Where Were You When My Walls Came Falling Down?

Well That's A Turn Up For The Books

I nodded for him to only sit up and signal me to him, I sat down next to him and he smiled “Carlos stop glaring at me” he stated turning the bear around and I smiled. “You sleep okay?” he asked “Yeah” “Your stomach feel okay?” he stated, “Fine” I replied and he nodded slowly. “Tom came around last night and we hung out, we had a chat and well he gave me some advice and I’m sorry I’ve been like this. Turns out Tom was the same before his wedding, he’s always been good for advice and well we actually realised Josh is only ever right because he says everyone’s relationship will fall on it’s face. He was wrong about Neil and Peggy, he was wrong about Tom and his wife and he’ll be wrong about us” he offered and I stayed quiet.

“I’m just nervous about all this, I mean what we do tomorrow is a massive step. What we do tomorrow changes our lives forever and I just want to be sure we’re doing it for the right reasons and that we’re both willing to go all out for it” “Where’d you find Carlos?” I asked and he smiled picking him up “Bedroom, I came to check on you and he was on the floor so I brought him downstairs” he answered holding him out to me and I took him.

He put his hand on my thigh and I leant against his side “I’m sorry darling, how about we spend the whole day just chilling out together before dinner tonight?” he asked and I nodded “Good, ignore the world for the day” he stated moving to lay down again and I smiled at him as he shifted over for me to lay at his side. His fingers traced patterns on my skin and I must’ve fallen asleep again because I woke up later to hear him on the phone, I couldn’t see him and I listened to what he was saying “I don’t give a fuck whether you meant it as a joke you turn up with purple hair tonight and I will deal with it and you don’t want that. Dye it fucking black or something,” he scolded quietly and I smiled realising who he was talking to.

I heard him lecturing Alex on what he’d do if his hair wasn’t a normal colour tonight as I walked into the kitchen quietly to see him stood in his boxers with his back to me, I hated myself for it but pregnancy had made me want sex a lot more than I normally did and Jeremy and I were hardly a once a month couple as it was. Apparently it was normal, well according to google it was normal.

I smiled to myself as I crept towards him, I wrapped my arm around him tracing my fingers between his hips gently and he jumped before looking over his shoulder at me smiling. I started to kiss at his neck before pushing him against the counter moving to stand in front of him, I carried on kissing at his neck my hands tracing down his body digging my nails in softly “Alex man I’d love to stay chat but I think Jess just woke up” he said and I shook my head at him pulling away and he looked at me “Or I can stay and talk” he stated and I smiled going back to what I was doing.

I kissed over his collarbones as his hand moved to my waist and I stopped kissing him “Are you serious?” he mouthed and I nodded biting my lip and he shook his head taking his hand from me “No way, seriously Matt said?” Jeremy asked looking at me as he spoke and I let my lips move back to his shoulder carefully sucking and nipping on his skin. He moved his free hand to his own hair running his fingers through it making me smile, I ground my hips into his and he gasped.

“What’s up?” I heard Alex ask “I…I saw a spider” Jeremy lied glaring at me and I winked at him, I kept my hips pushed against his and I felt his body stiffen making me smile, I moved to his soft spot sucking on it as I could hear Alex talking to him. My hands travelled slowly down his body playing with the edge of his boxers as he pushed his hips back into mine “Mmm” I heard him say in agreement with Alex and I looked to see his teeth were clamped onto his lip.

I let my fingers glide down his thigh and his breathing increased as I fingers moved against him, he pushed himself further against me and I moved my hand out his boxers pulling at the waist of them and he coughed making me look up at him “Don’t you dare” he mouthed and I smiled pulling his boxers down partially and he shook his head. He pointed at me as a warning and I started to kiss down his chest, I reached his hipbones kissing over them before kissing down his thigh lowering his boxers as I went down.

I nipped at the inside of his right thigh and his leg tensed, I kissed at his hips again before blowing cold air onto him and I heard him whimper and I looked up to see he’d pulled the phone from him “Jess seriously don’t” he warned quietly covering the phone with his hand so Alex wouldn’t hear. I smiled doing it again and he closed his eyes “Stop it, your making this really difficult” “That’s the idea” I replied quietly “I’m hanging up” “Then I’m stopping” I stated going to get up and he looked at me before sighing “So what’s Vinny been up to then?” he asked, moving the phone back and I smiled at him.

I slowly took him in my mouth before getting to work, his breathing grew shallower as I kept moving and heard him trying not to moan as he spoke to Alex, after awhile I saw his hand fall to the edge of the counter where he gripped it sending his knuckles white and I grazed my teeth down him and he tightened his grip. I saw his stomach muscles tense and his breathing reach it’s peak and I knew what was coming so I pushed him further running my tongue over his head before grazing my teeth down him again “Holly fucking shit!” he shouted as he came and I swallowed.

“What the fuck are you doing?” Alex snapped, “It’s that spider, it’s fucking huge. Sorry man” he replied as I pulled his boxers back up. He shook his head at me as I kissed his jaw. I pulled my top off before pushing my shorts off and he released the counter putting his hand out to me and I let him touch me, his hand grabbed at my waist pulling me into his body and he bucked his hips into mine.

I kissed all over his neck and chest as his hand traced up my spine before tracing soft circles on the base of my neck sending my skin to goosebumps and I heard him laugh quietly “Sorry I was laughing at Jess all curled up asleep, you guys are coming out with me tonight after dinner right for my last night as a free man? They’ll be strippers and everything!” Jeremy said and I looked at him and he winked at me.

“What about Jess?” Alex asked, “She’s having a girly night, come on you guys need to give me one last night of excitement before I get married” he reasoned and I heard Alex laughing in agreement with him as Jeremy pushed me into his hips and I breathed heavily in his ear making him move so I was against the counter and he was holding me there. His hand pushed up my chest as I kept kissing his neck and I looked at him to see his eyes flash with lust.

I jumped up on to the counter and he pushed my legs apart with his hand before guiding my to lay down as he climbed on the counter on top of me, he dropped the phone moving to kiss me and I moved away from him and he groaned picking the phone up before sitting it on the side next to us and Alex’s voice filled the room.

“So will there really be strippers?” “Hell yeah and I can’t guarantee I won’t sleep with one of them” Jeremy stated as I wrapped my leg around his waist and he dropped his body onto mine. “You better be joking because I will kill you if you cheat on Jess” “I’m joking, trust me this pregnancy has made sure I don’t cheat,” he answered before pressing his lips onto mine “Aww because you’ll be a daddy?” Alex questioned “Yeah totally” Jeremy replied “That and your fucking wearing me out” he whispered in my ear before nipping at my neck and I arched my back.

He undid my bra pulling it off before his hands removed my underwear, I pushed at his boxers and he moved to pull them off “So is pregnancy going well I mean what even happens?” Alex asked and I smiled at the fact Alex was asking “Yeah it’s going great, well she’ll get mood swings and stuff like that and obviously it changes her body” Jeremy answered trying to control his breathing.

“Like?” “Like she’ll get a bump, well she has one anyway but it’ll get bigger and bigger” Jeremy stated as his hand moved over my stomach when he spoke about it. “Anything else?” Alex said and I knew what he was expecting to hear ”Fine her boobs are fucking bigger than what they were and I’d imagine they’ll get bigger the more pregnant she gets. Not saying I’m complaining though,” he admitted as his hands massaged at my chest and I dug my nails into his shoulder and he bit down on my skin.

“I need to get me a go on these boobs” Alex joked and Jeremy laughed “Well they’re mine and I’m not sharing” he replied as I pulled his hair, “Let me go see if she’s up” Jeremy stated pressing something on his phone and I shook my head “I can’t fucking wait anymore” he said his breathing swallow and I nodded “Then stop waiting around but if you hang up your waiting until our wedding night” I replied. “Are you seriously going to make me do this on the phone?” he asked and I nodded “But what if he hears?” “Then make a good fucking excuse,” I stated and he shook his head.

“Can’t I just do it really quick and then take him off hold?” he asked lowering himself “No you can’t” I answered pushing his body back up and he looked me over before groaning “I thought this new found increased sex drive was amazing but if it starts getting bigger and bigger I’m going to be fucking knackered by the time it gets to 9 months” he said and I laughed. “I love you Jessica Jones more than you know and shit like this is why you’re the perfect girl for me, even if you do things to me whilst I’m trying to hold a conversation. Which by the way was actually really sexy” he stated kissing me before pushing a button on his phone.

“Nah she’s still fast asleep” he lied and I heard Alex talking again, he thrust into me and I tried to keep quiet. His movements were slow and his hands made my skin tingle where he touched, he tried to keep talking to Alex as he kept thrusting and Alex carried on oblivious. He was most definitely getting me back for what I’d done earlier as he made all the right moves and hit the right spots making it hard for me to keep quiet.

I wanted to move him onto his back but there wasn’t really enough room and if I tried there was a chance we’d fall but as he kept his movements slow I pushed him gently and he looked at the counter before shaking his head “We’ll fall” he whispered in my ear and I whined at him and he glanced around again “No, we can’t move from here” he added and I let him push me back down as he sped his movements up.

I pulled on his hair hard and he bit his lip shaking his head “Alex man I’m going to have to go, I’ll see you tonight. Bye” he said quickly smacking his hand onto his phone and I heard the call end before there was a bang and his phone and a large amount of the stuff on the counter top hit the floor.

He quickened up again this time moaning as he moved and I arched my back “Jesus Jeremy” I moaned and I slowly grew closer to the edge “I’m going…Jeremy” I moaned as I climaxed and he kept moving before moaning climaxing himself and he kissed me softly his hands moving to the counter guiding himself back to the floor and I moved with him still kissing him as I sat up.

“I have never done that before in my entire life, who knew sex in the kitchen was even possible let alone that good” he said as his chest heaved and I smiled wrapping my legs around his waist as I stayed sat on the edge of the counter. His hand moved the hair from my face “Why was Alex so keen to know about your boobs?” “It’s Alex. He’s keen to know about everyone’s boobs” I replied as he pulled his boxers back on handing me my underwear and I put my bra back on.

He moved away from me getting a drink as I pulled the rest of my clothes on, “Darling should we do something about the little guys room?” he asked and I looked at him “Well if we’re spending the day together maybe we could do something to buy some stuff for his room” “Who?” I replied confused. “The baby’s, I mean he’s going to need a ton of stuff we don’t have” he stated.

“Little guy?” “Yeah it’s a boy,” he said and I shook my head “We don’t know that” “Yeah but I’m a guy and so is my dad and my grandpa. All the first borns have been boys” he explained and I nodded “I think it’s a girl” I lied and he laughed “Your saying that to have a different opinion to me, but either way we could do with looking for some stuff for the room before it gets too late” he explained and I smiled at him rolling my eyes.

I jumped off kissing him “Fine lets internet shop” I stated and he beamed at me “Get that laptop and lets get going” he replied kissing me softly. We spent forever on the laptop arguing over what sex the baby was going to be and never actually bought anything “Babe it’s 6 the guys will get here soon, lets go get ready” he stated and we wandered off upstairs. As I got out the shower he complained I took too long getting in and I looked through the clothes I had with me for something to wear, I found the dress I planned on wearing pulling it on only to find it didn’t fit anymore “Ergh!” I growled as Jeremy walked back in.

He pulled a shirt and pants on as he laughed at me “Come here” he said moving to help and then I heard him laugh “It’s not going to do up so find something new” he informed “But I wanted to wear this!” I complained and he smiled kissing me “Well you can’t, you know you wore that when I took you out to that mega posh place in New York” “I know and I want to wear it now but it won’t do up” I snapped at him.

“Well what else do you have?” he asked and I shook my head throwing clothes everywhere as he laughed, there was a knock at the door and he smiled “I’ll get it, just find something. You’ll look great whatever it is” he said running downstairs doing his shirt up. I heard Rian, Zack, Vinny and Matt talking downstairs before I pulled something on walking down “This place is amazing, can we live with you?” Vinny asked “No” I snapped and he spun around grabbing me “We’ve missed you you grumpy cow” he teased and I nodded hugging him.

“What you going like that?” Rian asked “No she’s not get dressed” Jeremy cut in “I’m not going” “It’s our wedding rehearsal dinner you have to be there” he argued “Well I’m not going because nothing fits me and I hate it” I cut back and he glared at me. “Jess I’ve sorted all this out now get upstairs and get something on before we’re late!” he shouted and I shook my head as the door went again and I walked off to answer it “Well you go and I’ll stay here!” I argued back as I opened the door.

“No! This is our wedding now get upstairs and get dressed, we’re all wearing suits and we’re going to look idiots so you can go put a dress on and be happy about it!” Jeremy shouted as Alex, Jack and my parents smiled at me before realising they were walking in on an argument. “I can’t put a dress on because nothing fits so get screwed! You go in your suits and I’ll stay here” “No you found clothes to wear the other night so go put something on! Don’t start arguing with me over it, just do it!” he snapped before realising my parents were here.

“Oh hello, you okay?” he asked shaking my dad’s hand and hugging my mom “Sorry are we interrupting something?” dad asked “No your not, get upstairs now” he said glaring at me “No I’m not…” “We’ve got this!” Alex shouted grabbing my hand “Where’s the stairs in this place?” he asked and Jeremy pointed in the direction and he dragged me after him. He pulled me towards the open bedroom door “Whoa nice place” Alex said as he looked around “I’m not going, nothing fits and I hate it” I grumbled.

“Oh stop being such a jerk, close your eyes” he snapped covering my face with his hands and I heard rustling whilst Jack whispered something “Okay, surprise!” they both shouted together and I looked at the dress in Jack’s hand and I smiled. “It’s pretty, where’d you get it?” I asked “We bought it today, now put it on” “No it won’t fit” “Try it” Alex argued and I groaned taking it from them and going into the bathroom. I head them talking outside as I pulled it on and was surprised when it fitted and I loved it, I put my make up on quickly before groaning as I realised I had nothing to go with it.