Where Were You When My Walls Came Falling Down?

You're Good Out There

I watched as the crowd jumped and started mosh pits, the sound techs looked like they’d never been happier and Jeremy was more than at home onstage. “Okay how about we slow this right down? This songs for someone special, sing along if you know it; this song’s you had me at hello!” he shouted before starting to sing. They played a couple more songs before they finished and everyone cheered clapping and Evan sighed, “How that went without any problems I do not know” he admitted and I laughed ”Because your all pros” I complimented and he smiled at me.

“That was insane, how the hell did you get Jeremy McKinnon to play? Cain asked and Evan nodded “We know him pretty well” he replied “I thought the band were on break at home?” Cain asked and Evan smiled “Yeah but he’s out here visiting someone,” he stated and I smiled rolling the ring Jeremy had given me around on my finger.

“Right I’m going back before Vinny kills me but you can stay up here if Evan’s okay with it?” I asked and Evan nodded “Sure thing dude, you can stay with us if you want” Evan replied and Cain nodded so I left running back to Vinny hugging him as soon as I could. “Thank you Vegas, I take back any bad word I’ve ever said about you!” I shouted and he laughed hugging me back.

“Like I’d make you miss him performing you douche,” he said as he let me go. The door from behind us opened to reveal Jack and Jeremy, they both looked around to see if they were safe before standing talking to us “How’s it going out here tonight?” Jack asked and Vinny nodded “Good we’ve taken a lot so far and we often take a fair amount after the show as well” Vinny replied as I slipped past Jack to go into the hallway they had both walked down.

“You did good,” I said to Jeremy “You saw me?” he asked and I nodded “Vinny let me go to Evan to see you” I explained and he smiled “They all did amazing considering we had like no time to get ready, you hear my song?” he admitted “I saw like all of it” “Yeah but did you hear you had me at hello?” he asked and I nodded “You know I was talking about you” he whispered and I smiled. “You’re actually even more attractive on stage” I stated and he laughed “Thanks babe. We’re meeting my parents when we get to Florida” he said and I nodded.

“Ergh your all sweaty” I complained and he smiled “Been working hard” he said quietly looking around him before kissing me. “I don’t even know why I still check for people, is not like I even care anymore,” he whispered kissing me again.

They disappeared again leaving us alone to do our jobs and at the end of the night I left Vinny packing up, as he wanted to and I went to go help the guys, being best friends with people in a band wasn’t as fun as it first sounded; yes I got a lot out of it but I lost a lot to it as well. They spent months away and they totally took the piss sometimes “Jess come on we’re tired, make us some dinner please?” whined Alex.

“Tired? How can you be tired, you sleep your days away!” I shouted at him on the bus “Yeah but on stage is tiring” he lied and I glared at him “Babe please” Alex whined again and I sighed, “What do you want?” I asked and he smiled “Mac and cheese” he said. I grabbed the box to make it “Count me in!” shouted Jack and then Rian and Zack joined in.

I ended up making them all dinner before cleaning up after them as well before finally making it to my bunk, I woke up the next morning to Rian’s snoring below and smiled as I felt Jeremy’s arm over me, he tightened his grip on my waist only to relax it as I kissed him softly.