Status: Hiatus, for a bit

My Way Home Is Through You

Evaporation in the Pursuit of Llamas

“And- and then the whole city would erupt in flames and once it was burned to the ground it would be renamed and called Phoenix city so survivors would get to rebuild and the pills would evaporate and I’d get a pet llama.” I finished, pleased with my thoughts for the future.

“That’s ridiculous, Lu. Even if the city did catch fire, there’s no wood to burn and llamas haven’t existed since before the helium wars. No one’s ever tried burning the pills. We don’t even have to worry about that anymore. We’re just going to find a place to get supplies, think of new identities.” Annie had been like that ever since her mom had gone missing.

We were best friends, mainly because she was the only person who put up with me and I was the only person who she’d actually talk to. I rolled my shoulders around, trying to get comfortable in the stiff city clothing. It hadn’t been easy getting out.

“Lucy, come on!”

“I can’t do it. Just go. I can’t- I can’t-”

I could remember the noise of the officers following us. What I couldn’t remember was how I got from there to out in the desert. I’d woken up far from the city with Annie looking for anything we could eat in a pack she’d been smart enough to bring.

“There’s a gas station about a mile that way.” Annie snapped me out of my thoughts and pointed towards where the sun was setting. “We’ve got the guns still, so if we run into an unfriendly face we should be alright.”

“Maybe they’ll still have running water.” I added hopefully. It was impossible to stay outside for more than five minutes without becoming covered in sand. “Annie! Do you know what you want to be called now?”

“You can’t call me that anymore. I’m Adrenaline Danger Heart now.”

“Which do I call you?” Lots of names with lots of syllables.

“You can choose. Any ideas what you want to be now?”

“Static Revolver. Static is better though.”