Status: To Be Continued...

Comical Love

Remembering Sunday I Realized We Will Always Attract

I handed over all information in a brown folder, it included a passport and information of schools I had attented beforehand, including some other stuff which Stacey had told me that I needed to include. The woman just put it to the side and nodded her head before typing away at the Computer as if I was invisible, I nodded my head and stood awkwardly around. I had never done this before so I didn't really know what I needed to do.

"You can go now." The woman said, still not looking me in the eye. This was a problem.

"Ah yes, but I just have one question?" I tried to keep my voice as innocent as possible, I needed her to look in to my pupils, for reasons of course. Once she turned to me, I had her instantly under my control. "Can you ensure me a place in your School."

It took time for the words to process through her brain. "Yes." She swayed her head slightly to confirm the promise that I would be put in to this Educational Establishment. That was all I needed, I released her from the trance in which I had placed her in.

"When will I be allowed to enter the School as a student?" I began my interrogation for the information which I was never given from Stacey. I always did admire her, she was once a teacher at Base. She was also the first one who had escaped the traumatic line of work and managed to acheive a normal life. I couldn't thank her enough for helping me to acheive the same dream.

"Next Week I beleive." Her words were drained of emotion, and I realized I needed to stop now before the transition was complete on her mind. This power was a curse that I did not want, it did
things to people which I would never be able to forgive myself for, taking away any control they had in life. It took away all freedom they had left in this controlled world, they didn't even realize it which was probably Earth's biggest tragedy.

Decisions are always being forced in to their minds, always being swayed by either a companion or the Government. Even the advertisements on the television was taking control of a persons daily life. The government had there ways of taking control, puny attempts to finally take control over the vindictive world that was constantly going through the self-destruction process.

"Thank you." I don't understand why my voice seemed so gloomy, I had a weight pressing down in my stomach. Why was I feeling such an emotion at this moment? I noticed the Woman blink and give me a strange look, I was right to presume that she actually wasn't going to place me in this School unless I had actually used my power. She couldn't turn back now, the idea had been plant in her head and it would be like fighting instinct for her not to do what I had asked.

A bell rang through the halls as I made my way down, lockers lined every wall. Some were decorated, but most were basically a grim green shade. A stampeed of students and teachers made their way through the clustered hallway, squishing themselves while they hurried to the class they were beckoned too by the ringing sound. I myself began to fight through the crowd, it felt like I was facing a pack of bulls and it was hard to get to the exit. This was one thing I found myself not liking when I arrived here next week.

I was only about Half way to the large orange doors when it began to empty and I could easily just walk without having to force my way through. I reached my arm out, about to push open the door when someone on the opposite side did a quicker job and managed to make me fall to the ground.

I didn't expect to see the figure until when I was back at my apartment, I was unable to say that I was disappointed, because after seeing him, the black swirling void in the pit of my stomach turned in to a colony of butterflies. I had read about this type of feeling in many Romantic Novels, it was the beginning of a crush, of course I was incapable of such an action. I was designed not to feel any of these girlish features, sometimes I would thank this... other times I would feel dismay towards myself.

Peter would probably have not noticed me if I had not let out the yelp as a sign of shock. "Skylar?" I could only send a blush his way as I stood up, I was getting rather good at this whole 'embarrassing' thing wasn't I?

"That's me!" I beamed towards him, ensuring the kid that I had no damage from the fall which was made by his consequences. Yet he still stood there, eyes scanning my body for any damage. My heart warmed at the motion he did, Peter seemed to enjoy taking care of me and making sure that I was fine. "Weren't you going somewhere?"

"Oh Damn! Yeah, right, sorry. See you later." He set off rushing once again, a laugh escaped my chapped lips and I continued my journey back to the cafe. My travel was longer then I had expected, but I didn't really mind. Since I moved here I didn't really have time to think about stuff, it had been a rushed experience and I still wasn't settled.

What I did was a very extreme and dangerous action, the consequences still hadn't dawned on me yet. If I had left the way Stacey did then perhaps I wouldn't have been hunted down; I couldn't just let them misuse this power though. If I was the only one with it, then it would be in safe hands. Apart from using it on the woman at that school, I promised I would never become dependent on it. If other people managed to get through life without an ability then so could I, all I needed was to be left alone by those Agents. I knew what it was like to be belittled because of them, never again.

I had two choices, become suicidal and just give up and rejoin the institution dependent on control and Justice, a justice that in my point of view was not for the greater good. Or at least attempt on having a happy life. I was hanging on to the idea of normality, a word I could never really use because of the way they made me. I was a freak because of them, one big secret I was more then willing to hide.

"Where the hell have you been?" I didn't even realize I had entered Stacey's coffee shop until I was pulled out from the daydream, my eyes turned towards the angry owner and widened at how red her skin seemed to have become.

"Sorry, I was just sorting out the whole School thing I-- I told you r-remember." The truth is I was actually unsure, I thought I had actually rang her on that white(turning grey) phone that hung on to my wall. But with the way she was acting you would think that I hadn't.

Her face returned normal as it dawned on to her, "OH RIGHT!" A jolly tone caressed her voice, she threw my apron towards me and then left "get to work then!"

She was an unusual human, I don't remember her always being so odd at Base. In fact she was probably the strictest, did New York really change people that much? Once I had entered the front of the shop I noticed that there wasn't actually anyone here to serve, which came as a relief as I was still unsure about the monstrous machine that mocked me for being so stupid, I decided I would just take a rest for a second, considering I had walked all the way from the High School.

"So Peter was here earlier," the girl giggled. I wasn't sure why she found his presence in this establishment so funny, every morning at seven he would run in to grab a coffee. Apparently he needed it to face the wild animals that wandered around his School, I then went on to thinking if I had seen any beasts running through the hallway with the kids. Not seeming to find any resemblance to animals I had in my mind I came to the conclusion that there must be some spiders wandering around that place. "He asked where you were."

This captured my attention, my head twisted to get a clearer look at her smirking figure. "What did he say?" My eye's turned to the bitten nails that attached to my hand, I was attempting to show how I was not in anyway interested in the subject.

"Just asked where you were, seemed pretty disappointed to me."

What did this mean, I knew that I felt an emotional attachment to Peter. I always thought that was because he was the first person I met, meaning that I found comfort in him like a child would find comfort within his/her mother. Perhaps I was just over thinking things.
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I apologize if this Chapter is a little off, I have been cursed with Insomnia and as a consequence haven't really been that tip-top with my writing skills. Please do inform me if there are any problems with this, other then that I do hope you enjoy reading this. Thank you for other comments which I have fixed... or tried too anyway.

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