Status: I'm gonna try and update this regularly, unlike my other story.

Well That Was Unexpected

Swear Jar!

A soft knock on the door meant Mikey was here. I had phoned him, telling him I need to talk to him, urgently. I ran to the door but stopped to take a calming breath before opening it.
“Hey Frankie!” he’s always so happy. I hugged him quickly, “Hi Mikey. C’mon in.” I lead him to the living room where I had all the pregnancy tests in an old shoe box. He sat down while I put a random music channel on, turning the T.V. down low so it wouldn’t distract us too much. “I have something really important to tell you Mikey, and you have to promise not to freak out or hate me or the other person involved when I tell you who else is involved, okay?” I tried to get that out as quick as I could, just to get this over with. “I promise Frank. Now tell me what’s up.” His face was showing nothing but curiosity.
I couldn’t bring myself to say it so I just reached for the box and handed it to him. “Look inside.” I tried to look away as he slowly slid the lid off, but I couldn’t stop myself from watching his reaction. His eyebrows raised as he stared at the test, slowly shuffling through them; too try find something at the bottom.
“It’s just a bunch of preg… No fucking way!” He all but screamed but before I could answer my dad shouted back, “Swear jar!” Both Mikey and I laughed, but then he turned serious. “Is this for real? Like for real, for real?” I just nodded. Then he done something I’ve never heard him to before. He screamed, and I mean 12 year old girl fan girl scream. My dad walked in with an open jar that had a couple one dollar bills in it already and held it out towards Mikey. “I guess he took it well.” We all laughed while Mikey put his dollar in the jar.
“Yeah I did! This is great news, there’s gonna be a baby in the house! Am I the god father, please tell me I am.” I smiled at how excited he is. “You can’t.” His face dropped but I grabbed his hand, “Cause you’re gonna be the uncle.” I said this quietly and slowly. All of a sudden he looked like a freaking fish. “Oooooooooooh.” I was quick to apologise, hoping he wasn’t angry with me.
“Frankie, don’t worry. It’s not your fault. We all knew Gerard was up to something. It’s just, well, he just can’t express himself properly, well with you at least.” Now this confused me. “What dyu mean ‘with me at least’?” He just shook his head and set the box on the table. “Doesn’t matter. Now, do you want me to be there when you tell him, or just leave you to it?” I thought about it for a minute. “I want you to be there, just to help me if he goes crazy.” Mikey smiled sweetly, hugging me gently. “Let’s go then.”
“Oh, okay.” I was a little surprised at his sudden push to tell Gerard. While Mikey was filling my bag with the tests, I ran into the kitchen, told my dad where we were going. “Right now!?” His eyes nearly fell out his fucking head, I’m not even kidding. “Yeah, I guess it’s better to just get it out of the way. I can’t keep it from him anyway; I mean it is his baby.” My dad just nodded. I kissed his cheek before heading to garage with Mikey. We got into the Aston Martin and headed off to his parent’s house.
It was another silent car ride but this one was because I was trying to figure how to tell Gerard he’s going to be a father in nine months. That’s when it hit me. I’m gonna have a baby. Oh God, I’m gonna be a Momma. “What’re you so happy about?” Mikey questioned me as we pulled into his street.
“I’m gonna be a Momma, Mikey. A momma!” I exclaimed. Mikey just shook his head gently and chuckled. “I can’t wait to see your face when you actually have the baby then.” I smiled back and pulled into the Way’s driveway.

As Mikey and I approached the front door, I grabbed his hand and he linked his fingers with mine, comforting me. He really is the best friend ever. I just hope Gerard is even slightly as understanding as Mikey.
♠ ♠ ♠
Uhh, hi! Finally got my second chapter up.

So, enjoy. I think I'm just gonna spend a day each week to upload a new chapter, possibly two if i have the right motivation. But for now, this is all I've got xx