Where Were You When My Walls Came Falling Down?

Madness Can Happen?

* Jess’ Pov *

“You know anyone else coming down?” Jack asked Alex as we walked towards the stadium “The Madden’s are coming” I cut in and they smiled carrying on talking as I felt Jeremy grab my hand, “Have I told you that I love you for this?” he asked and I shook my head “Well I do, you bought me a Superbowl ticket” he whispered kissing my cheek. “Benji just text to say they’re in the bar and the first round is on Jack” I said putting my phone back in my pocket.

We wandered in and I heard a shout “Jessica you’ve changed!” Benji shouted and I ran over jumping into his arms, “How are you?” he asked and I nodded “You?” “I’m good, better for seeing you guys,” he said smiling as he let me go and I hugged Joel. “Well I don’t think we’ve been really fully introduced yet have we,” he said looking at Jeremy and I laughed, they knew each other well enough already.

“Guys quit it” I said flicking my dark blond hair out of my face “Dude it’s good to see you again, you have a good girlfriend to buy you a ticket” Benji said and Jeremy laughed “I know right she’s a star” he said kissing me. “Yeah well you remember who you’re supporting and we’ll be fine” I said and he laughed “Oh know he’s a not one of them is he?” Joel asked and I laughed, “No he just keeps saying it to wind them up,” I admitted as he smiled at them all.

“What’s everyone having?” Jack shouted and they ordered before he handed me orange juice “If they win will you please drink tonight?” Jack asked and I shook my head “Yes she will, she’ll have champagne with us all” Jeremy said and I looked at him. “Your drinking if they win, I’m here so nothing bad will happen. Promise” he said latching his pinkie onto mine and I smiled at him.

Since that night I’d not drank, it obviously made me do things I didn’t want to do. They all sat talking while Jeremy sat with me “You ever been to a Superbowl before?” he asked and I shook my head “Aww it’s our first time together” he said smiling and I laughed “Be better if Ravens were here” I stated and he nudged me “Steelers!” he whispered and I smacked his arm “Shut up you” I said before kissing him.

We’d been sat talking for ages when I heard someone cough behind me and I turned to see someone I hadn’t expected to see although part of me knew they’d be here “Jessica” he stated and I nodded smiling “Hi Jonathan” I said and he smiled at me “You look so different” he stated and I smiled at him.

“It’s funny what hair dye, and a few more tattoos does to a person” I replied and he beamed at me “I didn’t think you’d be here” he stated and I nodded “Yeah Jack bought me a ticket as a present and I bought Jeremy one. Oh you guys have never really met have you?” I asked and they both shook their heads.

“Jeremy this is Jonathan Cook” I said and he stuck his hand out “Forever The Sickest Kids right?” he asked and Jonathan nodded shaking his hand “And this is Jeremy McKinnon” I added and Jonathan smiled “I feel like I should ask but I know the answer, A Day To Remember right?” he asked and Jeremy laughed. “Got it in one, it’s good to meet you finally instead of talking on the Internet or over the phone” Jeremy stated.

Even though that night had pretty much wrecked everything else Jonathan had contacted me to see if I was doing okay a few weeks afterwards and he put the idea of staying friends out there, that night ruined a lot that it seemed like maybe there was one thing we could save and that was our friendship. Neither of us remembered it so it never really played on our minds, he’d spoken to Jeremy countless times in the 5 months we’d been together when I was talking to Jonathan and Jeremy was around.

“Seems pretty weird actually seeing you” Jonathan stated and I nodded “Hug it out people” Jeremy said and I laughed at him before standing up and Jonathan grabbed me “I’ve missed my little sister” he whispered and I laughed “I’ve missed you too big bro” I admitted. “Check this” he said letting me go and pulling his jeans up to show the braided string “No way!” I said and Jeremy laughed, “You have one of them,” he said and I nodded sticking my foot out and Jonathan smiled.

“I made them,” I stated as I sat down and Jeremy motioned for Jonathan to join us and he looked over his shoulder before sitting down “Oh charming you never make me anything” he teased “I made you dinner last night and I bought you your ticket, your argument is irrelevant” I stated and he laughed kissing my cheek.

Jack brought him a drink over and he jumped when he saw him before relaxing “How’s things?” Jeremy asked him and he sighed “Thing’s are going really well you?” he asked and Jeremy answered him before Jonathan shook his head. “Doll I have to ruin this but he’s here, that’s why I’m so jumpy he kind of doesn’t know we’re still friends” Jonathan admitted and I looked at the floor.

“He?” Jeremy asked and I nodded “Oh you mean Caleb?” he asked and Jonathan nodded, “I never knew you were here so neither does he obviously. I never really got around to telling him we’re still friends because well it took all we had to keep the band together and for us to salvage some form of a friendship and I thought us being friends might ruin that” Jonathan explained.

“I’m pretty sure the others know we still talk, I never told them directly but I think they know I’d ask you to try. Sorry” he offered and I shook my head “No it’s fine, I get it. I know band comes first Jonathan you don’t even have to say it with me” I admitted and he smiled “I know I don’t but I feel like I’m hiding our friendship because I’m ashamed; I’m not but I guess I never thought I’d have to deal with it again. I’m a bit of an idiot really aren’t I?” he asked and I laughed at him.

“You think he’ll say anything?” Jeremy asked “I don’t know really; probably won’t cause a scene, he can’t really say much Becky and him are like best friends now” Jonathan said and I knew that was pissing him off “Oh right” I said and he nodded “Yeah he did it to get to me but ended up actually liking her” he said and I laughed. “Boys hey?” I asked and Jeremy laughed “Totally! Anyway I’ll be back in a few, I’m going to convince Alex into being a Steeler for the night” he said and I laughed rolling my eyes.

“Jonathan if I don’t get to see you again before we leave then it was nice to finally meet you but you should stay with us today if you can and if not drop by the hotel later or something?” Jeremy said and he nodded saying bye.

“So your well?” he asked, “Yeah, it’s good to see you again. Jeremy was right you should hang out with us” I said watching him talking to Alex “Yeah I’ll swing by later, he’s a nice guy” Jonathan replied and we sat talking for awhile when I heard a voice I’d not heard in a long time but I knew it was Caleb.

“Sorry if this one is annoying you” Caleb added before I turned around “He’s okay” I stated and Kent shouted running at me while the others smiled apart from Caleb who just stared “You look so different” Austin said as I hugged him, “People change and all that, you boys all look good” I admitted avoiding Caleb’s gaze.

I explained how I got here when I heard Jack shout “McKinnon’s round so what’s everyone drinking?” he asked and I smiled “McKinnon I want whatever is most expensive” I shouted back. They walked over and he smiled “I got you the cheapest thing I could find” he joked handing me orange juice. I introduced everyone and they all shook hands “So you guys know each other?” Austin asked, “Yeah we all met at Glamour Kills one day. We were all there working and we got talking” Alex explained.

“Yeah someone didn’t really like me but I think she’s changed her mind now” Jeremy said resting his chin on my head “Yeah and Jack didn’t ever want to beat you up so that’s a good sign” Joel Madden said. “Yeah because Jack’s scared of losing to him” I joked “Yeah well he’s a big guy in comparison to me,” Jack admitted.

“Jack you’d easily beat me, I’m a big softie. I’m scared of her” Jeremy said nudging me “He’s right to be scared of me” I joked and he laughed, “She knows I’m in charge” he stated ”Sure McKinnon” I teased. “We all know you listen when I talk, you’re a pushover my dear” he joked “Yeah he’ll have her playing perfect housewife when he finally finds his way onto one knee” Jack cut in.

“Shut up Barakat” I snapped at him and he winked at me “One knee?” Kent asked, “Yeah these 2 lovebirds, can’t get rid of him. He’s forgotten he’s not from Baltimore; go home Jeremy” Alex teased “You’ll miss me when I’m gone” Jeremy replied, “Yeah and when will this be?” Alex asked.

“You’re dating?” Kent asked, “Yep, have been for 5 months” he answered and I saw Caleb look at us both. We all left agreeing to meet up at our hotel later on. “Sweetie are you mad?” he asked and I laughed, “Nope, lets go watch some football,” I said as we walked off.