‹ Prequel: Lumos: Year Two
Status: Active with Love!

Lumos: Year Three


Through the window, she could see the dark cloaked figure. With every passing the second, it drifted closer and Lanee could feel the memory swirling in her head. Reality was slipping away as the dementor came closer, and she was forced relive her own nightmare, a memory she had pushed so deep that it hurt as it surfaced.

She couldn’t hear Dean worrying, or Jayden trying to calm down Helena, she could only hear the sounds or her own memory, the screaming and growling. She didn’t smell the sweet pine scent of Seamus as she hid in him, or the sweet scent of the Hogwarts Express, only the smells of blood and grass. Feelings of cold in the air and warmth from her friends faded as she felt the slash of a claw go through her face.

Then suddenly, warmth returned. Lanee peaked out of her friend’s chest to see a bright light come from another compartment. It was a Patronus, that much she knew; she had been able to conjure her own since this summer. But what other student could have even heard of the charm?

It was a bright white wolf, running down the train, pushing the dementor farther away, taking the iciness and depression with it. The second she saw the wolf, Lanee knew exactly who had conjured the Patronus, and knew exactly who was on the train. She stared at the wolf, unsure of how to react.
She distracted herself by turning to Helena, whose memory must have been terrible as well. Dean’s teeth were still chattering as Lanee pushed him off her lap; Seamus was shaking still as well. Still not moving away from the Irish boy, Lanee asked if Helena was alright.

“Don’t bro me. What the bloody hell was that creature?” Helena responded in a rude tone.

Although Lanee knew the answer to her question, she didn’t answer. She knew it was better to leave Helena alone when she was in a sour mood, and Lanee didn’t blame her for being agitated in response to reliving her worst memory. After snapping at Jayden, Helena moved over towards the window.

After tensions had died down, Lanee found herself more concerned with Seamus, who was still shaking.

“Are you alright?” She asked quietly enough so only Seamus could hear. They were still sitting closely, never moving away from each other after the dementor had left.

“That thing just…it made me think of really bad things.” He mumbled. “Stuff I never wanted to think about again.” He looked down, as if tears were about to slip out from his crystal blue eyes.

“Shay,” She placed her small hand on his cheek and lifted his head up so he’d look at her. “It’s okay now.”

Seamus had changed over the summer. He wasn’t small and awkward anymore. He had grown a few inches, his voice deepened, jaw widened, and he no longer blushed whenever Lanee spoke to him. His freckles had darkened, and his sandy hair had lighted. It was almost bittersweet for Lanee to watch her best friend grow.

Although simple, Lanee’s words seemed to reassure Seamus, who took her hand in his from his face. They didn’t stop holding hands until they arrived at Hogwarts.

“Is it just me or do those first years look terrified?” Lanee laughed as she hugged Helena goodbye in the Great Hall, attempting to cheer her up. Her attempt failed, and they both retreated to their house tables.

“Lanee Tonks.” A voice said as soon as she sat down. Turning towards the sound, Lanee found the Weasley twins. “We heard you’re a pretty decent beater.” Fred said.

“Well from what Ron says, better than decent.” George added. Over the summer, Lanee had found herself at the Weasley’s a few times. While her mother talked to Molly and Arthur, she found herself outside playing small games of Qudditch with Ron and Ginny.

“If you haven’t noticed, Lanee likes to hit things.” Seamus tossed out, trying to escape conversation with an overly eager Lavender Brown.

“Well you see, Fred and I have been trying to get replacements set in stone for when we leave.”

“We need to make sure there’s gonna be a heck of a couple of beaters for the Gryffindor team.”

“So, we want to see you play.” George smiled widely. “Come to the first practice and we’ll test you out afterwards.”

Before she could accept the invitation, Dumbledore started up with announcements. With the mention of dementors in his speech, the room went quiet and shivered with fear. Seamus began to look a little sick, so Lanee reassuringly patted his hand.

She found herself admiring Seamus, until a name caught her attention. “Professor Lupin, who has kindly consented to fill the post of Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher.”

Her head snapped up to the staff table. Impossible…Lanee though to herself as her eyes slowly trailed along the table. Her eyes drifted over her professors as she made her way to the end of the table, where the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher usually sat. The seat occupied a tired-looking man; with sunken eyes that started directly back at Lanee.

“Are you okay, ‘Nee?” Dean asked as she observed her wide eyes and colorless face.

“Yeah.” She lied, green eyes still locked on brown. After a moment, his eyes finally drifted away, the feast having begun. Lanee lingered for only a moment more, before deciding to at least attempt to enjoy the feast in front of her. She couldn't find much of an appetite. Her stomach as still too busy doing flips, either from Seamus’s hand on hers or seeing the chocolate brown eyes again.

Instead of heading to the common room after the feast, Lanee found herself in the Owerly, writing a long letter to her mother as Rozana sat on her shoulder and nibbled her purple hair. The stars and moon were out tonight, casting just enough light so Lanee could see the parchment. She sealed the letter in an envelope and handed it to her owl.

“Take this home, alright girl?” Lanee asked gently as the bird spread her black wings and took off.

This year wasn’t going to be easy.