Status: To Be Continued...

Comical Love

At The Rock Show We Said Our Last Goodbyes

A single bell rang as I entered the warm and cozy cafe, numerous tables surrounded the room and I managed to step my way around each one, practically prancing around the coffee shop. There was no one inside yet except the owner, although where abouts she was hiding, I had no idea. She was an ex-agent, trained in stealth and combat. She was sure to be a challenge, this was no game of kids hide-and-seek, my eyes surveyed the place, finding numerous places to hide, the easy places which I knew Stacey would avoid.

"HELP!" A panicked voice called from in a room out back, the panic was then brought in to my heart. What if the Government had already found me, already here. Not really thinking of a plan of action, I grabbed a tea-cup and moved ever so slowly to a door which I suspected the location of the voice was from. I had already gone through the whole 'ripping the plaster off' method and that did not end well, so I decided everything I did would be slow and stealthy.

The handle of the door was cold, making me shiver slightly, I twisted the knob and began to drag out the wooden rectangle. What I saw was just a plain staircase, at least until I leaned down and saw the figure that was being crushed by a large box. I sent down a questionable look, not really knowing whether to burst out laughing or rush around like a worried Mother who lost her kid. "It's a heavy box okay!" I finally figured out that the small framed girl that was being crushed was actually Stacey. Stacey who had been trained from the highest form of authority how to fight, was being defeated by a cardboard box. I didn't wait to help her, wanting to hurry up and live the 'normal' life. "Why thank-you. I'm guessing that you're Skylar," she may have been silly before but her voice now had an authority-like tone.

"Yes ma'am" I answered just like I was taught to.

All I received as a reply was a giggle, "What are you doing holding that box! We open in ten minutes." She skipped her way up the stairs, holding on to the handle in case she fell while doing her stupid way of climbing the staircase. I looked around to find a place to put down the heavy box, what was even in this thing?!

Once I had set it down on to a empty space I made my way back up the stairs, the kitchen looked rather bland really, everything was white. I was expecting something modern and blue, maybe, the saying not to judge a book by it's cover was true. "What do you need me to do ma'am?" She was busy opening the door so I wasn't really sure if she had heard me ask.

"What employee's do in a coffee shop, silly." She was teasing my stupidity, I thought she would have known that at this moment in time I was the definition of abnormal. "Make coffee." Stacey pointed towards an unusual contraption, it was the only modern looking thing in this place, it was made of steel and had a weird jar thing beside it, many buttons were collected on to a panel which was also beside the machine.

Another chime came from the newly opened second doorway. My first customer, I yelped in excitement, I couldn't hold it in. I would be lying if I said that I was surprised to see Peter Parker enter. "Hey Kid." Stacey nodded her head to Parker before leaving me to make the ordered beverage.

Peter finally looked at me, and a grin stretched on to his face, "well hello there." My lips matched his as we bothered smiled at each other.

"Hey, what are you doing here?"

I didn't realize how stupid the question was until Peter answered me with: "I'm at a coffee shop, for coffee." I nodded my head quickly, my cheeks turning slightly crimson at the laugh I had now received twice because I could do nothing but embarrass myself in front of this boy. "You need this stuff for School." I turned towards the machine which I'm guessing actually made the coffee, using simple knowledge I deciphered that I had to poor it in a plastic cup that also came with a matching lid, on the side was written 'Stacey's Cafe' in a colourful, yet, elegant design.

Although, as soon as I turned to the complicated sequence of buttons my eyebrows raised in shock. They all had coding above them, words such as 'latte' and 'tea'. What the hell did they mean? Were they government coding which Stacey used, or were these 'normal'.

"Need some help?" Could I accept his help again? Twice in a row? This would be the last time, I promised. I couldn't connect eyes with him, he probably thought I was a right idiot. I couldn't evacuate a spider and I can't make coffee. I couldn't do anything normal. From what I gathered from the noises beside me he had jumped over the counter, now stood beside me he had gently pushed me further away from the machine, but, in a position where I was able to see what was happening.

He pressed three different buttons, and then liquid fell in to the jug, it was dark and smelt tasty. "So, what's School?" I inquired while it carried on pouring, he turned with a weird look on his face, his eyes connected with mine and it was like he was searching for something, trying to decipher why I had asked him such an unique question.

"Seriously?" I nodded once more, feeling shy for the fact that I should have known what it was. "It's a place of education, everyone goes there. So we can learn to get a job... and stuff." He was having a hard time explaining, still stuck on the fact that I had asked him it anyway. I must admit it sounded interesting, I was going to research on this School thing later.

Peter carried on with pouring the substance in to a plastic cup and finishing it off by putting a lid on to the cup. "You know how to work it now?" I was in a rush to end this conversation so even though I had half a clue on how to order the contraption, I still nodded. He returned the shake of head and jumped back over the bar.

I pondered further on the School thing as the day went on further, many people questioned for coffee which was a big relief, I had to annoy Stacey a few times because some of our customers were rather picky with there beverages, those were the ones she took care of. By the time I had finished I had decided what I was going to do for sure the next day.

I would have Peter there with me so he could help me understand and I would probably do okay with the whole 'education' thing seen as I was pretty intelligent. I walked down the path, trying to reinstate the map I had this morning only swap it around so I knew which ways to go to arrive home. I was walking around the city purely on memory at the moment, trying to think about which street names and buildings I had passed.

I remembered an ally way, only it had never looked this menacing in the sun. Smoke was being blown in to the middle of the street, trash littered every way and only moonlight shone down the mysterious path. Did I hesitate? Stupidly no.

I did pause once I saw a suited figure walk down the path, I knew instantly who this man was, or at least what this man was a part of. My fists clenched together, so tightly my knuckles clicked and turned pale white. "You need to come back." The deep voice ordered me, they needed to learn. I was done with orders.

"Even if I was dead I still wouldn't come with you!" I yelled, not caring if any others would appear to watch the battle that was most likely going to happen. In fact I was hoping for back-up, a gentlemen might appear and see that someone was about to fight a young lady, using his morals he goes to defend.

"Want to test that theory?" The man raised his gun but I quickly ducked down and swiped my stretched foot, knocking over the stranger. I sat on top of him and easily grabbed the gun out his arm, I had to be speedy because he was still in the shock faze of my attack and if I didn't act quickly in knocking him out then he would most certainly kill me in seconds. "Not a chance!" He yelled and rolled us other, throwing a punch at my face, blood feel from my lip and in to my mouth, the taste was metallic and rather disgusting.

He got a knife out of his pocket and raised it high in to the air, doing the rookie mistake of taking his time to torture me. They didn't need me alive and I had done plenty of damage to the people in the System. He wanted to torture me for the stuff I had done to him, the stuff I had been ordered to do to him. He began by slitting my leg, I analysed his ways and knew f that his plan was basically to lead me down the slow and painful death road. I screamed out, the pain was unusual, had he put something on to the knife? He raised his arm again, about to strike my left wrist. I wasn't planning on letting him, why did they send such a rookie to get me? Did they think I was that bad at combat? I simply pushed my knee in to the man's genital area, one he was down holding on to the painful area, I made a move to grab the weapon which was in my hands earlier.

Through the time I had done this, the agent had time to get up. His hand still held on to the area in pain. I decided on my kinder spirit that this person doesn't deserve death, he was just following orders. I swung the gun at his head, probably cracking his skull a little, this did the job and he was out like a light. My chance to run away, obviously.

I wasn't close to my apartment so I was limping for quite a while, maybe I should purchase one of those vehicles in the future. What made my journey even better was that when I got in to the building, the elevator had decided to break down today. Up the stairs I went, clinging on to the wall with a yelp stuck in my throat. I reached my floor in under 5 minutes and was in the most torturous pain I had ever gone through. "Sky?" I turned around at the name, causing a rush of air to sting my leg. There stood my saviour in all his glory, Peter Parker. Without even asking what was wrong he opened the door beside me, lifting my body and dragging it in to the room and settling me on to his kitchen counter. "What the bloody hell happened?!"

He ran around the room, collecting different items from different cupboards. "I was mugged." I didn't go further, I didn't want to ruin my chance of a friendship so I lied, I knew that was another reason for the ending of friendships; in my defence I was always a good liar.

He dropped everything beside me, there was plasters and string and a hook, even a weird tube of liquid and some cotton. He used that first, dabbing it on to the cotton and then placing it on to my leg. I bit my lip which was a stupid move considering it had been split in my battle, in truth though I would rather be going through that pain then having this constant burning being pulsed in to my leg. "Sorry." He was stumbling everywhere, trying to put a piece of string through the hook and failing as he paced himself. "Okay, this might hurt and I am so sorry if it does."

He began to close-up my wound, taking as much care and cosideration as he could. I decided instead of yelping and crying, I would do what was needed. "Thank-you." I was being sincere and as his eyes connected with mine I was shocked, was this friendship, having another person care for me and look after me?

"Your welcome."
♠ ♠ ♠

Second chapter on the second day, they aren't really long because I'm just writing 'em unlike what I'm doing with the other ones where I write them in a book and then on to the internet. This will probably be more adorable then the others, includes more love :D Enjoy

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