Status: To Be Continued...

Comical Love

All My Life I've Been Waiting For The Last Train Home

I stared at the tall buildings that seemed to tower over me, making me feel belittled in this large city. I don't know why I chose to move to New York, maybe I thought it would bring me protection from the people that were hunting me down. Maybe I was just hoping for a new life.

I never thought I was chlostrophobic, but, as I tried to push my way through the large crowd; I started to feel like breathing was the most difficult of tasks. I had two suitcases in my hand, filled with all the money and clothing I'd need to survive maybe a month or two, I'd hopefully have a job by then.

I looked at the scruffy piece of paper in my hand which had an address labelled onto it. I continued incompetently without any acknowledgement of where I was actually going, later on I would probably make up an excuse like 'I was exploring' or 'I was pushed the wrong way by the crowd'. I had no one to tell these excuses too, yet. That's right, my one hope in the new city was to make a friend, someone I could trust. Was I being too vulnerable with this hope, dismissing the violent side of the Human Race in which I knew existed?

I was surprised when I found the street name I was looking for, even more surprised that I recognised the building which I was now suppose to call home. It was grimy and the whole of the inside was a disgusting cream shade, faded and worn out, it was exactly what I dreamed about. The Urban Life, the gritty and dangerous scene that was hidden underneath the stereotypical business theme that New York was known for. I'd never lived in poverty, although, I was never spoiled in wealth.

I was Government material, born and raised. I was equipped with fighting spirit so I knew I would be able to fight my way through any physical challenges thrown at me. It was the emotional challenges that I feard the most. I'd studied plenty about drug habits, suicides and every other emotional attack that New York hit you with. And if I didn't know just how well hidden this city would allow me to be, I would probably have left to California or something.

I was dreading what the room would look like, at the same time I was excited to see my first home in all it's glory. And that is exactly what I got. A mess of dim colours that didn't match, there was a small bathroom with a stand-in-shower, a kitchen and the frontroom which was basically the bedroom. My favourite part was the balcony, it was small but I suppose a person would be able to stand on it and look out in to the beauty that was hidden under the 24-Hour siren calls. The unusual surroundings intrigued me, the large amount of people, the tall buildings. It was all so new and exciting.

I laid down on to the small bed, it was so different from the base. It all looked so average, not all high-tech like my usual bedroom. I was loving it. Was I crazy for loving such a disgusting place, I knew I would probably be screaming about the spiders which I was soon to find, the webs already signified there was probably a family around this place. My admiration seemed to shrink at that thought. Perhaps I should eliminate the creeps and then return to admiring the delightful layout of this disgusting room.

"Come on then, ya' little buggers." I began to lift up the lighter things that I knew, deep down, where the spiders weren't likely to make an appearance. After atleast 10 minutes of pondering around the room and discarding most of the webs that were easy to find, I decided to make the search more serious, I wasn't exactly sure where the critters were.

Even though after discovering one of the monsters back in Base, I decided to study on the most popular hiding places of Spiders. One of them was windowsills. I had only one placed in the whole area, and that was in my kitchen.

I moved cautiously towards it, trying to elongate the time before I most likely revealed the nightmare. My long, skinny fingers wrapped around the curtains, shaking in pure terror. I didn't really have to open them did I? I could just leave it and return to bed, I was tired after a long flight and would need my rest for the job I was signed up for tomorrow... But, that would be risking a Spider crawling on to my bed, maybe climbing in to my ear, or my mouth. And I know I'm not being dramatic, I researched it and it happens a lot of the time!

My breathing quickened with anxiety. I could do this in two ways, slowly and most likely the most painful to my need to know everything, including location of Spiders. Or I could rip open the curtains, just like ripping of a plaster. I chose the last option, seen as it fit my methods the best. So I did it, quick and easy, even though my eyes were closed at first. It took a collection of courage to bring them to open, so after about an hour of trying to force myself that there was nothing travelling up and down my window, with long hairy legs and a disgusting amount of eyes that might be giving me a death stare. Nope. Totally wasn't there.

I felt betrayed, I felt broken, my own mind had gone against me in hopes to give me a heart attack, which it was close too. I screamed, a blatant boisterous booming screech was thrown from my throat. It just hung there, swaying side to side with a menacing glare aimed at me. My legs took over and I ran straight to the bed, jumping up and down while waving my arms in terror. This couldn't be happening. This couldn't be happening. This couldn't be happeni-

"Are you okay?!" My door opened wide, hitting the wooden wall behind it with a thud. In my doorway stood a lanky brown-haired boy, his hair a deeper shade then mine. I only looked at him once before returning my eyes to the hazardous beast that was waiting for night fall so it could stroll down my throat. "Really?"

I'm guessing he noticed the monstrosity as well, I knew it was a man thing to keep calm and stand ground, especially when facing danger to show their pride and power. "Yes 'REALLY'!" I was moving over the levels of terror on the scared thermometer the longer I stared at it. It was probably planning some evil plot to suffocate me as I dream of my hopeful future! The boy let out a chuckle, how could he find such a threatening demon funny?

"Okay, sorry." The boy walked further in to my apartment, if he wasn't about to take away the monster, I would probably rant to him about the rudeness of inviting himself in to my own apartment. He moved with no worries, his body just flowing towards the creature with no regrets. What a brave boy, he shall be missed once that thing killed him.

To my surprise the beast just fell in to his hand, as if they were long lost brothers, it explored the human hand before getting comfortable in the strangers palm. I slowly and cautiously stepped off the creaking bed, unsure of whether this boy was one of those jokers, who thought it would be funny to cause panic attacks on innocent girls. "Happy?" I could only nod, tears clogging my eyes and a lump growing in my throat. My fear was growing slightly worrying nowadays, in fairness I was in an unknown city with no friends or family.

The mysterious boy went to leave my apartment, just walking out with the beast in his hand. "Wait!" I called in fright of not using my manners and thanking my Knight in shining armor. "What's your name?" He still had the spider in his hand, and as he turned around so quickly the thing went in to panic mode and once again ran around the boys hand, I gulped, joining the Spiders hysteria.

"My name is Peter Parker."

"I'm Skylar Pheonix." As we introduced each other I felt a giddy feeling rush around in my stomach, was this socializing? Was I making a friend?

"Nice to meet you Skylar," With that he simply left the apartment and shut my door. Then it dawned on me, just how embarassing this Event had been. That was not the first impression I was hoping to make when I finally associated with other Humans. Another frustrated sigh escaped my red lips. I left to the Balcony, hoping to finally see the magical New York sunset I had read so much about.

The sun was just about to go underneath the tall buildings that portruded my vision, looks like this was the closest I got to see of a Sunset. "Come on buddy, don't go making any more girls scream." I looked to the left and saw the Peter kid a few Balconies away from my room, that would explain how he could hear my yelp. It was rather adorable how gentle he was with the disgusting animal, treating it as if it was just a scorned child that had actually no intention of doing anything bad.

This Peter Parker had certainly caught my attention.
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So this is a new project to keep me interested in writing my Marvel collection, if you guys are interested in this you should read my other Fanfiction called 'Marvel Her Beauty' it is based on X-Men: First Class and is really different to this, by that I mean it has more chapters and at the moment it includes more action.

So what do you think she did in the Government?
Who is she running from?
Why is She running from them?
Will feelings form for this Parker kid?
Will she ever escape those deadly critters know as Spiders?
Tell me in Comments