sounds good..." I exited the kitchen and decided to watch Full House in my living room. I guess I didn't seem to have notice, but I shortly fell asleep after laying on the couch.

"Kaitlyn? Wake up!" I woke up to Pat sitting beside me on the couch shaking my shoulder.
"What? When'd you- When'd I?" I sat up and rubbed my temples with my index finger and thumb.
"You were asleep for like an hour. I was here for two episodes of Full house. How was your nap?" Pat smiled.
"It was good, had another dream of John, though..." I exhaled.
Pat dropped his neck.
"What happened this time?"
"Well, him and I, I don't know... Sorta started... Dating again."
"You don't like him, right?"
Right. I thought to myself. I was still secretly in love with him.
"No, no... I like Kennedy. In fact, I'm gonna call him up now."
But then again, THAT was true, too. Kennedy is such a sweetheart and he really knows how to make me feel loved.
"Alright, good. John screwed you over and I don't want him to do that to you again. And what are you gonna call Kennedy for?" He scrunched his eyebrows.
"To hang out. You can come if you wanna!" I said, while dialing Kennedy's number in.
"It's chill. I think Garrett and I are gonna Ustream later today."
"Oh yeah, how's your band coming alon-" I was cut off when Kennedy answered the phone.

"Elllllloo?" Kennedy spoke from the other line.
"Hey, Kenny. What're you doing today?" I asked, rubbing my chin. Pat had his eyes on me as I was conversing with Kennedy.
"Ah, nothing. Probably gonna babysit my step-sister tonight. What're you doing later?"
"Oh, uh, nothing either!"
I looked at Pat with my mouth open, not knowing what else to say.
"Ask him to hang out!" Pat whispered.
I nodded my head at him and he flashed me a thumbs up.
"Um, hey, Kennedy?"
"Wanna do something tonight?If- if you know, you...wanna.." I rubbed the back of my head, anxiously waiting for him to say yes on the other line.
"That sounds great! I'll pick you up at around 6 tonight. We'll get dinner and if it's okay with you- we come back to my place and watch Kendra for a while. She'll fall asleep around 8, so we don't have to watch her the whole time."
"It's a date! Um, I meant , yeah sounds good!" I bit my lip, hoping I didn't just embarrass myself.
Pat raised his eyebrows as his mouth opened-grinning.
I heard Kennedy laugh on the other side of the line.
"No no, it's a date. See you later, Kaits!"
I hung up the phone and screeched; Pat repeating me.
"Dude, it's like, 4:15. Get fucking ready already!" Pat gaving me a 'shooing' gesture with his hands.
Before I walked upstairs, my front door flew open and Garrett entered in.
"SUP PEEPS. THE LEGEND HAS ARRIVED." Garrett raised both hands, and in one hand, he held a fried chicken leg.
Pat threw a pillow at his head, causing me to laugh.
"Ow, what the fuck man!" Garrett scratched his head.
"We're doing Ustream tonight fucker."
"Alright, faggot. Is the lil' lady gonna join us?" Garrett wiggled his eyebrows at me as I pretended to gag.
"Actually no. She's got a date with Kennnnneddyyyyy!" Pat cooed.
"OOOOOH! KAITLYN'S GOT A DATE WITH KENNY!" Garrett threw his arm over my shoulder.
"Ew, get off me! Your hands are greasy from that disgusting chicken!" I gave him a disgusted look.
"Whatever. Come on, Pat. Let's go play Dead Rising on my X-Box!"
"Bro, you know I hate your stupid zombie games. I'mma help Kaitlyn get ready."
Garrett's eyes looked from left to right.
"Do you know how much of a queer you sounded like..."
"Fuck you, man! I'm coming over later. Go. You're distracting her from getting ready for her date!"
Garrett laughed then exited out the door.
"Pat, you don't really have to help me get ready, you know." I placed on hand on my hip.
"Yeah I know, but I hate being stuck playing stupid Zombie games with Garrett. Go upstairs and shower now. I'm gonna try to find that one outfit of yours that Kennedy was talking about the other day..."
"He was talking about my clothes!?"
"In a good way... B-but that's beside the point. Go shower!"
I groaned and quickly ran up the stairs to take a shower.


I got out of the shower with just my towel wrapped around me. My hair was completely drenched in water, which caused me to leave drops of water on the carpet that left a trail to my room.
Pat was sitting on my bed on his phone; the outfit he picked out had already been spread out on the bed.
"Are you sure he'll like this on me?" I asked.
"Yeah, I'm positive!" He looked over the screen on his phone, his eyes on me.
I bit my lip, not sure if I can trust a guy's opinion on a girl's outfit- let alone, Pat's idea.
"How much do you wanna bet he'll compliment this on you." Pat crossed his arms.
"Alright, alright. I believe you. Now get out, I gotta change! He's coming in 45 minutes!"
Pat went down the stairs and into the living room.


I looked atmyself up and down in the full body mirror after 30 to 35 minutes of getting ready. I bit my lip, making sure I didn't look too... Exposed.
"So, what do you think?" I faced Pat when he entered my room.
"You look really pretty, Kaitlyn." Pat smiled.
I tackled him and gave him a bear hug.
"Pat, you're my best friend- My brother. What would I without you?" I said, on top of Pat.
"You'd absolutely die, I'm sure."
I scoffed at him, but then kissed him on the cheek.
"I love you, little brother!"
I got up off of the ground as he did the same.
"Ew, yuck. Lipstick." He wiped the side of his face with the back of his hand.
I then got a text from Kennedy:
Hey, Kaits! I'll be over in 10 minutes. I gotta put Kendra in her crib and I'll be over there to get you! Be ready:)

"Pat! You gotta leave now! Kennedy's coming soon!"
"Wow, love ya too!" Pat sarcastically stated.
"You know I love you, but he's gonna be here soon."
I walked Pat out the door and thanked him for helping me out today.
"If you guys have sex, use protection!" He said, halfway out the door.
"Oh my god, Pat, get outta here!"
He laughed and walked down the street to his house.

I sat in my kitchen on the stool, fiddling with little house items while I waited for Kennedy to come.
Within minutes, the doorbell rang.
I hopped off the stool and walked up to the door.
A very cute Kennedywas standing in front of me holding a dozen roses.
"Hi, Kaitlyn... Wow, you look... Absolutely beautiful," He smiled and tried not to make it obvious that he was eye-ing me up and down, which I found quite cute.
"Thank you, Kennedy. You look very handsome tonight, well you always do, but, you know," I was making such a fool of myself, and Kennedy chuckled.
"I get it. Are you ready for out spectacular date?" He offered his hand, and I took it.
"Yes, yes I am," I smiled.
♠ ♠ ♠
How was this!? the date is in the next chapter hehehehe (:
what'd you think?
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