This Was Never Gonna Be Simple

I know his name

"Sorry!" I gasped, quickly dropping to my knees to pick up the few items I'd carelessly knocked out of this poor fella's hands.

I'm clumsy as fuck, me. I'm forever running into people. I'd love to say I have a legitimate reason - longsighted and forgot my contacts, or blind and my dumb fuck brother refuses to tell me where I'm going - but no, sadly I just don't look where I'm going most of the time and usually end up walking straight into someone. At least this guy wasn't holding anything overly important. You've no idea of the amount of times I've had people try hit me over the head with their newspapers when I've made them drop their dinner. I've had coffee spilt on me, too. Not fun.

"I-it's okay," he stuttered as I leapt to my feet again, rushing to return his groceries (can I say groceries if he's only got two things?) and to save myself from further embarrassment.

I almost dropped them again when I stood up. I could feel myself stumble backwards slightly, and Jay had to hold me up. No, no, no, no, no. This couldn't be happening again. I'd gotten rid of this...thing...ages ago. It couldn't just come back now, and have this guy show up again! I was told that it was over. He was never coming back. I'm not a little kid with an imaginary friend anymore, goddamnit!

I spun on my heel, elbowing Jay in my attempt to escape, but before I could sprint off, I felt a hand on my left forearm. I turned around again to find that this 'stranger' - well, I'm a stranger to him, right? - had a firm grip on my arm. Oh, no, now he's going to ask me what my problem is or something. Why won't he just leave?!

"Hey, hey, it's okay," he reassured me, still looking rather taken aback himself. He clearly isn't used to idiots like me almost knocking him off his feet. Well, he shouldn't be. It's not like many people can run into him, is it?

It's okay. It'll all be okay. Calm yourself. Just act normal and he'll go away, right? That's it, just act natural, don't let on that anything's odd about this situation. Other than a bunch of people, including your brother, will see you talking to yourself in public.

"Are you alright?" he asked, watching me intently. He looked like he was scared I was going to vanish any moment. I would've thought it'd be me who should be terrified he's going to do a disappearing act on me, but who knows.

"Yeah... I, uh, sorry about that," I mumbled, rubbing the back of my neck awkwardly. I'm not good at acting normal, okay?

"Nah, man, you're grand," he laughed and I wanted to leave right then. He has such a nice laugh. No, no, stop it!

My eyes were glued to him. I knew I'd been looking for longer than I should have, but I couldn't pull away. The whole idea was that I shouldn't want to see him again, but I did. I really did.

"I... I think I'll go," I sighed, snapping back to reality again.

He looked hurt for a moment and I could feel a wave of guilt crash over me. I shouldn't feel bad about this, and I know that, but I can't bloody help it! You try looking at him when he looks so rejected, and you tell me with a straight face that you don't feel sorry for him. I bet you can't.

His eyes lit up a few moments later, though. "No, don't go," he smiled at me, his voice barely louder than a whisper, as if he didn't trust himself to speak around me. "It's unlikely I'm gonna see you again. I mean, I've never seen half of these people before -" he gestured around the market, waving animatedly, "- so why don't we like... I don't know... grab a coffee or something?" he suggested.

I desperately wanted to refuse; to just shake my head and walk away, but instead I found myself doing the opposite, and before I knew it, I was nodding away to him.

"Yeah, I might as well," I agreed, much to his delight. "You wouldn't mind waiting, would you, Jay? I'm sure you can find something to entertain you."

Jay grinned at me, nodding quickly, before making a beeline for a small group of young women. I feel sorry for them. My brother can be a bit of a handful.

We headed towards a cosy looking cafe at the corner of the street, pausing only when the guy turned round to me with his hand held out in front of him. So this'll be where we introduce ourselves then. I know his name, though, I always have.

"I'm Ian," he told me, his smile getting wider every second.

♠ ♠ ♠
Oooooooooh, dramatic, ey. No. It's not dramatic. This is gay. I'm sorry :c

This probably doesn't make any sense, but I'm sad right now and I don't want to write, okay. Leave.

Don't actually leave though, I'm sorry, ily all.

This is Sean's face. Please take paint away from me...