Status: To Be Continued...

Comical Love

These Scars Are The Most Beautiful Thing About Me

Peter's hand was once again in mine as we walked down the hallways of this primitive School, it wasn't as busy seen as it was early in the morning. Me and Peter decided that it would be easier for the both of us without having to join the School Rush - as it has been named - and as a consequence we now went at an earlier time. I didn't mind at all because it just meant that I got to spend some more time with Peter, was this an unusual thing.

My thought was suddenly disrupted when Parker suddenly stopped walking, I almost fell over when I was pulled back by his arm. He stood in front of the bill board; in the middle was placed a new poster that was too sparkly for my taste. And the word 'dance' just frightened me further. "Oh great, another prom." He sighed, seeming disappointed. Didn't he have a choice whether to go or not, besides I thought that social events such as Prom were meant to be exciting!

"You don't sound very happy.." I phrased, not making it sound like a question purposely, just in case it was something personal that he didn't want to answer.

"What's going to happen is I'll get paid to be some rich chicks photographer, and I'll have to stand in some stupid tuxedo while everyone laughs at my loneliness." He tried to put it off as something that was funny, but I knew that secretly he was being very serious. I felt kind of bad for the kid, I also felt kind of bad for the other students. At how the other students were so stupid, they couldn't see how great he was.

"Well," I wasn't sure about my next words. In truth I was scared that I was going too far, I didn't want to make him feel awkward. "I'll go with you, I can dress in some stupid dress and be a loner with you," I suggested with a very feminine grin plastered on my face when I saw his genuine reaction wasn't an awkward silence, but a laugh.

"Yeah, we can laugh at how bad some of the dancers are and then make total fools of ourselves by attempting to dance." We were now stood by the billboard imagining the perfect night together, laughing at all the 'popular' people always cheered us up.

"You can't dance either? Yeah, I know the feeling, I haven't even danced before." I admitted with my head staring down at my feet in embarrassment, I know that Peter now knows of my past of being locked up in some laboratory but I still felt like not being normal had it's consequences, like right now I felt so different. In a bad way.

"You've never danced?" He looked down at my small frame with incredulous brown eyes, once he saw the my serious facial features he sent a reassuring look my way. "We can soon change that."

This is why I loved being around Peter, he knew what it was like to be different. He wasn't a popular kid at this institution so was obviously treated like some anomaly, although I couldn't deny this feeling that there was another reason why he felt different in this cruel world.

"Skylar!" A familiar voice called, when I turned around I saw that Christopher was running towards me. I had completely forgot about him, my time spent with Peter seemed to clog up my mind a lot. "And Peter," he said less enthusiastically.

For some reason the original friend let go of my hand, it didn't have time to feel cold however because Chris soon surrounded it with his own large sweaty hand. "Oh, hey." I tried to sound happy, but I felt an unusual feeling swirl in my stomach. It wasn't embarrassment, something new and different. The look of disappointing of Peter's face just made it grow.

"Are you looking at the dance? I was hoping you'd go to me." His eyes weren't even on me, he was looking at Peter Parker with his chest puffed out. "I know it's short notice, but seen as we are dating I thought you would go with me."

"You're dating?" Peter said as soon as I said 'we're dating?' I hope Peter understood that this was a new discovery to me as well.

"Of course, that's usually the aftermath after you sleep at someone's house."

Something told me that Peter had totally taken that the wrong way, he didn't even give me time to explain - which I don't understand why I felt I needed too - he just pushed past me, knocking both mine and Christopher's shoulder. "Pete-" I tried to call, but Chris interrupted with a kiss to my lips. It was the most horrible thing I've experienced, maybe it's because we were in the wrong setting. Yes, I am still determined to get that perfect kiss.

I pushed Chris away, "I'd love to go with you," I had to really if I wanted that kiss, in some movies the kiss happened when they were in the middle of dancing together. "And I'll see you later," I pecked his cheek. Wasn't it suppose to feel natural? When you date someone a simple kiss on the cheek shouldn't feel as awkward as it did for me just then.

"Peter, what's wrong?" I caught up to him after running around three different hallways, he stopped mid-walk with his hands stuffed in to his pockets.

"Why don't you go ask your bloody boyfriend?" He snarled, this was a completely new side to him and I wasn't sure if I liked it at all. I didn't understand what the problem was between us, two days ago we had finally sorted out our resolutions and become friends! Then we had basically spent every waking moment together, I even slept at his once. Although that was by accident, we were watching this movie called Harry Potter and I just ended up asleep on his lap; woke up apologizing a million times. "I-I'm sorry. But, no never mind." He stopped himself from admitting something, and now I knew he had something to admit I definitely wasn't going to let it go.

"But what Peter?" My voice held authority and the hand on his chest told him that he wasn't going anywhere until he told me. He took one look in my eyes and then looked anywhere else but in my eyes, should I be hurt by that?

He looked at me again with pleading eyes, he really didn't want to tell me. My determined nature wasn't going to let him off though, I could just use my power on him. I cursed myself at the thought, I promised myself I wouldn't use it unless the situation was life and death! "Why are you dating him?" The distaste in his voice would have been funny to me, if it weren't about my partner. "And don't say because you like him because I know you don't."

I didn't answer, how could I? Love grew, I'd seen it in the movies and in my research. 30 percent of relationships start off with a deep hatred. Once Peter realized that I wasn't answering, he took the silence of my reply and let out a huff, "whatever." He moved around me and began to make his way around until I stopped him again.

I don't know why I felt so hurt by his attitude, I felt so betrayed and abandoned, so angry that he was leaving me after I told him everything. He swore to protect me and now he's leaving me because of some guy. "Don't whatever me Parker! I told you everything, you said you'd be there for me! And now some lousy guy comes around and your running for the hills! How are you meant to protect me when you're scared of a fucking douche-bag." My language was something new to me, living in New York I had acquired some new words and now I found the right situation to use them.

"You called him a douche-bag, not me." He gave me one last look before turning another corner. I was infuriated, a deep rage building and replacing the unusual feeling in my stomach. I couldn't handle being here and I wasn't going to handle it, I left.

I ran from the school grounds and made my way back to the cafe. I knew that Stacey said she was going to go shopping today, and I also heard that for the female species that shopping was a good distraction. I decided I would try it.

"Stacey!" I called as I banged a numerous amount of times on the door in the back, "we're going dress shopping so get up!" I banged even more times on the door.

Me and Stacey had come close pretty quickly, seen as I work for her all we could do is bond and have some coffee. Or in my case have a hot chocolate, it wasn't that I hated coffee or tea, I just thought the hot chocolate was by far the better beverage. "I'm coming!" An over excited waitress called from inside the building, I heard a number of crashes and smashed until finally the door was unlocked and Stacey revealed herself.

She wore a yellow vest with baggy jeans, a rushed outfit that didn't match at all, yet with her body and hair it didn't really matter. Damn her beatuy. "I know the perfect shop, oh my god, I'm so excited. Haven't been dress shopping in ages, what colour do you like, I like pink." She carried on with mindless chatter as I just followed behind without any disagreement about where she was leading me.

I still couldn't believe Peter, who could he break a promise to me? I thought he was meant to be a friend, was I seriously lacking common knowledge, was it even common knowledge that your friend will always betray you. Does that mean I couldn't even trust Stacey? My thoughts got the better over me and left me in a depressed state. I decided that I needed to stop thinking this way so repeatedly said the words 'think happy thoughts' over and over again in my mind.

"Sky!?" I looked up at the smiling Stacey, at least she was smiling until she saw saw my own frowning lips. "What's wrong?"

"Peter got angry at me, like full blown fall out boom boom on me." I pouted, probably making it sound worse then it actually was.

She obviously saw that and shook her head like we were a couple of kids who had a minor quarell, to me it felt much much worse however. She gave me a look which told me to explain further so she could make her own assessment on the event, "well the guy I went on a date with turned up, asked me to this dance - which is why I need the dress - and then went on about how I'm his girlfriend. Then Peter just flipped out and walked off, did I do something?"

She let out another sigh, giving me the same look from before. I felt like screaming at her that I wasn't a child and this was a serious matter. "Of course you didn't do anything wrong," she finally comforted, "I think it'll all work itself out in the end. You and Peter just need to open your eyes." She walked in to some store, the windows filled with bright coloured dresses that made me want to puke. Though it looked like someone had already puked a rainbow on those dresses.

"Open our eyes to what exactly?" I questioned further, why couldn't she just give me a straight a answer? It wasn't that hard, especially since she's an adult. With older age, comes a higher amount of knowledge. She didn't answer, only searched through the bombard of rainbow silks.

"What about this one?" She asked, and that's what happened for about an hour. She would ask about some horrific dress and then I would answer with a stern no, Stacey would carry on as if it was a simple turn down. Not realizing how much I hated the light colours she kept picking out.

Then I saw it, the perfect dress and I pretty much abandoned Stacey on her search and carried myself to the changing room with the perfect-ness in my hand. It was black and simple, I was always one who preferred to be camouflaged in the background. Maybe it was an agent thing.

As I looked in the mirror, seeing that it fit perfectly. Then I imagined myself with Christopher behind me, and that feeling rose again in the pit of my stomach. The image seemed wrong in so many way.
♠ ♠ ♠
It's like they are an old marrid couple or something! JUST KISS ALREADY!

Okay so it's gonna be hard to update now because I have to go to hell- sorry I mean 'school'. So yeah, I'll still try and update as soon as posisble though!

Meanwhile check out my other collaborations
X-Men First Class Marvel Her Beauty(Which I'm about to update by the way)
Collaboration X-Men First Class Sororum(Which I've just updated by the way)

In the second one I'm a bad guy, t'is fun being evil!

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