Heaven Help Us Now.

Let's Make A Fast Plan

I walked quickly through the halls of Arkham. My next patient was already in the room waiting for me to arrive. I wasn’t moving as quick as I usually do today.Probably because I was up until 3 this morning, cleaning those damn goons’ blood off my beautiful maple floor. I walked into examination room 2, only to come face to face to a make-up less Joker in a straightjacket. I looked to the guard.

“Why was I not informed, he was here?”
“Listen Lady, I just drag their sorry asses down here, I really have no idea who gets where when..”
I huffed and sat across from the mysterious man, who loses his lacquer without his makeup.
“You are quite plain without your makeup.”
“WEEllll Maybe if someone would let me keep it on…”
“You know it is against procedure, we are not here to condone your behavior.”
“Well then Dellie Bellie, we have quite the pre-dic-ca-ment” I grimaced at the nickname as he over pronounced every syllable of the word.

“I have no qualms, you’re the one with the issue. Now we are going to play a game. I am going to say a word and I want you to tell me the first thing that comes to mind.” He smirked at me as he gave a slight nod of the head, I’m guessing agreeing to the terms of said game.

“Okay, Let’s begin.. Mother?”
“Doc, are you just gonna keep repeating me?” I gave him a serious look and he gave an exasperated sigh.
“Fine… Cheap”
“Gasoline, Fire, Gunpowder” He was getting rapidly excited at the ideas of destruction.
“Ohh ho ho ha! Mixing it up now, aren’t you Dellie Bellie. Let’s see.. Chaos, Chao Chaos. Ahh! Life..”
“Yes Everyone.”
“Well what about those you love, Joker?”

I saw it, a twitch in the eye and his whole body seemed to tense. He doesn’t like the subject. He just began to laugh, but I recognized his call sign. He was slowly losing his composure to me.

No response
“Dirty fuckin, shitbag LIAR!” His voice rose in volume as he spoke. I see I have hit a soft spot.
“Oh Well, of course, You Dellie Bellie.. Always you.”
I gave him a defiant, calculating stare. Trying to determine what was behind his comment. That is then when I noticed on the clock, it had already been an hour. Our session was up.
“Well on that happy note, I must bid you Adieu. Until the next time, we meet Joker.”
“Don’t worry Delilah, it will be soon.”

I stared into his back, as the guard took him away. Before I left the room, I jotted my notes down. I always took mental notes, until my patients left. I know I would get nervous if every time I said anything, a stranger wrote it down while nodding. I tried to give them a little more credit than that. I sat and contemplated what today could have meant, and why the Joker holds so much disdain for his once family…

Joker’s Head

She is BEAU-TI-FUL, that girl. The way her long brown locks fall on her shoulders, as her blue eyes stare right through me. They hold no fear for me, and I want to change that. I want to feel her scream, in pain.. and in pleasure. That girl turns me on. It is just the defiance in her.. and well maybe the way she sways her hips when she walks.

I need her.. I want to.. posses her. She should be mine.. It’s why I came back to this Hell Hole. I came back for her, the way she ahh.. took care of Maroni’s girls, she needs to be part of my team. I will have her! I will! No one is stopping me. Not even her.

Back to You, Ms. Scott.

I sat at my desk, staring out through the dripping window. It has been raining for all morning and much of this afternoon. Doesn’t bother me, I love the rain. It makes me feel. Cleaner I guess. I just thought about the event that had just occurred in my office.

Minutes before...

There was a soft knock at my door.
“Come In”, I continued to write the notes from my session with the Joker.
James Gordon walked into my office, looking worried. Followed by the ever pompous-looking Jeremy Arkham.

“Good day Commissioner, Dr. Arkham.” I gave a soft nod with my greeting.
“What can I do for you both today?” I closed the file folder and sat my pen down. I clasped my hands together and set them in my lap and waited patiently for one of them to begin.
Gordon hesitated before he spoke, “Ms. Scott, we need to speak to you about your patient..”
“I am assuming you are referring the Joker, correct?” The name itself seemed to put Gordon, even more on edge.

“Yes, exactly him. I am worried about your safety Ms. Scott—“
“Please call me Delilah.”
“Well Delilah, it seems the Joker has quite the way of messing with his doctors. I am worried about your mental stability in dealing with this case.”
“I told him there was nothing to worry about Dr. Scott, but he has insisted on seeing you on this matter.”
"Thank you Dr. Arkham, well Commissioner, I have dealt with the Joker before, and have had no issue. If I feel at any time I am being compromised, I will immediately dismiss myself from his case. I take my job very seriously. I did not go to school for all that time for nothing. I assure you that my stability will not be in question throughout his stay here at Arkham. Is that enough for you, Commissioner?”
“Well yes, I just, would like you… To.. Umm.. submit to random psychiatric evaluations during his stay.. Just to you know.. make sure.. everything’s going okay..”
I smiled softly, at Gordon’s nervous face and swift speaking.
“If it makes you feel any better Gordon, I will agree to those terms.”

It seemed as if a weight was lifted off of Gordon as I spoke that. He must have been nervous to approach me on this matter. Some doctors would be furious if their stability would be in question. Gordon wiped at the light sheer on his skin.. He was a nervous sweater, one of the first signs of anxiety.

Dr. Arkham looked a little perturbed, he clearly did not want me to agree to the terms, but I did not mind Gordon. He really cared for this city and God knows, we needed someone to care.

“Is there anything else I can do for you today Commissioner?”
“No, no Doctor, thank you so much for your time.”

All three of us stood, and Gordon shook my hand as I gave him a soft, reassuring smile to lessen his worries. Sweaty Palms, this man was a wreck really.

He proceeded out of the room, followed by Dr. Arkham, who gave me a look as if to say ‘We’ll talk later.’ I nodded my head softly, understanding what needed to be done. I followed them to the door, softly shutting it behind them. I walked slowly back to my desk, and sat in my chair, spinning it to face the giant picture window, thus bringing me to…

The Present

I continued to stare out of my window. I then proceeded to stand up, and file away the Joker’s file. I needed a walk. My exhaustion was making it extremely difficult to deal with all this.
I walked out of my office, just to turn around and lock the door. Then I began to roam the halls of Arkham. As I moved through the recreation room, I walked by another one of my patients, a young girl with pink hair named Judy.

“Good Afternoon Judy.”
“Hey! Doctor Del!”
“Ohh… No afternoon Heelllloo for me Dellie Bellie..”

I looked up and made eye contact with a very sour face. The Joker’s face.

“Hello Joker.”
“Oh. So angry all the time, is it because you hate your job Dellie Bellie? I could take you away, you know.. Take you far far away, to a better life. A Life of Chaos.”
“Nah, you can’t do that Mr. Joker, Doctor Del, belongs here. There are other people that need her too!”

Judy began to become very aggravated, very quickly. Figures considering she is in Arkham for an aggravated assault charge. Boy does that girl have a temper.

I was almost taken aback by his growl, it was almost animalistic.
“Dellie Bellie is mine.. If I want to take her, I will take her.”

He lapsed back into his almost childish tone, until he slowly become more and more vicious. His dark eyes becoming more and more angry, as his head lowered and his eyes became a fierce glare. A sense of alarm rushed through my body. This behavior is not good. The Joker has developed some sort of obsession with me. That is never a good sign.

“Umm.. Joker, my place is here. I like my job, I am happy at Arkham.”
I spoke slowly and calculated. Trying to decide how he may interpret my response. He looked up and into my eyes, his were blazing with fury and… Amusement?
“Already being defiant Dellie Bellie? We will take care of that real soon.. Real Real Soon.”

With that, Arkham shook in it very foundation.. I watched as the Joker slipped right out of his straight jacket, and grabbed a hold of my arm, dragging me behind him
“Joker, Stop! I am not going with you. Stop It!”
“Ohh Ho Ho Ho! You’re so funny! You are coming with me.”

I stomped on his foot and he released my arm. I quickly run, as fast as my heels would allow from the recreation room.

The halls were sheer chaos, patients were running everywhere, the nurses were breaking down in tears and there were no doctors in sight. Figure, no help here. I took off down the hall toward my office when suddenly I heard someone behind me.

“Ehh! Bitch! Where do you think you’re going?”

I turned slowly on the balls of my feet to come face to face with a man in a clown mask. Joker’s men, I should’ve known. The barrel of his gun was pointed in my directions. I was attempting to devise a plan when suddenly two arms encircled me. I turned my head slightly as the smell of plastic tickled my nose. Another man in a mask. I smirked to myself, knowing exactly what I was going to do.

“Don’t worry man, I got—“

Before he could even complete his sentence, I threw my foot back as hard as I could, making my heel connect with his shin. He let go of me instantly. In that moment, before the other goon could even pull his gun, I situated myself behind my captor. Roughly grabbing his head, I twisted it to the right as hard and fast as I could. The satisfying crack of vertebrates echoed throughout the hall.
Now for the other one. Using this dead man as a human shield, I pressed my body against his as the other masked man began to shoot in my direction. He was only carrying a revolver. Idiot. I counted off the 6 shots to myself and then quickly fell to the floor, with the other body on top of mine.

Now in 3…2…1. Just then his face came into view, and with that, I threw the dead body with all my might into the other man. He let out a gasp of surprise as the slightly heavy man threw him slightly off balanced. In an attempt to balance his dead friend, he fell the ground.
I took the opportunity to rise to my feet as fast as I could. I stomped over to the fallen man.

“No one calls me Bitch.”

With that, I used my heeled shoe to quickly smash in his windpipe. Yeah, that guy will not be breathing anytime soon.

Once again arms enclosed around me, and I let out a frustrated moan.
“Ohhh Dellie Bellie, moaning can be for later. I see you’ve killed my uhh.. help. I guess we are doing the rest on our own…”

He began to drag me in the opposite direction we were heading. I struggled against his grip and had it almost loosened when he spun around and pushed his nose against mine.
“Listen Delilah”, he almost spat my name, “You are coming with me right now, whether you like it or not!”

“….Fine. Take me to my office. Now.”
“Well Miss. Prissy Pants, I don’t think you are in the position to be calling the shots.”

I grabbed one of my knives that was secured around my thigh, and shoved the Joker into a wall, with my knife pressed against his throat.

“Am I in the position now?” I asked as my tongue darted out of my mouth to lick my lips. Damnit. I was already picking up on his habit.

“Well.. “ He dragged out Ell sound.. God that is annoying. He should learn pronunciation. “Lead the way”

I walked away from him, still firmly grasping the knife, in case he got the idea to snatch it from my hand.

I could feel him staring at my ass. I smirked to myself, well I guess even a madman can still be a pervert. We reached my office door, and I leaned against it as I tried to unlock it. I felt him come up behind me, he rested his hand on my ass, and began to nuzzle his face into my neck...

“You smell delicious Delilah.”

He began to run his nose the length of his neck, as kisses followed… I shivered with pleasure. Listen I am a human being.

I finally unlocked the door and we slipped inside.