Myths and Legends of the Silver Bloods

Start of the Gold house

A long time ago when time was young and people where still afraid of what went bump in the night, there was a girl in red who would become know as the mother of the silver bloods. This is her story so listen well and see if you can see what makes her the first. A girl in red walks though the woods to see her grandmother(the old lady) who is in bed sick. To get to her grandmothers house, she must go though a deep, dark woods. There are two paths though the woods, one is safe and well lit but takes ten to eleven days to travel. The other path is dangerous and dark, but this path only takes five to six days to travel. The girl wants to get to her grandmother as fast as she can so that she can know that she is OK. The girl decides to go the dark fast path. By the end of the first day she realized that a wolf was stocking her. The next day the wolf was ten feet away at all times. This wolf was all black with bright green eyes. On the third day the girl fell in to a crevices in the ground. Later that night the wolf jumped down into the crevices with the girl's pack that she had doped, and stayed with her all night. On the morning of the forth day the wolf jumped out of the crevices and went his own way. Later that night the wolf jump back down into the crevices with a dead rabbit in his mouth and lay it down at the girl in red's feet. On the next day , the fifth day, the wolf jump down in to the crevices just before the sunset. After the sunset standing in the place of the wolf was tall man with dark black hair and bright green eyes. The girl was in shock but at the same time she was also in lust. The man that was a wolf said to the girl “that if she spent the night with him, in his den. He would let her go to her grandmother's house, if she pleased him.” the girl said”yes” and spent the night with him, just before the sunrise the man who was a wolf told her “that she was to fallow him and he would lead her to her grandmother’s house.” so that was the start of the six day, at the end of that day she was siting in her grandmothers house.
After staying with her grandmother for a moth the girl in red went home on the light path. Three months after returning home the girl in red was ran out of town because of the fact that she was with child with no trice of a man in her life. The girl in red ran down the light path all the way to her grandmothers house. When she got to her grandmothers house, she found her grandmother in a pool of her own blood. When the girl in red asked her grandmother what happened the old lady said “last night there was a knock at my door, when I opened my door there was a man with dark black hair and bright eyes there. This man asked for you my dear, I told him that you where not hear and that he should leave. After that he few in to a rage and attacked me, witch left me laying in a pool of my own blood.” the girl in red busted in to tears at this, which caused the old lady to ask the girl in red “who this man was”, to this the girl sobbed “he is the farther of my unborn baby”. The old lady looked at the girl and said “my dear leave this house and run to the meadow, and pray to the moon lady for help,” and with that she closed her eyes and died. With the old lady's body cooling the girl in red ran for the meadow. When the girl reached the meadow the moon was rising in the sky. The girl in red cried out to the lady of the moon for help. The lady of the moon took piddly on the girl in red and made her hair, eyes, skin, and body fluids to silver. The lady of the moon said to the girl in red “from this day forwarder your blood will be poison to all wolfs who can become men, your kiss will burn them alive, your hair and nails will scorch and mark as well. Yes the baby that is inside of you will be able to take the form of a wolf, true, but she will not have the same wild madness that others will have. Your baby will be a girl and all all others in your line will be girls.” and with this being said the lady of the moon went back to the moon. After the lady was gone the wolf showed up with foam in the mouth and blood on the fur. The wolf turned in to a man and started to yell and threaten the girl. All the noise grabbed the attention of one of the wolf moon runners. This wolf moon runner was the alpha of the pack, he saw the girl in red in danger, so he moved to save the girl. This alpha ended up killing the wolf and taking the girl in red to live with him and his people.
A year later the girl in red was living happily with her daughter, the alpha, and his people when one day an outsider came to the pack and chanced the alpha to a duel for leadership of the pack. This outsider killed the alpha with silver after reviling that he was the son of the alpha and he took control of all wild wolfs, after the black wolf was killed. After taking over the wolf moon runners, he decided that he wanted the girl in red in his bed and the best way to do that was to kill her daughter, so he set out to kill her. When the outsider went to kill the daughter a young pup of the pack was with her, this pup was two years older then the daughter and saw the outsider rise a silver knife to stab the girl so the pup pushed her to the side a was cut by the blade. The girl in red came running when she had herd the noise and grabbed her daughter and the pup and ran. The girl in red ran all the way to the meadow and called out again to the lady of the moon. The lady came down from the moon and asked what the girl what she wanted? The girl in red asked the lady of the moon to heal the boy who had saved her daughter. The lady said alright and gave the daughter the ability to give a silver immunity, but with a cost of blood first. The lady of the moon then warned that the girl in red was being hunted my the outsider and that if it was learned that her daughter and every one to come to this line could cure silver poisoning that they would be hunt every day of there life. The girl in red said that she understood and that she and here daughter and any one else of their line would do every thing in their power to live and see that the silver blood would out last time it self. When the lady of moon heard this she said good from this day forward you will be my daughters. With this being said the lady of the moon returned to the moon and the girl in red took her daughter and the pup and start to teach them the power of the moon. And so it is not know what happened after that or if this is a true story but what we do know is that there are still silver bloods out there to day and they are all called daughters of the moon lady.
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OK so this is the start of the Silver Bloods and just a small peak in to the world of the Silver Bloods and Myths. I do want to hear what people think of this story and depending on what I hear I may post more story on the Silver Blood's World.