Status: To Be Continued...

Comical Love

Long Live The Reckless And The Brave

I wasn't expecting what I awoke up to, I was lying down on the most uncomfortable couch I had ever felt, I shifted in hope of being able to get comfier so I could return to my slumbers. This of course did not happen and I opened my eyes further, deciding I should stop burdening myself and return home where I can spend the rest of my Saturday watching an amazing show called 'Supernatural' while having the most unhealthy feast I could have, what could be better.

I looked up from my place of rest to find Christopher lying on the floor, he looked way more comfortable then I was, tragically he blocked any way of easily getting of the sofa. Meaning I had to strategically jump over the couch and land behind, I was still wearing the clothes from last night which too a normal person you would probably find it rather revolting. To me however, I had lived under a number of aggravating situations which have caused me to live in the grimiest settings, so wearing yesterdays clothes didn't matter.

My next task which was sure to be difficult, was to find my way home. Christopher had token me to his own property, promising that he would give me a ride back to my own. I didn't realize he was one for breaking promises but I guess I misjudged his character.

I had never gotten that firework kiss I had been wanting so much, I guess my love life would be based more on those annoying movies where the couple had to endure heart wrenching circumstances before they had that marvellous first kiss. I could wait, it isn't like my personal love life was a needed attribute in the whole 'normal life' thing I have going on at the moment.

I passed many alleyways and many streets until I finally came across a shop that I had recognised, I came to it every week to purchase food, I usually got microwave meals because my cooking skills were lacking. I decided I would pay a visit and purchase something that would last me through tonight, I politely said hello to the woman that always seemed to be working in the morning and then made my way to the refrigerated isle.

My curiosity made an appearance quickly as I scanned the place, wondering if I'd see anyone that I knew. Of course it was highly unlikely considering I only knew Peter and Stacey. I was shocked when I saw an old friend, and then I realized it wouldn't be for a lovely meeting after being away from each other.

He looked like a very shady character and by the looks everyone else was giving him, they thought so too. The mysterious look seemed to attract a lot of questions from everyone around him, I of course didn't need him to answer any questions, I already knew what his reply would be. My legs took over and I ran, ran as quick as I could in hope I wouldn't end up dying that very second.

"SKYLAR!" Aaron yelled as he began to run my way, turning around I saw a gun appear in his hand. I knew I had to take this battle away from the public eye, civilians could be harmed and I wouldn't be able to handle the guilt of someone dying because of me. My worst idea so far was to move this battle in too an alleyway, a blocked alleyway. It seemed the agents had already planned my movement and at least 4 other members of the government stood waiting in the small place. "I'm sorry it has to be this way." The man raised his gun.

"No you're not," I laughed at him, mocking him further. I knew it would aggravate him so I was hoping he'd go for the torture first kill second method. But as soon as he pulled the safety off on the gun I realized that he was just in for the kill, I had no hope of surviving the assault. Running was not an option unless I managed to knock out 5 guards in one second.

Then my pray was answered, a single web shot out towards Aaron's hand and then pulled back, taking the gun out of this hand. I of course saw this as a waste of web, knowing that all the others would bring out their own guns, feeling happy that it was a chance for them them to kill me and get the revenge they wanted. But all the others suffered the same fate, now weapon-less -because contrary to popular belief the Agents are actually quite idiotic and never bring a second weapon - it was time for combat, which unlucky for them I was the best at the Academy.

I raised my fists, I was surrounded which made it very hard to keep my eyes on everyone. A man behind me was first to run towards me with his own clenched hands. I turned, ready to kick him in the stomach only to find him blasted away by some sort of web that trapped him against a wall. You'd think spiders were trying to prove they weren't dangerous to me.

"Who is with you!?" Aaron ordered, only being able to receive a shrug from me. Truth is I didn't know, the webs should have been a big clue. But at that moment I was busy being bombarded by Government agents.

"Me." A figure dressed in red and blue dropped down in front of me, that's when I finally understood who my rescuer is. Spiderman.

This new person seemed to make the group become worked up and they went to charge towards him, I knew how this worked. He was the first threat, then it came to me. All these people wanted was me, I was about to hand myself over knowing that this Spiderman would be put in danger because of me. Turned out he could handle himself and then everyone - even Aaron - was pressed against the wall by a massive spider web.

I took this as my turn to do my own special move, I told the superman dressed in red and blue to budge over. My fingers touched everyone's head and they feel asleep, memory cleaned of this whole day. "Don't you dare, you promised you wouldn't use that ability on me!" Aaron yelled as soon as I moved over to him.

I didn't know how to reply, it was true, I promised him that he would never have to undergo the effects of my power. Then I remembered everything he's done to me, every promise he made, every betrayal he put me through. "You promised you'd never become one of them..." my head was down, my fingers raising and his head slumping the instance we had physical contact. It was my fault Aaron was like this and I knew it, I made him make a promise I new he wouldn't be able to keep.

My body turned as I wanted to thank Spiderman for assisting me but it turned out that he was already gone. At that moment I only wanted to talk to one person, Peter Parker.

I made my way down to the Apartment complex, feeling nervous about my endeavour. We hadn't spoken in so long and I knew he wasn't very pleased with at the moment because I had been skipping school, but I needed to tell someone about this whole drama. I thought I'd be able to keep it in, turns out I'm not as emotionally strong as I hoped. The staircase gave me enough time to think it through, what was I going to say? How was I going to say it?

Then I was stood in the door, every though I had before completely disappearing from my mind. Why was this happening to me? I am a trained Agent in combat, I have powers people could only dream of possessing. Yet here I was, scared of a boy. The talk I just gave myself seemed to bring up fake fear and my fist banged on the door. "Hello." He gave a short reply, obviously still moody about the whole school thing.

"Hi." My head returned in a downward position and I stared at my feet that were covered in green converse. I didn't know what else to say, of course I could come out and say 'yeah, I'm a secret agent being hunted down because I am the only weapon the Government has now because I destroyed all data they had. They need me back on the team but I want a normal life, which so far isn't working out!'

It's a good thing that my socializing has grown because if it hadn't I probably would have said that too him. "I-I need to t-talk to y-you." I hadn't even realized that I was crying, tears were falling slowly down my face. I aggressively wiped them away, how could I show weakness, I was already about to admit all this bullshit to Peter and now I'm crying?!

"Come in," he sighed. Probably doing the chivalrous thing and hiding me from everyone as I looked like a mess. I nodded as a way to say 'thanks' as I knew my voice wouldn't allow me to speak. Looking up I saw he was wearing only track suit pants and he looked rather out of breath. "So..." he pursed his lips, already feeling the tension.

"I need you to know some things if you want to continue being my friend, and I completely understand if you don't even want to be my friend any more..." I was rushing, I could here it but I couldn't stop it.

He finally looked me in the eye, his movements were swift and in seconds his hands were holding mine. It wasn't any different from last time, no sweaty-ness involved unlike with Christopher. "Look at me," my eyes moved up from his chest and up to his face, "just because you stopped going to School doesn't mean I'm going to stop being friends with you. Now continue. Slower though."

I laughed at his response, feeling comforted by his words I finally admitted everything. "I am being hunted down by the Government." My eyes once again rested on my feet, apparently they were my new favourite thing. To be fair the green colour of my converse was very attracting. "And it's because I'm a Human weapon, I was stuck there since birth. They tested on me, did things I'd rather not repeat. Now I have these powers and because I didn't want anyone else having them, considering the damage these powers can do, I deleted all files. I'm the only living proof the formula ever existed."

"And that's why they need you, so they can make more Human Weapons?" Peter caught on instantly, acting like any of this news surprised him. Which I was very grateful for.

"Pretty much, and I thought I was able to fight them off. But today was very close, and the only reason I'm alive is because of Spiderman..." I finished off, knowing if I continued further I'd pretty much just be telling him about how I was here and the conversation we were having.

"You met Spiderman?" He seemed overcautious with the conversation, as if he wanted to start it but also didn't want to actually have it, maybe he was trying to take my concentration away from the story I was obviously nervous talking about.

I decided to just let him guide the conversation from here, "yes and no, he left before we could actually talk."

He did the lip pursing thing again, I wanted to laugh but I felt like it was kind of the wrong moment too. He dragged my hand over towards his bed and sat down, I took this as a signal that I should as well. "Here's my offer." He began, (what I have now called)the thinking face still creased on to his features. "I will protect you, if you come too School."

I wondered if he even understood the situations, I know he had abs, as I could see right now because of the shirtless-ness I was witnessing. But now agents weren't working, I knew they'd probably send even better, assassins maybe!

"Why do you want me to go to School so badly?" I asked, exasperated and tired from the previous battle, even though it was only like 12 in the afternoon.

"Because you're the only thing that makes going to School worth while."
♠ ♠ ♠
So this was a long awaited chapter, sorry it took me long to write up.

Make sure you check out my X-Men: First Class fanfiction! Would mean a lot to me! Marvel Her Beauty

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