We Always Knew

The Monster Speaks

Delaney wouldn't open her eyes. It was a game she played every morning to spice up her day. She would feel around herself and guess what side of the bed she was sleeping on.

But as Delaney felt around this time, she didn't recognize anything. Questions pulsated in her head. Something furry was covering her shoulders, and when she extended her hand, it hit a hard object.

So, Delaney gave up guessing and opened her eyes. She was welcomed by a perfect shot of guys shoes.

"What the hell?" she groaned, sitting up. Reclining beside her, biting his nails, was Brian. He glanced up happily, rushing off to fetch her some water, "Did you guys kidnap me while I was sleeping or some shit?"

"Whoa! The monster speaks," Jimmy shouted, taking a seat at the end of whatever Delaney was resting on.

"No, you vomited outside. It was wicked to see from the window, you barely missed Syn," Zacky said with a huge grin.

"Barely," Brian echoed, returning and handing her a cup.

Delaney swung her legs over the side, now noticing she was on their bus and on a couch.

"I'm sorry Brian. What time is it?"

"Only midnight, we don't have to leave for another hour if you want to chill." Brian informed, filling the couch space between Delaney and Jimmy.

Delaney took a swig from the cup, and instantly felt alleviation. She wasn't too sure why she had barfed, but she had a slim idea it had to do with how Brian had been eying her outside.

"Well, thanks are in order here I guess. So, thanks."

"No problem." Val yelled from somewhere behind Delaney.

She took a look around at all the guys that were in the room, her eyes settling on one who appeared more appealing to her than anyone else. He had black, choppy hair and bulky arms. He had spent most of his time entertaining and chatting with her. Delaney's stomach fluttered at the thought of him.

"I should go. I have work at nine, and Harry would murder me if I was late on the first day."

Brian's heart dropped when Delaney announced her departure. He wished he could drag her along with him everywhere.

It occurred to him that once she left the parking lot, he would probably never see her again. The thought dried his mouth out.

"Well, shouldn't you stay a little longer? I mean, you just passed out and puked. That can't be safe," Zacky suggested. Brian had the urge to kiss him just then, and if he had been drunk enough probably would have. It was a brilliant idea!

"Yeah," Matt jumped in, "we would not enjoy finding out you ran into a ditch or something."

Delaney giggled. This band was something else entirely. They felt more like best friends than famous rockstars.

"I wish. But how about I give you my cell and work number so you can check up on me later, Would that make you feel better?"

"I suppose that will suffice," Brian pouted, tearing a paper towel off its roll and getting a pen, "sorry for the lack of actual paper."

"It's no problem. I've drawn on flimsier material, but I figured a band would have something expensive." Delaney scribbled her numbers in bubbly streaks. It had been awhile since she had last seen her print, for she was used to only marking her drawings.

"These motherfucking paper towels are the best around!" Jimmy exclaimed. All the guys and Delaney shook their heads in disgruntlement.

"I'll walk you to your car," Brian announced, putting his shades and hat on.

"Dude, its fucking dark out. What's with the wardrobe?" Delaney handed the paper towel to Jimmy and squeezed past Matt to get to the door.

"I feel like wearing it, leave me alone."

Brian escorted Delaney out once she said her farewells. Their walk was silent and slow, neither one was in a hurry to get away from the other.

Delaney shuddered at the memory coming to her head.

"When I was, like, thirteen, this boy I barely knew wrote me a letter that listed really random facts. It was freaking three pages long. The first page had mostly environmental shit- but the last two all said 'I love you'"

Brian chuckled, "Wow. What happened?"

"Funny thing actually. I laughed and threw it away. The boys mother took him home crying," Delaney explained, reaching for her car keys.

"What a bitch. I'm glad I didn't know you then," Brian joked, lighting a cigarette that had been stashed behind his ear.

"You should be! I would have kicked your ass," she stuck out her tongue.

Brian rolled his eyes. They had reached her car now, and both stood awkwardly, waiting for the other to make a move.

"It was nice meeting you Brian," Delaney finally said, biting her bottom lip nervously. Brian had a feeling she was expecting him to kiss her, but that she was too coy to do anything about it.

"Thanks for coming to our show tonight and spending time with me," he nodded appreciatively.

Delaney got in her white Yarius and rolled down the window to wave and blow a kiss.

"Don't forget to check up on me!"

"You better answer my call!" Brian yelled after her. He stood there a good five minutes staring at the space her car had been situated in. He hadn't really gotten over the initial shock of meeting her. Whether she would be an easily forgotten fan or not was easily answered, but whether or not Brian Haner would be able to sleep that night was still a mystery.
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Sorry if I misspelled Brian's name at any point in the story, I tend to type fast and spell the work 'brain' instead. If you catch it, let me know and I'll correct it.

I would love to get 5 more comments on this story :] but don't, if thats not your thing. Comments just push me to write faster. Right now, I have part of Chapter 4 written, but not all of it.