Status: To Be Continued...

Comical Love

I'm A Freak Of Nature Left Outside Alone

I could come up with atleast 5 different excuses as to why I had spent the rest of that School week hidden either behind the counter of Staceys Coffee Shop or inside the damp apartment I now live in.

1. I had fallen tragically ill with the cold
It seems that through socializing I have caught an unknown virus and through the good of my heart I didn't want to make anyone else go through the horrible experience, to avoid infecting others I had to hide away.

2. Stacey needed my help
I took note of the fact that because of my absence it had become difficult for my dear friend to do her job alone, seen as Stacey had helped me so much I saw it as selfish if I just threw away any of her wishes and went on with my life.

3. A family member has died
The night after I returned from work I received a phone call from my Mother stating that my dear old daddy had gotten a heart attack, as a conclusion he now lies on his death bed. I needed my space to cope and think so I decided it would be best to leave the Institution until further notice.

4. I have broken my big toe
I was walking home and some huge fellow stood on my toe, breaking it and causing me to lose the strength and stability to walk freely. Holding the knowledge that walking down the hallways of School was as dangerous as walking through a jungle, I figured it would be best to wait until I healed.

5. It was the end of the world
The Govermnent had discovered that the World was about to end because of an invading Alien Race and so I enjoyed the prospect of spending my last remaining days not being locked up in a Educational prison.

None of these were true of course, but what else could I say to Peter? I had spent all week avoiding his presence and now he stood in front of me, trapping me against the counter as he interrogated about my absence. He would probably laugh at the truth, bully me for being so stupid and ignorant to beleive that he wouldn't be there to protect me from everyone that went to the building. It was true though, after I returned home from working all night I began to think which was always a bad thing when it included me.

I didn't belong there, I already knew everything they were teaching me. I had learned all about that stuff when I was 10, now at the age of 18 I lacked all socializing skills which concluded to myself becoming an outcast. I had fought many criminals, been put through the worst kind of torture and had pushed my way through all mental challenges, yet the idea of facing larger kids caused a tear to form in my eyes. It was then I decided that I needed to prepare myself more, this rushed operation of getting a normal life had not been thought through well enough for me to prepare against such vulgar citizens.

I decided it would be better for me if I took a break and mentally got myself ready to go up against the ruthians inside that Educational Establishment. I had predicted that Parker will have wanted to know why my decision was made, but I just couldn't bring the words to leave my throat. "I was ill." I lied.

His arms were against the counter behind me, his body leaning closely to mine in a demeaning way. My eyes instinctively avoided his brown orbs, knowing the weakened affect this boy held over me would force the truth out. I couldn't resist the temptation however, I had not seen my only friend in over a week. His presence almost faded in my mind, and now he was next to me! I could smell the mix of cinamon and plastic, odd to everyone else of course, to me however it was an attractive scent that I was able to love.

My own blue orbs lifted to analyse his grimace, his expression showed ocncenttration as he seemed to scan my facial features as soon as I looked up. "Your lying." He phrased, concluded the assessment of my excuse. I couldn't control the shocked expression that completely gave away that what I had previously said had just been sussed out by the man, "fine then," Peter moved away from my own body and jumped on top of his skate board ready to leave. "If you don't want to tell me then fine, see you at school... maybe."

I let out a deep breath, just realizing that through the whole confrontation I had held in my breath, I knew the meeting would happen sooner or later, but that did nothing to help with my anxiety every time I sensed his presence. Was I being stupid? I just didn't want him to see me even more weaker then he already did, of course I could just show him the amount of strength I possessed and then have him scared of me, I was scared of myself. A deep depression loomed over me as I carried on working, not having any conversations with the customers as I walked with a bitterness spreading in my heart.

"You look like you could use some cheering up," a new customer walked towards the counter and dropped down a ten dollar note. I recognised the fellow, he came her every Wednesday and ordered a muffin and 'special latte' as both Stacey and himself named it. The first few weeks I was here Stacey would always end up concocting the latte, now I was a trained specialist though. He often told me that he went to my School so I knew he was around my age, which is probably why when we did converse, it was always a subject only us teenagers could comprehend. "What's up?"

"The roof." I wouldn't consider this boy a friend of mine, so did not feel the need to consult him about my problems of teenage angst. Then I realized something odd, and it was surprising I had only just realized it. "What are you doing here? It's a Friday."

"Charming," he shuffled nervously and tried to form an excuse until he gave up and spilt out the shocking truth. "I came here to see you," he began, "I would like to get to know you more and well, your pretty... so w--would you think about going on a date with me?"

That was another thing I had researched about in my spare time at base, usually relationships would start either in bed or after a date, I had seen many movies that included the whole 'first date' event and I was certainly excited for the idea to become a reality. They always included a cheesy moment, the first kiss at the doorstep and the magical fireworks that came with it all. "Tonight would be preferred," I wanted to do it straight away, I had never been so eager to experience something. "Around eight?"

He nodded his head, seeming rather allured by my happiness, he kissed my cheek and wandered off. I was then rather confused, why had he forgotten the special? This was the best 'special latte' I had made and now knowing my luck he'll return next Wednesday and I'll do an immense fail.

The day couldn't have moved slower, I would curse every two minutes as I felt like an hour had passed and was disappointed to find that it turned out just to be a measly 120 seconds. When the time did finally reach it's eight O'clock mark I bid my goodbye to Stacey and waited outside, wearing a formal floral dress and leggings. I was taught by my mentor that it was smart to always bring another set of clothing considering how many accidents were able to unluckily act out on me while working in the kitchen.

The blonde lad from before, named Christopher finally made his appearance, wearing a lovely suit that seemed to fit tightly around his muscles. An attractive look. "Hello." His voice was more neutral then before, his whole figure was more relaxed then when I had spoken to him previously in the cafe, the way he was acting seemed to make me relax my demeanour as well. He took my hand in his own large one and began to guide me down the street, my thoughts flashed to the last hands I had held.

Peter's fit around mine perfectly and they weren't nearly as sweaty as Christopher's seemed to be, I felt my hand began to sweat under the intense heat that I was going through, I ignored it politely and carried on with conversing with the happy lad, I could sense he found a unusual pride swimming through him. Was I really that much of a prize to him?

We arrived at a posh-looking restaurant, and this is where all the hell began for me.

I had never been on a date before and this had a humongous effect, I never expected Chris to pull out my chair so I sat on a different one thinking he had opened it for himself. I made a rude comment about how I was looking forward to sitting there and he explained the movements which managed to darken the shade of my cheeks. Through out the whole thing we had a lovely conversation about politics, he was hoping to joining the police form, wanting to make a difference in the world.

"Important question," he started after taking a sip of the alcoholic beverage he had purchased, "what do you think of the neighbourhood menace known as Spiderman?"

This was the first time I had heard that reference about Spidey, everyone I asked so far seemed to have a pleasant relationship with the hero. No quarrels about how he went about saving everyone and captured crimes, even I had began to find a liking for the neighbourhood spider. "What do you mean?" I couldn't help but dig further and find out why he was so problematic towards Spiderman.

"Well surely you know, everyone at School talks about how horrible he is!" Christopher raved with a scowl on his face.

"All I have heard from School is pleasantries about the Superhero."

"More like super villain," Chris disagreed in a menacing voice, almost insulting me as he tried to correct my phrase "the scoundrel has been running around the place distracting police from real crimes so they can hunt him down. I bet he is secretly working with them. My aim when I do join the force is to end his rein and reveal to the world just how evil that man is!"

I sat quietly and tried to cut the steak on my plate, it wasn't nice at all and was considerably difficult to cut. I was actually contemplating getting a saw to finish off the meat. "Good luck." I didn't want to insult the man with a dream, everyone has a dream they want to aspire to, some could insult others but I tended not to argue with others as my own hopes could insult many people.

I wanted to live a normal life in the vulgar side of New York, many would disagree and beg to own my life. I avoided the subject of the neighbourhood hero for the rest of the date, it was safe to say I really wanted to experience the fireworks. "What's next then?" I took a bite from the squidgy meat, having to gnaw continuously with my teeth until it finally ripped apart from it's body/
"How about a movie, at my place?"
♠ ♠ ♠
And here we have Chapter five, hooray hoorah!

Please check out my X-Men first class fan fiction called Marvel Her Beauty

Thanks y'all

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