Where Were You When My Walls Came Falling Down?

I Will Destroy You! Just So You Know :)

“Yes, has that girl gone?” he asked and I looked at him “What girl?” I asked “Zack brought a girl back with him” “Merrick brought a girl on the bus? Sly dog!” I said as he sat up smiling, “She was a pretty thing but not his type really” “Well she wasn’t around when I went to get coffee” I admitted. “She wasn’t in his bunk then?” “Well I never looked, I’m not a pervert; I don’t check their bunks every morning” I replied and he smiled. “You used to Alex’s” “Yeah but only when he first got his girlfriend, I just liked to check he’d behaved himself when he’d gone out the night before. He’s a boy, sometimes he misbehaves,” I stated and he laughed.

“By misbehaves do you mean sleeps with people?” he asked ”Yes sometimes when he just gets a girlfriend he forgets and goes hooking up and I have to give him a telling off in the morning, someone around here has to have morals” I stated making him smile. We sat watching TV talking when I heard a noise out front and he looked at me, he got up carefully walking towards the bunks, “Oh hi” he said and I heard a girl answer him; so Zack’s friend was still on the bus.

Matt was beyond belief awkward at this sort of thing so I got up walking to see him stood staring at her as she smiled awkwardly “Hey, are you okay?” I said and Matt sighed “Erm yeah, you?” she asked, “Yeah we’re great thanks, do you want anything to eat or drink?” I asked walking past her to the kitchen “Not it’s okay” “No I can get you something if you want” I offered.

“Coffee would be good,” she said quietly and I smiled pouring a cup giving her it “I’m Jess and that’s Matt” I introduced “I’m Annie,” she answered. “Well it’s nice to meet you, you can come watch TV with us in the back if you want. We’re all pretty lazy in the morning” I replied smiling and she shook her head.

“You sure? We don’t mind, promise Matt will develop the ability to talk by the time we’re 20 minutes into some show” I joked and she smiled “Okay” she replied and I pushed Matt back towards the back lounge. “We’re watching Friends” I stated as I moved stuff for her to sit down, “Matt you know you could put more clothing on, I’m pretty sure boxers are a bit awkward for people that aren’t used to it” I scolded and he grabbed his top pulling it on.

“It’s okay,” she said playing with the edge of her dress “Well I warn you then, they all walk around in boxers or naked. I like your dress, where’s it from?” I asked and she smiled “Topshop” “I love that place” I stated. I was pretty sure the guys would rather I didn’t talk to girls they brought back with them and would rather I got them off the bus and gone before they got up but I liked them to face up to their actions. Plus I’d hate to just be gotten rid of the next morning so I refused to do it, they asked them back and they would face up to what they had done themselves no matter how awkward and embarrassing it was.

“So Annie, are you from South Carolina?” I asked and she nodded “Where’s good to hang out? We’ve got another day off in a few days and I want to do something” I asked and she started telling us about places to go “Are there any paintballing places around here?” Matt asked “Oh and he develops the ability of speech” I teased him and he glared at me. She told us some places for paintballing and he thanked her typing away on his phone presumably saving the names of the places.

“So you found a better offer than my bunk last night did you?” Alex said as he walked in and his eyes fell on Annie “Oh hi…” he looked at me “Annie” I mouthed and he smiled “Annie” he said and she smiled at him. “You seen my sweatpants?” he asked and Matt threw him a pair and he pulled them on before grabbing a shirt from the floor and pulling it on, he sat at our feet his hair a mess. “So you got a better offer did you?” Matt teased “No I just fell asleep in my own bunk, I heard Vegas walk into something when he came in” I stated “Yeah he walked into the bathroom door” Matt said laughing.

“Hope he has a nice bruise” “Talking of bruises, what’s with that one?” Alex asked and I looked at him “On your head” he stated and I put my hand up and felt a lump where Jeremy had smacked my head on the wall last night. “Son of a…Jeremy pushed me into the wall last night in an attempt to gain more room in the bunk” I admitted. “Well it’s a shiner” Matt said smiling and I groaned.

Slowly the guys got up leaving Zack and Jeremy as the only ones not up, Jack started talking to Annie and we heard movement and everyone was waiting for Zack to walk in but it was Jeremy “McKinnon you let down” Vinny shouted at him and he looked confused before Alex motioned at Annie and he looked at her. “Oh erm, hi” he said awkwardly as I laughed throwing a pair of shorts at him and he pulled them one followed by a top off the floor which wasn’t his.

“Hi” Annie said looking at him as he walked over “Oi McKinnon you woman beater, look at the mark you’ve left on my woman’s head!” Jack shouted at Jeremy who looked at me as I moved my hair to show him and he started laughing. “Well someone had to teach her a lesson,” “Well played” Alex stated shaking his hand. “It hurts a lot you know,” I said “Good!” Jeremy snapped and I glared at him as he sat on the floor.

Next thing we knew someone appeared at the door and it was Zack in shorts and a top, “Merrick!” Jack said smiling and Annie looked at the floor and I felt so bad for her. These guys were dicks, they’d openly tease Zack in front of her if they thought Zack would get wound up by it, “Barakat, morning everyone. Hey Annie” he said smiling at her as he walked over to sit next to her “So what’s going on here then?” Jeremy asked.

Alex took it upon himself to give every detail that he remembered and I rolled my eyes as they discussed Zack’s love life in a whisper. They went to get breakfast and we all grabbed showers before getting dressed properly, “Are you busy today?” Zack asked and Annie shook her head “Want to stay around for the day? We can hang out for a while and I’m sure Jess has some clothes you can wear if you want a shower” Zack offered.

“Yeah you can borrow some of my clothes,” I said smiling and she looked at Zack again “Go on, it’ll be fun,” he said and she nodded slowly. I took her to find some clothes before sending her to the bathroom “Lock the door though, because they do have habits of walking in” I warned and she nodded going in the bathroom and Zack disappeared so to avoid any taunting that was coming his way.

Slowly everyone got dressed heading off he bus into the venue to sit in the back rooms, Zack disappeared off the bus with Vinny who was currently taking the piss out of him and I rolled my eyes “Oi you remembered your punishment is coming your way today” Jeremy said sitting in the back lounge and I walked to him. “You have to wear something all day” he stated and I looked at him.

“I bought it just for you so you can keep it afterwards and wear it” he added and I nodded “Here you go” he said holding a bag out and I looked at him before taking it from him, I opened it looking inside pulling something out “No way” I stated as soon as I saw it and he nodded “Yeah, you have no say in it. Your being punished and this is the chosen punishment; you played me at poker!” he replied and I shook my head.

“Put it on now!” he ordered and I shook my head ”Not joking now put it on” he said with a smile spreading over his smug little face “Not wearing it!” I shouted, “You are and your wearing it all day, if not you get a forfeit and it’ll be a hell of a lot worse than this” “How can it be worse than this” I said holding it out and he smiled “Oh I can think of lots of things worse than you wearing that all day now put it on!” he snapped and I groaned taking my top off putting it on.

“Okay so can I take it off now?” I asked and he shook his head “That stays on all day, even tonight when your working you’re wearing it!” he said smiling “No way! They will never talk to me again” I replied, “Maybe next time you’ll think before you play me won’t you?” he asked and I nodded slowly. I heard the bathroom door open “We’re in the back lounge Annie!” Jeremy shouted and I heard someone walk in behind me and I glared at him.

“I hate you Jeremy!” I snapped as he walked past me, “They’ve all gone into the venue so lets go find them, you met the Forever The Sickest Guys last night I take it?” he asked “Well they’ll all be in there as well” he said “Don’t you worry about things being awkward or needing to be shy; when they see what she’s got on they’ll forget your even there” Jeremy reassured pointing at me and I turned around to face them.

I grabbed my hoodie “Put that down, you weren’t cold earlier so your not now. Plus its burning in that place” Jeremy snapped “I’m not walking off this bus dressed like this without something to cover it” “That has to be visible at all times” he said grabbing my arm dragging me behind him as I tried to get him off me.

“Come on Annie stay with me” he said as he shut the bus door behind us, we got to the room they’d all be in and Jeremy turned to me smiling “Ready?” he asked and I shook my head “If you think I’m going in that room you’ve got another thing coming” I snapped at him. “She looks fine doesn’t she Annie?” Jeremy asked and she looked at me nodding “I cannot wear this in front of them! Do you know what you’re doing to me?” I asked and he grinned at me.

“I either drag you in there or you come in on your own terms! Your choice but remember, they will all see sooner or later so you might as well take it all in one go” he replied and I groaned as he let me go. “Come on Annie” he said opening the door as I hid around the corner walking in with her shutting the door behind him, I waited until I heard them all talking hoping that somehow Annie’s presence would distract them from me but I doubted it.

I took a deep breath before opening the door hanging my head as I walked in “What the fuck are you wearing? Get out!” Jack snapped and I heard the room go silent and I knew they were all looking at me, “Your not coming near us today and you’re not getting on that bus tonight with that on! Has that been on our bus? What are you thinking?” Alex shouted and I looked up to see everyone staring at me.